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<br /> A _ �a7s��
<br /> paymenU may m longer L+e required,u the optian of Lender, ii mar.t�ge ineurance cover�;e(in'fl�e�anx�unt�nd foF th�period
<br /> ihu Lender requim>Pmvided by an insurer�pproved by l�ender�ala Decocn�s avail�ble�nd b obaln�. Borrower�h�il p+rY
<br /> tkc premi;ur:.requlrcd to mziatain t�ortgage tnxurn�c in effect,or tq pcovide�loRS rc.acrve,until the requinment for mon�ase L
<br /> in.y,u�ace p�ds in�ccardnmce with�ny wrictea qnoemeat between Borrower u�d L�endcr a applic�ble law.
<br /> 9.Irspectba. Leader or It�a�cnc way m�ke ce�aaoa6le entria upon aM inepcuiooa of thte Propercy.i..erA�tx ats�ll�ive
<br /> Hornowcr notke u t�s time of or pri�ar w�n ianFoctioa tpecitying reasootdste cauuc f�r tLe iatipecc�.
<br /> 10.Coedesi�ntlon.T!�pror.cedn of�ny awwrd ar cldm[or d�rrnge$. direcc or coasequaan,�l.im c�Aa�cti�n witb +ay
<br /> coodumantion or othar taldng oi ury pert of thu Pmpe�ty.or for conveyrcEncc in ti�of conde�nnciorn,ur DertbY�ji��
<br /> shal�tc pald to Lender.
<br /> In tha Cveat of a total tairi�g ot che�ageny.tDe prooee�a�11 be qepL�ad w tka aema eocured by t�?s Socuriry lntuuroait.
<br /> whecher or not tbea due. 1Y�it!AQyf t%GCSS�d t0 BflRAWCt. In the �vau ot s patsi�i k�&fcg of tbe Property in Ml�rch tLe f�lr
<br /> muka v�lue of th�A�q�ecry Immediatsly befo�t�t�JCing is equat w or greu�r t�tEa�nwunt of tYe suaas teausd by tEb
<br /> Seeudry Iastruuutnt immedfately befon the taking.ualesa Borrnwer aad 1,.�'1ar atLerwise agroe in wriitins.tLe suma ucured by
<br /> this Securiry Iaun�uta�en� shall be reduced by the unouat al tIu peooteds mutalpiied by the followIna fr�ction:(a)the tot�3
<br /> anwuut of the auma xcured i�ediately before the t�kW�r d��ridod by (b)tlre fair nsarlret value of tbe Pm(�ectr im¢medkselY
<br /> besioee tbe t�icing. Any baluice ahali be paid to Bornrkc�r. fn� ov�at of a parGat t�of tlse Propezty La wr:ich the fiir
<br />� mac�tet v�lue ot the Property:+����r��y before tLe ukiag fs lea tt�a the�mount off tSs�st:m�aoa�ed immedi�tely before tbe
<br /> � aking, uuleas Borrower and I.ender ot�awise ag�+ee in writiwg or unless�pplicable law ot6erwtse pt'o�ides�the pmoeeds r�b�U
<br /> be�pplied to the aums secu�d by this Sxuriry Inatnimeat whether or mt We avms are theu due.
<br /> If t6e Property is�bu�doned by Borrower.or if.�fter notia by I.ender to Borrower Wu tLe ooa�demnor otrat W nWce:n
<br /> awa�d or sattle a ctaim for dam�ges. Bomower f�i1s w capond tar Lender wit�in 30 days aRer�he Aue the naice is givea.
<br /> l.eader is wtlwriud to collaet u�d apply tLe proceed:.u its optla►, eitbar to restoruic►n or apatr oi tlx P�operty or to Wo suats
<br /> eo�,�uod py this Socudty Iastiumeat.whether or not tLea due.
<br /> Unless Le�er �ad Borrowu otherwiae�groe ln writin8�+�Y�PPlicatlam of pcocoods to priACipal �hall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of tLe maathly paymenu nferred to in par�grapiu 1�ad 2 or cbange tLe amount of sud►paym�eau.
<br /> 11.Eoei+ower Not Adeaeedi Forbau+toce By I.e.oder Nd a `i'V�I�a.Extr.�loa of tlse time for ptymeat a modiflcatlon
<br /> oi amaniz�cioa af tLe aum�socuiod by'mis�,ry L,;�--t�i�!�f f�ul.:.:a y^.;�r i�in!r.wr..f An*mwar stull
<br /> not oper�te to rele�se tbe IitLiliry of tho odE[n�l Borrower or Bomn�ver'a a�x�aora in inteKSt.I.en�la ehall not be cequtred to _
<br /> commeace pt,nceedings ag�inst�ny suoassor in itxerest or refwe to extend tina�e far p�ymeat a othr,�viee modHy amatlratioa
<br /> of the sums iecured by this SecurIcy Insttumeot by nawn of my dem�nd ix,ade by the odgtnal Bornower a Bormaa'a
<br /> a�ooesson ia intec�est.Any foxbe�raooe bY Leader in eacercising any dgbt or remody ahall not be a wtiver of a preclude the
<br /> eaerdse of aay dght ot remedy.
<br /> lZ.Srooessas �sd A�ip�Bouodi Jotot�ud Severd L3ab1Ut�':Co�[fne�. The coYemau�nd�gree�e�ts of Wis
<br /> Savrity Instrumeat ahall bind tod beaef{t the auxaiote and asigat of Leockr and Bonower.�ubjxt to tbe prorri�sioos o4
<br /> ' par�ra�A 17. Borrowa'�ooveo�atr and �genemeaW ahall be joint end aeveral. Any Bomnwer who caaigns tuis Se�uciry
<br /> lnutn�eait but das not exaute We Note: (a)i�oo-alsuic�th�s Socudty Ia�uumeat only to wottqge�Br+nt aod eonvey that
<br /> Botrowrct'd interrst in the Prapeny tu�der tLe tema of tbl�Sewrlty Ins►.rumear. (b)ia not Pe�cson�lly obU�tod to pay the tums
<br /> �ecured by this Socurlry I�aumeat:�od(c)agoes that Laid�r�od any other Bormwer miy agme to entavd,modiPY.focbear or
<br /> m�ke any�000mmo�d�ione wIth ragud to tbe terms ot thia 5ectuiry Imtrument or tLe Note witbout that 8orrower'�oon�ent.
<br /> 13.Lw�ChuYrs.It the laa eoaued by thts Socuriry Instnimtat i�subjax to a law which�ts maximum loaa charaes.
<br /> aod that law i�finally Interpreted so that the iate�eat or other loaa clvrges oollected or to be oallaxed iai oormectioa with the
<br /> loaa ea�vad the pamltted limiu�tLea:(a)any wch lom ct►arge�all be reduood by tt�e amount moe:suy to reduoe the c�uge
<br /> to the pamiaed limit:aad(b)u►Y a�ms alieadY collaxed trom Bozmwer whic2►exceedod permiued llmits wIll 6e roli�nded to
<br /> Borcowa. i�nder m�y c�oose W a�ilce thie refi�ad by ratucing tbe p=inc3pal owa!under tLe Note or by a�icing a dimx
<br /> p�ymeat w Borrower. U a reft�nd reduoes prIacIpil. tLe nduction wlll be mated as a putid p�epiymeot without �my
<br /> ps+ep�ynnat ch�rge uader tLe Note.
<br /> 1�.Nettoes.Any notia to Borrower providod for'uw this Secudry Insuumait s1►t11 be Blvea bY dellveting it or by mailing
<br />- it by fint clau m�il unlas�plicable law tequins use of�sother method.Tba notjce sha11 be dizocted to tLe Pmpe:ty Addnu
<br />- or�ny otber�ddreaa Boimwer designaitee by noNoe W L�eada. Any notia to I�ender ah�l be given by first clw mail to
<br /> Lsader's sddress stated hereln or any o[her�ddress L�eader design�ates by noticx to Bonower.Any mtioe provided for in this
<br />- Security Insuument t1u11 be deemod to have beea givea to Borcow�r a L�ender wbm givea a�pmvided in this p�t�gr�ph.
<br /> ls.Go�erotog Law; gerprabll(ty. This Security Iastmmeut ahaU be govemed by foderal Iiw �nd the law of the
<br /> jurlsdicdoa ia ahich the Property L+located.In the eveat that ony prov�sion or clause of this Socurity Insnumeac or tLe Note
<br /> oonflk��vitU�pplieabk law,such contlict sh�U not at'ffoct other provlslons of this Security Inatiumeat or the Note which e�be
<br /> given effxt withont the oonflicting provision.'I'o this ead the provislous of thia Secudry Iastmraat�md the Note are declurd
<br /> to be severabio.
<br /> 16.aaR+ower'�Copy.Borro�ver sLall bc given one confocmed oopy of the Note�nd of thia Sec�ulty Instrument.
<br /> Fann 30 !90
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