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<br /> i�
<br /> � � � 97— sq��'�A`�
<br /> _ TOOfiTHER WITH all We improveaxnts now or hereafter erected on the property.usd�tl euements.�ppurteawca.u�d
<br /> � � fiatu�es aow or dereaRer a put of th� property. All replacements and edditIaas ahall also be covercd by this Securiry
<br />__.,..�� Inscnunei►c.All of We forGgoing is ceferrod to in thls Security Insuumeat as tha 'Property."
<br /> ..„a.� �ARROWER COVBNANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of tbe estate hereby canveyed ufd has the cight to gruit�nd
<br /> ��-'v convey�he Property and thet the Prnpe�ty Is uaencumbered.except for encambrusces of record. Bomower wsrrants uid will
<br /> defead gcnerally the tide to the Property agxinst all claim9 and dcmaads,subJoct to amy encumbcances of record.
<br /> ''�,� THIS SfiCURITY INSTRUMHNT co�bG►es uniform covenauts for nuIanol use and non-wiiform covenants wif.►a limiced
<br /> vuiuions by juriadictioa w comtltute a uniform secudty instrument covering reAl property.
<br /> *:::,� iJNIFORM COVEIVANTS.Borrower aad Lender covenaat and agrx a foAowa:
<br />-.i', l. Payment ot Ptinct�wl and Inta+ns;Yrepvymeat �nd I.nte Clur�a. Bormwcr ehall Prom�WY PaY whcn duc We
<br />._�;'.� � pr�ncipal of aad interest c►n the debt evldenced b the Note aad an
<br /> y y prPpay�t and late cbargca due aadcr thc Note.
<br /> uu��+ 2.Flunds for T�q pnd Issurance, Subject to applicabl�law or to n written waivcr by Leader. Borrower ah�ll pay to
<br />`="�� Lende.r on thc day monthly payanents an due under the Notc,uatil the Note is p�id in lV�LI.a sum("Fuada")for:(a)yearly wces
<br /> ��� aad assaaments wht�h may uWa priorIty over this Security Instrnment�s t lien on the Pmpetty;N)Yeuly leasehold payments
<br />- ',�? i r ground nuW un the Property,If aay;(c)Yaarly h�zard or property Iaeuranx prcmiuuu:(d)Ye�riY tlaod ins�u�ncc premiuma.
<br /> _- _— f�W+; (�)Y e a r l y m o rt g�g e i n s u r�a a p n m i u m s�i f a a Y;a n d(fl a n y s w n s p a y a b l e b y B o m n w e r t o L�e n d e r, i a a�o�d a n c e w i t h
<br />--�� We provisi�ns of puagraph 8, in lieu of the p�ya�ent of mortgage insur�ace premiums.'tl�ese icems are caUed'Fscmw Icema."
<br />::,��: �d�r�Y� ��y�. coUcet aad hold F�mds in an amount not to eaox�the maximum aawunt a leader for a federally
<br /> = ielated mortg�ge lo�a may requlre for Borrower'a escrow account under the foderal Rea1 Estate Settlemeat Fmoedu�es Act of
<br /> _ 1974 as�mended from Hme to timG, 12 U.S.C.Sr�tion 2601 a seq. ('RPSPA"),uales��uc,ther law thu�pplies to the Funds
<br /> .-=� aete t lesser amount. If ao� Lender ma , at
<br /> _ y zWy time. collect aad hold Funds ia an anwuat not to exceed the laiser Amount.
<br />� �r m�Y atimue th��nount of runds due on tl�a buis of cmm�t dau�a6 nasonable atiroat�of expa�ditures of thnue
<br />_ Escrow Items or othenvtse in acoordu�a with applicable law.
<br /> -"` '!'he Fuada shW be held in an institudon whose deposita u�e insurid by a federal �gaky. inauumentality, or entIry
<br /> (includ�ng I.ender.if L�eader ia auch aa insdt►ition)or in aay Faleral Home Lo�n Builc,L�ender atWl apply the F1u�ds to pay tl�
<br /> _� Exmw Iums.L�ender may not chuge Bomower for holding and anplying t�e F�,� ta.��;�nnl;�ra�s�^r����ot�at.ar
<br />=—— �arlfyin8 the E�emw Items.unless Lendec piys Borrower intensi on the Fuada�ad appllcable law permiw I.eader to malce auch
<br /> a chug�.However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time chuge for w independent re�l estue nx reporr�ag servica
<br /> �--_ , used by 1.ender in oonnxtIon wIth this loaa, unlas applicnble law prnvldes otherwise. UNeas an �greemant is m�de or
<br /> applkable law requires lnurest to be paid.I.exider ahtll not bc required ta pay Bomower any intenst or eaminas on the Fuad�.
<br /> Borrov�►er and 1.�det mxY agrae in wrldag,howevcr. thu iaterest ah�ll t►c pxid on the Funds.I.eader attall givc to$orrower.
<br /> without chugo.an anaual�caounting of the Pwids,ahowing cndits�ud debita to the Fund��nd the puqwse for which osch
<br /> debit to the Fw�ds war m�de.'I�e Funda u+e pledged�s addition�l securlty for all aums aecurad by this SocurIty Insuumrnt.
<br /> — • Ff the Funds held by I,ender exoxd the amounta pemoittod to be held by applicable law,La�der ahall�t to Bormwer
<br /> • for the exaas Funds in�xordaace with thC requircmeau of appllcablo law,IY the amount of the Fnnds held by I.ender u�ny
<br /> time Ia not auf�cieat w ps4Yy the F.scrow Iteau wben due,Lender m�y ao aotlty Boemwcr in writing.and.it►wcb c�e Borrower
<br /> shall p�y w Leader the amount necasary to m�lce up the deflcienc.y. Borrower ahW t�l�e up tt�e deflcie�cy in nn mo�e tLan
<br /> �. twelve monthly paymeaW�u Leader's sole discnNon.
<br /> . UPar WY�t in fi�U of�l sums aavred by this Securiry Inauumeat, L�ender etWl pmmptly refhad to Barmwer any
<br /> Funds beld by I�eader.If.under par�graph 21, Lmder shdl acquire or aell the Pmperty.I,eQder�pdor to the�cquistaon or aak
<br /> , of tbe Pmperty�atwll�pply aay Fnads held by I.ender at the time of acqu�sltbn or Qale ss a cndit�gaimt the sumi aecurad
<br /> thia Security Insututxat. �
<br /> — �� 3. Applkati°°ot PMymea�t�.UNess appl�cable law pmvides otherwise,al p�ymeats received by I.ender undes paragrapha
<br /> . , 1 aad 2 ehW be applied:fisst. to aay pnpaymsnc charges due under the Note; axoad�to�mouata payable nnder puagraph 2;
<br /> �,�x third,to intenst dae;fourth,to prIncipal due;and laut,to my lue chuga due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Ch�e�a;Llem.Bomower�II pay al1 taaa. auessmeata.chugea�fina and impositions mrltwtable to the Pmperty
<br /> which miy atWn priorIty over this Security i�stnunent.wd leasehold prymenta or grouad reats. if aay. Bormwer ah�ll p�y
<br /> Weae obligatioas in the m�m�er provided ia paragraph 2.or if aot paid in ttYat nwmer.Borrower ahW piy tbem on time diratly
<br /> to c6e pereon owed payment.Bomower ahall promptly furnish to Lender all aotioes of emounts to be patd tmder thla paragr�ph.
<br /> If Bomower m�lces these paymeata direcdy.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender rxeipts evidencing the paymenta.
<br /> =- Borrower st►all prumptly diechatge aay lien which hat priortty ovot this Securlty Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> -= wrldng to the paymeat of the obligation aecured by t�e lien in a m,uner�cceptable to L�eqder;(b)oontrsta in good faith the lien �
<br />-��= by, or defends against enforcement of the lian in, legal procoedinga which in the Lender's opInion op�rate to provent the —
<br /> •�;e enforcemwt of the Ifen;or(c)sec�►res fmm the hoIder of thG liea en agrxment sa�sfactory to Ixnder euboMinating the liea w
<br /> -�`� this Secudry In�tn�ment. If Leader deteimines that any put of the Pmperty is subjxt to a lien which may aitain pdority over
<br />';�;:.7i t6is Secudty Instrumsnt,Lender may give Rora+ower a nodce ideatifying the lien.Borrower shall auis9j�the lirn or take one or
<br />-:;:;� mon of the actions set forth�bove within 10 d:rye of the giving of aotice.
<br /> e ,.
<br /> :— Paen�D2ne,8�J1Yo
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