<br /> 6�y application oP payinents, iusurance prooccds, or Miscellaneoue Prococds to prinoipnl due imder the Note
<br /> sha11 not extend or pos6pono the due date, or ohange 11�o amoLurt, of the Periodic Pa3nnents.
<br /> 3. l�nuds fm•Tl,ecrow Ifeins. Borrower shall pny to Lendcr 4in the tiay Feriodic Yayments are due unc{er lhe
<br /> Notc, until the Note ie paid in full, a snm(the"Pimds") Co provide for paynient of ninounts due f'oi: (a) taxes
<br /> and aasesFmcnts and other items which can attain prior�ity over [his Secniity Listrument es a licn or
<br /> encumbrwioe on Che Property; (b) leasehold paymcnts or�g ound rents on fhe Yroperty, if any; {o)preiniums
<br /> Por any and a11 insueance renuired Uy Lender under Seotion 5; and(d) Mortgnge Insurance preinitune, if any,
<br /> or airy sutns payable by Bonower Co Lender ni lieu of the pnyinent of Mortgage Insurnnce prcmiums in
<br /> aceord�noe wiCh the provisions of SecCion 10, 'Pl�ese items aze celled "�ecrow Items." At origination or at
<br /> any time during fhe term of tha Loui, Lender may require that Community Assc�ciation Daas, P'eea, and
<br /> Aseessments, if any, be escro�ved by Borrower', and auch duea, fce,s and assessments shall be an P,ecrow
<br /> Item. Borrowcr ehall pronipEly furnish fo Lcnder all notices of an�omit�to be�aid under this Section.
<br /> Borrower shall pay Leuder the Funda for L+scruw Itcros timless Lender wnivc;s Borrower's obligafion to pay
<br /> the Funds for nny or all Escrow Iteins. Lender may w�ivc Borrowar's oUliga6on to pay to Lender Puuds for
<br /> any or al] Fscrow Items at any tima Any such waiver may only be in w�riting. In the evenh of euch waivar,
<br /> Borrower shall pay directly, when uici Hvl�cre payaUle, the amonnls due for any F,scrow Iteme Por whicl�
<br /> payment of Pmids l�as Ueen waived by Lender tuici, if Lcnder requires, ehall Pm�nieh to l.ender receipta
<br /> ovideixciug such paymenC within such time period as Lender may require. Borrower'a obligation fo malta
<br /> such payineuts aud to provide receipts slia(1 Foi all purpoaes l�e deemed to be a coveii�mt nnci agrcement
<br /> contained iii this Secm ity Inetrumenf, as N�o phrase "covauant�nd agree�ncnt" is used in Section 9. Pf
<br /> Borrower is obligated to pay Escrow Iten�a dircetly, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower fails to pay the
<br /> amount dne for an�scrow IYain, Lender may exercisc iEs rights under Section 9 and pay such vnount nnd
<br /> Rorrowar sh�ll tihen be oUli�;ated under Section 9 to repny Eo Lcrider any such amounk Lendcr map revolce
<br /> 11ic w�vver as to any or nll L'�scrow]terns aC any time by a notice given in accordance with Seofion IS and,
<br /> upon such rovocation, Borrower shall�ay fo Lender al1 Fmids, and in such amounts, that are then required
<br /> wider this Section 3.
<br /> Lender aitty, ak any timo, collect uid hold Fnnde in nn am�imt(a) sttf'fioient to permi[Lendor ta spply the
<br /> Funds at the Eiine specified undcr R�,SPA, aud(b}not to exoeed the maxium�n ainount a lender cai�ret]uire
<br /> under RLSPA. Lender shall estim�te the amount of Funds due ou the Unsis of current data and re�sonnble
<br /> vstimates of expenditures of fidur�Rscrow Items or otherwise in accordance wiEh Applicable Law.
<br /> Tha Funds ehall be held in an institution whose deposits �re insLu•ed by a federel agenoy, in�trumentality, or
<br /> ontity(including Lender, if LcK�der is vi instiCuCion whose deposifs are so insureci) or in tuty Pederal Home
<br /> Loan Banlc. l,ender s1�211 apply the Punde to pay T1ie Escrow Items no 11Cer than the tiine specified under
<br /> RESPA. Lender shall not cl�arge Borrower for holding and applyiug the Punds, atmually analyzing the
<br /> oscrow accotuit, or vecifying tl�e Fscrow Items, unless Lender pays Rou�ower interest on Lhe Funde and
<br /> ApplicaU1e l,aw permits Lender (o n2alce sucli a eharge. Unlesa nn ag,��eeinont is mn�de in writing or
<br /> Applicable Law rcqLiires intereat to be paid on Cl�e}+unds, Lender shall not be requircd io pay Borrower any
<br /> interest or earuings on Eho Ftuzds. Borrower nnd Lender can agree in writing, however, lliat interest shall be
<br /> paid on tha Funds. Lender shall give to I3orrowei, without ohaxge, an annual accountiug of the Funds as
<br /> requircd Uy KESPA.
<br /> IP CUe�•e is a smplus of Punds lield in osorow, Ts de�ned uuder RLSPA, Lciider shall account to Borrcawer for
<br /> the excess fiiiids in a�ccordance with I2�SPA. if tl�era is a.shortage of I+mide hold in escrow, as de£ined uncler
<br /> RESPA, Lencler shall notify Borrower ae required by RL;SPA, and Borrower shall pay to l,ender tho�unount
<br /> neoessary to make up Lhe ahortage in accordanea with I2LSPA, Uut in no more than 12 montlily p�y�nevts. If'
<br /> iliorc iy a deficieilcy of Punds held in cscr ow, as defined under RLSPA, Lci�der sliall uoti£y Borrower as
<br /> znoaisee
<br /> NEBRl19KA-Singlo Family-Fannle MeelFreddle Mac UNIfORM IN9TRUMF.NT Porin 3029 77�'I
<br /> V M P(� V Id P6(NE)(1105)
<br /> INolters Kluwer Plnancial5ervicce PaAe 6 of'17
<br />