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201206312 <br /> BORROWERCOVENANTS that Borrower is lawfiilly seised of the estaCe hereby con�eyed nnd has U�c riglat to <br /> grant and convey the Property and that the Properly is tmencun�hcrcd, except Por enomnbrances of recard. <br /> Borrowcr warrante and wi11 deFend generally Yhe tiYle to the Property against all clai�ns and demands, subject to <br /> any encumbrnnces of recurd. <br /> TI-ITS SL�CURITY INS'1'l2LTMRNT combines miiform coveneuYs Yor n�ttional use and non-uniform covenants witil� <br /> liiniCed vari�tions by ji�risdiot�on to cone6ituto a uniform security inskument coveriug reel properCy. <br /> UnIfOYM Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenant and a�;�ee as iollows: <br /> 1. PaymenY of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Rorrower <br /> ahall�ay when duc tlic prii�cipa1 of, arid interest on, the debt avidenced by Yhe Note and any preplyment <br /> c1i�r�es and late charges dueunder the Note. Borrower shnll also pay funds for�,scrow items pw�suaut to <br /> Section 3, Paymenls due under tl�e Note and Chis Security Instetunent ahall be made in U.S. currency. <br /> IIowever, iP any el�eolc or oHier instr umcnt ceceived Uy Lender as payinent under tlie Note or this Seeurity <br /> Listrume�it is returned to Lencier unpaicl, Lei�ider may requirc that any or a17 aubsequent payinanYs due under <br /> the Note aud Ehis Securitiy Inst�mnent be made,in one or more of the following Ponns, as aciccted Uy Lendet: <br /> (a) czsh; (b) moncy ordcr; (c) cettified clieck, bank aheck, treasm'er's check ar cashier's cheek, provided any <br /> such check ie drawn upon an iiietifuLion whoso tiepoeiis aro insurcd by a federal a�ency, insY�'umentality, or <br /> �nGity; or(d)Electronic Funds Transfec. <br /> Paynzents ere deemed received by Lander when received at the location dcsignated in the Not�e or at such <br /> oUier locafion as mey be deaignafed by Leuder in nccordano�with the notioe provisions in Sc,rot'ron 15. <br /> Lc;j�der may rehun any payment or partial payinanti if tlie payinetrt or pu•tial payments pre insiil'Ccienf to <br /> 6ring the Loan currcnt. Lcndcr may accept any payme��t or partial payinent insufficient Eo bi•ing the Lofln <br /> cutrenE, without waiver of nny righte hereunder or prejuciice Co iTe righLs to rcfiise such payment or p�rtiial <br /> payinents in the fu[ure, but Lender is not obligated to apply euch paymentis at the time such paymcnte aro <br /> accc;pte;d. If cacl�Youodic Paytnenk is npplied as of its sclxeduled dua dake, tihen Lender need not pay interes[ <br /> on unapplied funds. Letacier sx�ay holci suoh una�plied Funds unti] Borrower ma1res paymenCs to Uring tha <br /> Loan current. If Borrower does uot do so within a xeasonable period of time, Lender ehall cithcr apply sLich <br /> funds or retwn thein to Borrower. If noC applied earlier, such iiands will be applied to the outstanding <br /> principal Ualance undcr fhe Note im�nediately prior to foreclosLve. No otfset or claim which Borrower might <br /> have now o�•in the firture ag�inst Lender shall relieve 13orrower fi�om snnldng payments d�io undcr the Notc <br /> and this Security InsUuuient or performing the covenuits 1nd agreements secured Uy thia Security <br /> Instruurcnt. <br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proeeeds. Fxce��t E�s otherwise�iescriUecl in tUis Section 2, all payinants <br /> aceepted ancl Applied by Leuder ahall be applied in the Pollowing order of pziority: (a) intcrest due u+ider the <br /> Note; (b)principal due under tlie Note; (c) amouuts due under Sactioxi 3. Such pey�nents shall I�e applied to <br /> each Y�7odic Paymcnt�n thc order in which it became due, Any remaiuing ainonnCs sl�all ba applied firet to <br /> late chnrgea, seeond to nny other aniounts due undex Chis Secnrily InsLrmnent, and tl�on to reduce the <br /> principal bala��ce of the Note. <br /> If Lender receives a pe}nnent fiom Borrower for a delinquent Periodio Paywent which includea a suf�cic�it <br /> aiuomrt Co pay auy late charge due, tha payinent inay be a�>plied to the delinquent payment nnd the late <br /> a1�ar-ge, If more than one Veriodic Payment is otirtstemdiug, I.euder may apply any paymant received from <br /> Borrower Lo Che reyayinenC oP khe Periodio Pay�nenle if, �nd to Chc oxtoiit that, each payment can be paid in <br /> full. To the extent that any excess exisYs after tlie payAuent is a�lied to the fiill paymenC oP one or ivore <br /> Pariodic Payment,s, suoh excess may be applied to ang late charges due. Voluntzry prepaymanYs ehall be <br /> applicd GreC to any prepaymont charges and thcii ae describcd in fl�c Note. <br /> 2h007565 <br /> NGOR�SK�-Sinyle Family-Fannie M17aolF�etltlie Mac U@IFORM INSTRl1M[NT Form 3028 17�1 <br /> VM P C� VM P8(N6)(11061 <br /> Woltere Kluwer Rnancial Se�viceq page 4 oi 17 <br /> a <br />