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<br /> S.H�rrrd or Pruperty Iaturance. �omowcr ehall kap the imyravemeaats now cxisting or hereafler crectcA on the Property
<br /> insurod�winst lasa by fire,hv.erds includod�within thc term "eztended cavuagc" and any other twards� including Eloc►ds or
<br /> f{ooding,for which Lci►dcx rcciuiecs lnsucsutcc.Tt=s las�:tans,�shwil he matntafr�ed in thc amounts and tor tho periods thut Lcnder �L
<br /> roquina.7Tie insurmce carrie+Providing the jnsurmca sh�U b�ctascn by Barower subjoct to I.ender's approv�l which ahall not
<br /> bo muea�onably withlkid. It Borrowu fails to maintaln covenige described ebovc. Lender may. at L�endu's option, obtaln
<br /> cover�e w protoct Lcndti's dghu in the Propetty in�ccacd�nce with p�ragr�ph?.
<br /> Al1 insunr►�e policks and renewals ahail ba ar�tabb to Laider md sha11 inchade a atendard mongago clause.I.ender shaU
<br /> huva the rlght W hold 1he policics and rer�wal�.lf l.ender ro4uircs.Borrower ahtdl promQQY 8ive W Lender all receipts of paid
<br /> pruniums md renewal noltias.In the ever�i of la�,Borrower shall give prom�t�r�t'rx to tho insurance curier and Lec�dtt.Lende�
<br /> msy mtke proof of bas if not mado pcomPtlY by Boctowcr.
<br /> Uniess l�ender�nd Borrowa othc�wise�groo in wcitiog.insur�+ice pcocced3 sh�l be�pplied to nsta�tion a npo�r ot the
<br /> �Y��8�•it the restaution or r�peit ls annonnk�l2y fea4ibb and Luv32r's secucIry is not less�d. If tho restoraoicxi a
<br /> rtpeir is not economicillY feu4ibb or Lender's scxnrity wcwld 6e kssened.LAa ic►sutance yroceeds stiall bc applied w the sums
<br /> scx;urod by this Security Inswmen� wM.-tAer a not t1� due,witll anY ex'c�ss P�id W Borrower.If Barower�b�ndons the
<br /> Propaty.ar dae+aot�nswa within 30 daYs a nodce from L�tltiat tho insurance cerrkr ha4 offaod w seule a claim�then
<br /> Latder m�y coilect the inssunae Pc'ocoafs.Lendet msy use t}�e prtx�ods to repair ar restarc the P'ropaty m to pay sums sscured —
<br /> by thls Sacur�ity In�b whetha ar not then due.'lUc 30-day period wiU begiu wben tho notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Botcowa otherwise a�oe In wridn8,�Y�P�of procoeda to princiPal shaU not extend a postpone
<br /> Iho due date of th�monthly p�yments nferrod tn in�bs i md 2 or chango the amount of tho payments.If urider P�
<br /> 21 thn Pmperty is a�cquired by Lenda.Borrowu's right w eny insurance policies and proceals resulting fran d�m�ge t�o the
<br /> p�y p�a rhe acq�isitlo�sha11 pass to Lendu to tho a�icnt of the sums socured by this Socurity Insuument immodiately
<br /> rlar a the acquisitbn.
<br /> � 6.Oocupancp,Preaervatiao�Mr�intenaioe�nd ProtectioA ot t6e Property: Borrower'e Loan AppljcaKoni Le�seholda.
<br /> Bamwa shall oocupy�eslab�.gh,and use the Propaty es Borrower's principal residence wlthin sixcy daya aftu the exxution of
<br /> thia Sacuriry Instrument and sha11 wndnae to oocupy the Pcopercy av Bortower's principal residence fa at leugt one year afur the
<br /> date of occupancy, unkss 1�d*r otlx�wlsa ag�es �n w�d�g�which cunsent shaU not be unreasonably withheld,a unless
<br /> extenuating aucwnata.noes ea�st whicfi are bcyond Bw=:,wa's�n�l.E�i:'ts S!L'sll ACt�:4�,��4r im�+s!ir 1l�e P[onerty:
<br /> albw the Pm�ly 10 des�aior�u, oc commit waste on the Prope:ty. Borcow�er shall De 6� default if aay fafeluue actlon a
<br /> P��B•ahedur civil a crlminal.is be8un that in Lender's good faith judga�ent cou}d result in fafcitura of cbe Propaty or
<br /> otha�dse matalallY ImPair the lkn creazed by this Secwt3ry Insaument a Lendcr's securSry int�.Sfltrowa msy curo such a
<br /> def�ulc and relnsnte�as provided in puagraph 18.bY caus�in8 tha actlon a procoeding to be alis�m�.ocd anth a rul�1h�t.1i►
<br /> I,en�r`s good faith desa�min�tlon,Pncludes forfeitum of the Bomower's int�rest in the Propasty or oth+�r metaial impetrrtknt of
<br /> the 1kA created by this Socurity Instcumont or Londor's securlty lntues�Barowu shall also be in det�ult lf Barowa.during the
<br /> lan aPP��P���S�ve mataially false ar In�wate infamation a statements to Lenda(or fefled w provide I.ender vv�th
<br /> any mataial infonn�[ion) in connoccbn wUh the loan evjdenced by ihe Nae. includL�g, but noc Iimited w,reprGSaiutions
<br /> concanin8 Bomuwa's occupancy of ihe Pmpaty as a p�incipal reaicknoe.If this Socurlty Insw►nent i�on a kasehold.Barowa
<br /> sltAll cotnply with all the psovisions of the lease.If Bo�mwer acquires fec title to tho Propaty.the leasehold and ihe fea dtk slull
<br /> not merge unless L.aular�gtees to the mager in wrldng.
<br /> 7.Protectiou o�Lender's Ri�6te in the Property. If Borrower fails to pafam the cavenants md agramd�ts containal in
<br /> this SecuritY Instrumait, a them is t legn!procoedinB��Y ���Y effect Lender's rIghu in tho P�opeitY(such�a
<br /> ��8��Y.P���for condemnadon�r fotfeiAua or W cnface laws or reguladons).d�Lender may do and p�Y
<br /> f.�x w�6ateva is necess�ry b protect the value of 1he Propaty and I.ender's rights in the Ptoperty.I.endu's�ctirons muy ir�clude
<br /> poyln� anY sums socurod by a lien which has prioricy over this Security Insuvma►t,eppearin8 in caut,PaS'in8 re�onabk
<br /> ntwtn4ys'fees ond entaing on the PropeKy to make repeirs.Alttwugh Lender may take aeNon unda this paagceph 7.L�enckr
<br /> doas not havo w do so.
<br /> Any amounta disbursed by Leada undu this pa�agraph 7 ahall become additbnal debt nf Homower secured by thia Sacurity
<br /> Inshru�xmG Unless Borrowa and Lender agroe to othex t�ns oi payment,these a�nonnts shall bar interest from the date of
<br /> diabw�n�nt at tho Nota ra0a and atiall be paysbk,with inurest,uport nodce from Lendu co Borrowa requesdn6 PaY��
<br /> d.Mortp�e Inaurana. If L,ender roqu�re.d mortgege insurance ag a condiflon of making the Wan socnrod by this Security
<br /> Inswment, Borrower shall pay the premiums roquind to maintain the mortgage �nsurence in effect.Tf. fc►r any reaton. tha
<br /> moctgage insurance coverege requineA by Lenda lapses a ceases W be in effect,Borrower shall pay the prcaniums requirod eo
<br /> obtain covu�age substandally aquivelent to the mortgage insuTenco previously in effec�at a cost subseantially equivaknt W Ihe
<br /> cost tn Borrawu of the morRga$e insurena Proviously in effect,from an altanate mortgage insurcx epproved by L,er�dei. If
<br /> su6stantiaUy equiv�icnt mortgage insurauce ooverege Is not available,Barrowu shail pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> _ one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage fnsurence Pnmium betng paid by Barrowu when the insurance coverage lap�ed or ceasod�o
<br /> be in eft�eL LendGr will accept, use and retain these payments ag a loss re,4erve in lieu of mortgage insurancx. Loss reserve
<br /> Form 802� Y!!0
<br />— �-!R(NE�f�araj.o� Pap�3 of• i�n�,i.:----
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