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<br /> PAYmcnt�may no{ongcr bo requlrod�at tha aptlo�of Lender.if mortgago insurance covuago tt�e a�nount end for Ihc periad
<br /> that i�endcr roquires)provlded by an lnsurcr approved by Lendcr again bocomcs availabla end is obtained.Barowa sh�U pay thc
<br /> premium� rcquirod W m�int�ln matgage insunNCa in cffect,or to P►'avide �loss cesave. un�l �he re,�uinmcnt for mortgugc
<br /> �y��e�v u��c�rd.a��ce widi any wrItte�agrc;ement b�t��ecn Borrowor and I.snder or epplleable law. __
<br /> 9.Iiupectioe. Lenda a i1s agent may m�ica reasonabk entrks upon and inspectbns of the Pcepeity. I.ender ehall givo
<br /> Bocrowa nodce u tla rirne of or priar tc�en inspoction apecityIug ceasonable cuuse for the inspocdon.
<br /> 10.Caodemnptlon. Tho prnceods of any awud or claim for dameges, dinct or conseque+ida�,in connxhon with any —
<br /> condemnadon or oti�tr tatcing of sny part of the Y'ropeny,ar fa convcyana in lleu of oaadannation,ero hereby assiigrnd and
<br /> shaU bc paW w Ltnda. �
<br /> In�he cvent of •wtal taking ef�hc�roperty.tho procoa7s shall be epplial u�iho sums sxured by this Sccudty lnsuument, -
<br /> whether ar not then due.with enY�cess Pnid tn Aorrowu.In the event of a�utial talctng of the Pmpesty in which the f�ir market
<br /> valua of tho Property immediauly beforo the tnkInB is equal to or greaur tha�the amount of tha snma securod by thl�Securtry
<br /> Instrument immediak►Y befrn+e tha tekin8. �"less B°R°WU' and T�ndu othawLqe ag�oe in wrid.ng�the sums accurcd by thls
<br /> 8ecurity Inatrumu►t shaU be raditccd by the amount of the procoeds muldplicd by the following frsction: (a)the tatal nmount of
<br /> �ho sums sxurod immadi�tely bcfare the takiag,divldod bY N) �he fair madcet valx of the Property jrnmediatcly baSora the
<br /> , taking,pny b�ance sha�U be paid w Borrflwer.In ihe�veat of a paR�ul takL�g of the Pmperty in wtilch the fair market v�lue of the
<br /> pmp�xty innmediuely betora the taldng is bss than the amount of ihe swiis secured Immediatcly bcfarc thc t�king, unless -
<br /> Bamwu and L�othawise a�ee in wrldag or unkss applkabb law whawLse provides.the}xo�oeds sdaU bo appQed to the
<br /> sums secuc�od by this Securlty Instrument whethu or not the sums ere th�n due.
<br /> If the Pmpaty it nbendas►od by Barowu.or if�aftcr notke by Lender to Borrower that the oondcmnor offers w rnalce an
<br /> award or seule a claim for damAges,Bonowu fails w respond to Lendcr wlYhin 30 days after the date the not�ce i�given,Lender
<br /> � ���or�zed to colloct and apply tho pcoccods.at its opdon,either to reswradon or repatr of the Pro�+erty a to the sums socuired
<br /> by this Secwriry Instrument,whethu or not thu�due.
<br /> ' Unkss Lenda a�d Bo�rowa o�1se agroe jn wridn8.anY ePPlication of procoods to pcincipal shall not ca�tend a Postpone
<br /> tha dua dato of the rnonthlY Ps'J��nf��O��phs 1 and 2 a change the senount oS such payments.
<br /> � Ii.Bnrrower Not Rekaecd;Forbear�noe By�.eader Not a Watver. Butension of the dme for gayment or �radificatlon
<br /> of emo�.atloe of tha sums aecuc�ed by this Secudty Tnstcument granood by Lendu to aay successor in lntrnst af B�wrowa shsiU
<br /> - not operAta to reka��e me iiabiliry oi ihe uriginai Bu+�v�ca v�Dt��:.'s�ar,c�,ctr'in 3�tts�t I.t.^�°.a�!��t�ttlr�!i� _
<br /> ee�mmerice procxdings against�ny succes.loc In inta�est or rafuse to extend tlme fa paymt�nx a othe�wiso modi�fy amort�atlon of
<br /> � tho awns eec�u�od by dtia Sec�,vity Insunment by reason of any demand made by the or3gin�1 Bomower or Borrower'a suca,ssora
<br /> i in interesG My forixuance by Lender�n�xucjsinB�Y�8ht a remody shall not be n waiver of a precludo the exe�ciso of any
<br /> . right a nmedy.
<br /> 12.S�ocasenre u�1 Assigns Boundi�aiet and SevcrAl Labiltty. Casipere.Tfia covenanu and agroemen� of this
<br /> Securlcy Instrument ahall bind end beaofic the sucassors and acsi8ns of Lender and Boimwer.sub�ect w �he provislona of
<br /> , .y paragteph 17. Borrowu's aovenanis and agrama►ts sha(1 ba joint and s�vual. Any BoROwa wtro casigns dds Security
<br /> Instrument bat doea ncx exaeute [he PTote: (a) is ca•signing Q�is Socudty Instrumene only to moAgege. 8ru�t and convey th�c
<br /> 0
<br /> Borrower's intaest h� tho Pmpecty under the tams of this Security Ins�umenr(b)is not Pa�onpilY oblig�tod b piy�tie swns
<br /> '� socural by this Socurity Insuumenx and(c)agcas that L,e�d�x end eny aha Barowu may a�oo to ext�end,tn�difY�fcxbear ar
<br /> ' � make auy�ocommaduia�+with reg�rd w the tams of this SocurIty Instrumatt or the Nota without t}wt Borrower's corotrG
<br /> a;? 13.I.o�a Cisr�a.. If the loan sacurod by this Seciuity Instrument ts subjoet to a law which sets muimum lan c6aeges,
<br /> �'��' and th�t Lw L�finally inlerptewd so tt�at tha intuest or other loan charges colkxt�ed ur to be colkxted in connocdon with tha loan
<br /> e�cceod the permltted 1imi�s.d�a�: (r)eny aueh loan chugo shall be roduced by Ihe amount necessery m redur,e c�o cl�rge to the
<br /> ,� � pamiuod llmi�md @) anY aums already coY�ectod from Barower which excadod Pennittod limics will La nfuadod to Barowa.
<br /> L L�enda may chaome to make this nfiu�d by reducing tha principAl owed under the Note a by m�ldng a diroct ptyment to
<br /> • Barower. If a rofund raluoes pr�nctpal,the reduction wW 6a matcd as a P�P�Y��wItix�ut any percmayment charge
<br /> , unda tho Note.
<br /> 14.Notice�. Any notice u�IIarowu provldod for in thls Securiry Inswment sMll bc giva►by delivuing it or�y mailing it
<br /> Uy first cU�s m�i1 unles�appllcablo law requires usa of another method.'17�e naice st�all ba dirocted w tl�e Propaty Addcr.ss or
<br /> .' any Whtx addreas Boncawer deslgnates by nodce to I.endu.My notice to Lender shall be gtven by(irst class mail to Lenda's
<br /> - adckess atatal harJn or ony other address Lendcr deslgnates by notice w Borrower. My notice provlded for in thls Secority
<br /> Ynstcuma�t�hall be doemed w 6avo boen given to Barower or Lender when given ag pmvidod in this paragreph.
<br />_ ls.Coverwtn�l,y��r;Severn63Uty. Thfs Soc:uity Tnstrumeat stiall bo govuned by federal law and the �w of thc
<br /> jurisdktion in wh�t2�a Propacy is locsvd•In tho event that any provision or clau�a of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> conflkta wit}t aDplipble law.such canfikt shall not affoct othu proris�Dns of this Socurlty Instrumont or tha Notc which can bc
<br /> giva�cKect without Ihe confticdng provLsbn.To this ead the provis�ons of this SeGtvity Instrument end the Noto are declered to
<br /> be severable. _
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