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<br /> 'POCiBTHSR WITH W tho lmpravemc�t�now or Aere�ltcr erocted on�ha propaty�and al!casemer�ta�appurteaar►�e�.�d
<br /> Catures now or huealter a p�rt of tha property,All rcpl�cCments md�dditlons ahvl also bo covcred by thia Socu�ity InsuumenG
<br /> All of 1ha faegoing i�nfe�red to in this Securlty Insuument�ut tho"Propeny."
<br />. BORROWER COVENANfS tl�2 Sorto�vcr is lar�fully� � of the estate he�[eby conv.:ycd�d has Utic elght to gt;u�i�tul
<br /> convey the�ropaty uid thu the Proputy is unaicumbered, eacept for encumbrenoes of recotd. Barower w�rmnts�nd wUl
<br /> defend gener�lly the titk w the Propeity ngair►st all claims snd dcmends,sub,joct w any encumbrancea of record.
<br /> THI5 SECURITY WSTRUIu�NT wmbines uniform covcnants for nation�l use and nan-unifom► covcnAnts with limitad
<br /> variations by jurisdicdon to consdNto a uniform secur�ty Instrumeat covering real pt�opaty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNAIVI'S.Borcowu and Lendtr covenant and agree as foQows:
<br /> 1.Payment ol Priectp�!and Interestt Pnpa�n�.nt aad Late Charges. Bom�wer shWl prompdy pay whcr� duc dw
<br /> principal of and intaest on�he debt evWenced by tbo Noto and Any prep�yment and late charges duo undrr the Nou�.
<br /> 2.�nda for Taxes and Insuaaa. Subkct w applkabb law or to a wriacn waivu by Lendar. Borrower ahall pay to
<br /> L,endes on tlie day monthly paymerus ara duo unda tho Nata.untU tl�a Noto is paid in fuU,a sum("F1mds")for.(a)yeiuly taxcs
<br /> and assessrt�ts which may auain prloriry over thb Socurity Instcument as a I�en on the Property:(b)Yoarly kavehold payments
<br /> a grcwnd rents on the Prc�paty.If eny:(c)Yearly hu.ard ar prapaty insuranoa premiumst(d)Yeacly tlood iasuronce Jm�miwru�if
<br /> enY;(e)Yearly moctgage insurance premiums.if any: end(�any sums payabb by Borrowv to I,ender.in acrcordanee wIth the
<br /> provisioos of paragcaph 8.in liw of the payment of mortgngo iasurance premiums. if�ese itams are c,albd "Esaow Ituns."
<br /> I.ender may,at any time.coUect and hold Funds in en amount not to excoai the maaLnum srt�oont a lender for a falerally nlated
<br /> mortga,ge loen may roquire for Boerowu's escrow accaunt under the�oderal Real Estete Setderrknt Procedures Act of 1974 a9
<br /> amended fiom time W ttrt�e,12 U.S.C.Soctioa 2G01 et seq. ("RfiSPA"),unkss another 1aw that epplks W the Fucids sets 4 lesser
<br /> , artroun�If so.Lender may.at eny time�oollxc md hold Funds in an amount not to excoed thc lesscr emounG I.ender may
<br /> esdmatc Ihe araiount of Funds doe on the basis of currcnt data and reasonabk esdmat,e,s of expendiwres of fuwre Bsaow Items or
<br /> othawise in accadanca with applicabk law.
<br /> Tlae FY�nds shall be held in an institu�on whose deposhs are insurod by a federal agency,i�istrumentality�a�endry(inclading
<br /> L�etxler,if Lu►dor b such an insdtution)or in any Foderal Home Loan aank Lender shell apply the Funds W pay tbe�scrow
<br /> Iicros.I.ender may not charge Barowa for holding ansl aPP�Y�B tl�e Funds.ennuaUy analyzing 1he esa�nw a000unt,a vuifY�B
<br /> the Bsexow Iteras.nnless Lender pays Bomnwa intaest ctn tt�a Fl�nds and applk�bk law pamits Lendsr to malce such a ctwge.
<br /> = IIaaw��� i.�ss�:. may r-�u�n�tvwc:i'v�.ay n��c-iinio i:iinigc iw an indcpauictti tzaI esraoe�c rejarting service uaod by
<br /> L�aitler in oonnection with this loAn.nnkss applk�ble law provides othenvise.Unless an agroem�nt�S made a appUc�ble law
<br /> � ro4uire�s intaest to be paid,Lcrider shall not ba requirod to pay Borrowcr eny intenst a eunings on the Fund�.Bore�nwer md
<br /> � L�cxider mAY�gree in writing,how�va.tha�t Intaest ahall be paid on tha Funds.Lender shall givo W Borrowa.without charge.en
<br /> r annwil sccoundng of tWe Funds,showing credib and dcbits w the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to tha Funds w�u
<br /> � made.'ll�o Funds aro plodgod as eddidonal sociuity tor aU sums secured by�his Savrity Insuumcnt
<br /> �� If th�Funda held by L�ndu�cood the amounupeimiued w be F.�eld by epplicabl�ls�w.Lender shell account W Horrowa fa
<br /> � the exc,ess Funtl�in aax�rdarke with the requirements of applkabk law.If 1he amaunt of the Funds hoW by Lendar at�ny time Is
<br />� not s�ft'icient co pciy the Bscmw Items when due,I.endcx may so nodfy Borrower ln wriang,and.in such case Bocrowar shall paY
<br /> w Lander ttie unount nocassary to make up the deficiancy. Barmwu shall malca up thn det�kncy in no more than twelve
<br /> mo�thlY P�Yments.at l.ender's sob discr�tion.
<br /> Upon paymau in full of aU sums xcuned by t�b 5xiuity Instrurt�er�t,J.enda s6all promptlY nfund co Bocrower any Funds
<br /> held by Lender.If.under peragrayh 21,Ler�da shaU acquim or sell the Propaty.Lender.ixior w the acquisition a sab of the
<br /> . Proputy.s1Wl apply eny Fuads held by Lender at the tirne of acquisidon or s�le a4 a cralit against Ida sums eocurod by this
<br /> Securiry Jnstn�mWtt
<br /> 3.AppliaiRion of P�yiaey�ts. Unkss appllcabk law provides athawiac.ell p�ymonts recelved by Lender under par�graph�
<br /> 1 and 2�tull be applibd: Cust� W anY prq�aYment charges dne under t1w Note:sccond,w amounta ppyabk uc�du paragraph 2;
<br /> third,to intaest due;founh,to princ�pal duc;aad laSt„to eny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> : 1.Charres;Lieas. Barowa sdall pay all taxes. a�sessntents. chtuges.fuxs and Lnpositions anribs�uibk W the Propeity
<br /> ; Nhkh may aaain priority over thi9 Sec�ty InstrumtAt,and lcsaSehold paymenu or ground xents.if any.Bamwa sha11 pay these
<br /> ; obiiguions in the m�aner prov�dod in ptuagraph 2.a if not paid in that manner,Boirower shall pay ihem on time dirocdy w the
<br /> parson owed paymatt Bomnwer shall promptly fumish to Lender all nodcas of amounts w be paid unda this paragreph,If
<br /> Barower makes these payma�ts direcdy.Bomower ahall pmmptly famish to Lendu reccipts evklencing the pAyments.
<br /> � Borrowa shatl P�P�Y disctiargo any lien which ha4 priority ova d��s Security Instrument unless Bomowa:(a)agreea in
<br /> � writinng to the payment of the obllget�n sxnred by�he lian in a manner ac�ceptabk to Lendu;(b)contests in goud faitb the Ikn =
<br /> . by, or defaids agatnst enforcemerit of the lien in,legul procoedings which in thc Lender's opinion operatc W p�vcnt the -
<br /> � enfarcement of the lkr►:or(c)soc�res from the hoWer of the lien an agreement satisfacwry to L.ender subordinating the lten to
<br /> ; this Securlty Instrumcai�If I.ender d�inas that any part of the Property 3s subjact to a Iien which may atmin priority ovu this
<br /> Security Instrument�Lenda may gtve Borrowu a nwice identifying the llen.Borrower sfiall sadsfy the ltan or mke one or mor�e
<br /> of the acti�ons set fozth abova wiWin 10 days of the giving of noflce. _.
<br /> Form 804e Sl90
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