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201206086 <br /> sevtences shall not ap�ly to the presence, use, or etorage o�t tlie Property o#'sin�Ql quanti6ies of Hazardous <br /> Substances that are generally recognized to be a}�propciate tn normal reeidential uscs and Co mainYenanee of <br /> the Property(including, but not limited Co, liavaxdous subskmces in consumer products). <br /> Borrower slial] prainptly grve L,cnder wiitten notice of(a) any investigation, claii�u, demand, lawsuit or oflier <br /> actioil by any govcrmnenl'al or regulatory agei�cy or private party involving the Properly and any H�zardous <br /> Substancc or Environmental Law oP which Boccower l�as actual knowledge, (b) any Env'tronruental <br /> CondiHon, including but not limited to, any epilling, tcalcing, diecharge, release or threat of celeasc of any <br /> Hazardous SuUstnnce, and (c) any condiCion caused hy Clie presenee, use or release�f a Hazardous Substance <br /> which adversely aPfecls l6e value of the ProperYy. I'f Borrower leains, or is noCiCied by any governmentnl or <br /> rcgalal:ory authnrity, or a�y private party, that �my ren�oval or oCt�er remediation of any fiazardous Substance <br /> afFecting the Property is neccssaiy, Borrower shaff promptly take all necessary ren�iedia] acfions in <br /> accordance�uith Envixomnenta] Law. NoYhing lierein sl��ll create airy obligaCion on Lender Por an <br /> Environmental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Borrowcr and Lender covenant nnd agree as follows: <br /> 22. Acceleratian; Remedies. Le�ider,sl�all give nohice to Barrower prior to acceleratiun following <br /> Borrowcr's brefwh uf auy covenanC or agreemeut 9n this Sccnrity In,strunient (but uot prior fo <br /> accelerutioirunder Section 18 u�less Applicablc Law provides oCPierwise). The uotice shall s�ecify: (a) <br /> Che defat�lt; (b) the action roquired to mire the default, (c) a dnte, nof less than 3U dAys from Che dale <br /> the uotice is given to Burruwe�•, by whSch Che deYault must be cnred; und (d) tl�uC failure to enre the <br /> deFault u�i ur before the date specifiecl in Chc noticc mpy resiilt in acceleraC9on oP the swns securcd by <br /> this Security InstrumeuY ancl sale of thc I'ropert,y. 'fhe notice sl�all further inform Borrower uf the <br /> righC fo reinstate after acecleration and the right to briug a court action to asscrt Che no�-existe��ce of a <br /> defaulf or any othcr dcYcnse of I3urrower to acceleration and sale. If the def'anit is nut cured on or <br /> beYore the clate spccified iu the notice, Leuder at iL4 optiou may rcquire immediate payment in Yull nf <br /> all swns sccnrcd by this Sectu•ity InsCrument withaut fnrther demtuid and muy uivolce Che power of salo <br /> and any uther reniedie,s perrnitted by Applicable Law.Le�ider shall Ge enCiCled to collecY all expenses <br /> iizcurred 3u pm•suing the remedies ��rovided iu this 8ection 22, including, but noY limitecl to, rcasoutible <br /> atCornegs' fees and costs of titic evide�ice. <br /> If the�owcr of sule is invulced, '1'rusCee shall recorcl a noticc oY det'nult in eacl� counC�in which nny <br /> part of the YroperCy is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the mam�er prescribed uy <br /> Applicable Law to Borrower aud to tlic otber pei�,wns�reacribed by Applicable Law. After the ti�ne <br /> required by Applicable Law, Trustee shall give public notice of sale to Ehc persons and iii the m�nner <br /> prescriued by Applicable Lnw. Tri�stee, wiChout demaud on Borrowcr, sliall sell tlte YroperCy at public <br /> auction to tlic hi};he5t bidder aC Che Cime and place and undcr tlw tcrms desi��aCed in Che notice of sale <br /> iu one or mme parcels aud in auy order Trustoe detcrmines. Tivetee in�y poSCpone sple oP all or any <br /> pprceL oP N�e Property by p�b19c anuommement at the tune and place of avy pcev9ously schednled st�le. <br /> i,ender or tts designee may purcliaec Che Pruperty aC any s�le. <br /> Upon receipt of payment oY the price bid, Trustiee shall deliver to the pm�cliascr Tri�stee's deetl <br /> conveyiug the Froperty. The recitals fi� tl�e 7'rustee's deed sl�all be pi�ma fncie evidence oP lhe truth of <br /> the st�itsmeiiks made C1�erein. Trustee shall apply tlio proceed,9 of the Sale in Che following order: (a) to <br /> all cosfa and expenses of exercisiixg tl�c l�ower of Sale, and Che sale, including Che paymont oY t6e <br /> Trustee's fees a¢tually incurrcd��id ref�souable attorneys' Qees as per�nitted uy Applic�ble Law; (b) Co <br /> all sume secm�ed by tlus Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to thc peison ur persons legally <br /> entitlad ta it. <br /> � 24001544 <br /> NEBRASICFl-Sin�le Fainlly-Fennie MaolFmdtlie dAac UNIFOFlM INSTRUMENT Po�m 30L8 1701 <br /> VMP� VMPBMEI I110fiy <br /> Wolivrs I(luwer Ginanclal Servloas Poge 14 of 1� <br />