<br /> in tlie Property and rights under Yhis Security InstrumcnC; and (d) talces such ac6on as Lender may
<br /> reasonably require to assure tliat Lender's interesC in the�Property and rights under thie Security I»stcument,
<br /> and Borrower's oUlig2tion to pay thc sums seeured by this Security 1nsCrumeot, sliall continue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may raquire that Borrower pay such rainsk2tenzent sums and expenses in one or inore of tlte following
<br /> Ponn�, as eelected by I,�nder: (a) o�sh; (b) mo�2ey order; (c) eertified check, bank ch€ck, treasurer's eheck or
<br /> casiiier's check, provided any sucli checl< ie drawn upon an instiCution whosc deposits are insured by a
<br /> fcderal agency, instruinentali[y or entiCy; or(d) �Iechonic Punde TransPcr, Upon reiostatemeiit by Borrower,
<br /> this SecuriCy TnsCrument and obligafions secured lierebp sl�all ren�ain ft�lly ePfective as if no accelaration had
<br /> oecurred. Howevei�, this righC Co reinstate sliall i�ot apply in Che case of acoelera[ion under Section 18.
<br /> 20. Sale ofi Note; Change of Loan Servfcer; Notice of Grievance. The N�te or a partial interest iu the
<br /> Note(together wilh this Secucity Instrument) can be sold one or more tiincs wilhout prior noYice to
<br /> Borrower. A sale might result in a change in the entity (known as ttie "l;oara Servicer")that colLocls Periodic
<br /> PaymenCs due under d�e Note and ftiis Securlty HistxumenC and perfonns other mortgage loan servicing
<br /> obligations under the Note, this Security Instrnment, and Applicable Law, There also might be one or more
<br /> changes of'the Loan Servieer tmrelated to a sale oP Ihe Note. If there is a changc of lhe Loan Servicei�,
<br /> Borcowec will be given written notice of thc change whieh will state the nama and address of the new Loan
<br /> Sei�vicer, Che address to which�aaymeiits should be mnde tmd any other inPormation R�SPA req�iires in
<br /> connection with a notice of hanst'cr oP serviciag, If tl�e Note is sold and thereafter the Lo<m is serviced�y a
<br /> Loan Servicer otlier tl�.uz tlxe purchaser of Che Note, tlie�i�orcgage Ioan servicing obligations Co Borrower will
<br /> remain wiCh the Loan Servicar or be h�ansPerred to a suacessor Loan Seivicer a�d aro not asstiimed by the
<br /> Nate purcl�aser unless otherwise provided by the Note purchaser.
<br /> Neitl�er Borrower nor Lender may conuneuce,join, or be joined to nny judic3n[ acCion (as eid�er an
<br /> individual litigant or the membei of a claes) thaC arises from the other party's aciions pursuant to this
<br /> Sccurily Instrumeut or fl��t alleges thaC r1�e otlier party has bieeiched any provision oP, or any duty owed by
<br /> reaeon of, this Security InstrumenC, until such Borrower or Lander lias notified the other parCy (with such
<br /> notice give�i in compliance with the requirements of Scclion 15) of such alle�ed brcacla and affm�ded U�e
<br /> other party hcreto a reasonable peciod at'ter the giving of sueli noeice to tt�cc con'ective aetion. If Applicable
<br /> Law provides a time period which niust clapse before cartaii�action can be taken, tl�nt time period will be
<br /> deemed to be reasonaUle for purposcs of thie paragraph. Tl�e notice of acceleration 2i�d opporltmily to eme
<br /> given t�Borrowei pursuznt to Section 22 and lhc notice of aocelerfltioi� given Io 13orrower pucsaant t�
<br /> Section I8 shall be deemed to satisfy thc notice and opportunity to take con�ective action prov3sions of this
<br /> Scctio�20.
<br /> 21, Hazardous Substances. As used in this 5ection 21: (�.i) "Hc�zart�otts Substances" are those substances
<br /> defined as toxic or hazardous substanees, pollut�urts, or wasCes by Environmen�tl Ltiw and Che following
<br /> FuUsk2nces; gasoline, kerosene, oCher flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbioides,
<br /> volatile solvents, materials containing asUestoe oc Pormaldehyde, and rndioactive materiala; (b)
<br /> "Environmental T.ctw"means Tedera] laws and laws of tlie juxisdiction where the Pro�erey is located ChaC
<br /> rclafe to haalth, safety or environmenCal protecCio��; (c) "Enviran�merttaG Clea�2up" includes any response
<br /> action, remedial �ction, or removal acdon, as defiued in Environmental Law; �tnd (d) an "Eni�irorontental
<br /> Condition" means a condiCion that can cause, contribute to�, or otherwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup.
<br /> ]3orrower ah�ll not cause or peni�iC the presence, use, disposal, s6orage, or release of airy Hazardous
<br /> Substnnces, oc tlireaCcn to release a��y Hazardous Subslances, on or in the Pcoperty. Borrower sh�ll vot do,
<br /> nor tillow Fmyone else to do, auyYl�ing afFeuting the I'roperCy (a) til�at is in violaCiou of any Envicomneiita]
<br /> L,aw, (b) whieli creates �ui Environmcncal Condition, or(c) which, due co the presevice, use, Qr relcasa of a
<br /> Hazardous SuUst.mce, creaCes a condition tha[adversely afPecCs the value of the Pcoperty. The precediug two
<br /> ` 24001544
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sln�ls Famlly-Faniile Mea/FteJdle Mao UNIFORM W3TRUMENT Form 3020 1f01
<br /> VMP Qil VMPbWE)111061
<br /> Wol[ers Kluwar Flnaiminl Sai�ioos Pape�3 oi 1�
<br />