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201206086 <br /> 23. Reconveyance, Upon payment of all eums secured by this Security InslrumenC, ]�nder aliall request <br /> `!'rustee lo reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all nates avide¢cing debt <br /> sectued by Chis Secnrity Instrumei�t to Trustec. Trustee shall reeonvey the Properry withouC wan'anty to the <br /> person or persc�ns ]cgally entitled to it. Such person or persons sl�all pay any recordation costs. Lender may <br /> c}Garge such person or persons a Pee for ieconveying the PeoperCy, but on[y if the fee is Waid to ti tliird party <br /> (such as ehe TrusCee) for seivices reiidered and the charging of the fee is pei7nitted t�nder Applicable Law. <br /> 24. Substifute Trustee, Lender, at its option, inary froin timc fo time remove Trustee and [ip�oint a successor <br /> trustee ro any Trustee appointed hereunder by an 'tnsCrument recorded in Yhe county ui which Chis 3ecurity <br /> InsCrument is recordad. GVithout wnveyancc of[he ProperCy, tlie successor trustee shall succeed to all the <br /> tifle, power aild dirties conferrcd upon 'I'ruetee herein and by ApplicaUle Law. <br /> 25. Request for Notices. Boxxower requests thaC copies of the notice�f dcfaul[ and sale be sent to Borrower's <br /> addcess which is the Properry Address. <br /> --- --- zaooiaaa <br /> NE6RA51(A-Slnple family�fannie MaelFraddia Mnc UNIFOHM INS'IRUMFNT Ponn 3028 1/01 <br /> VMP Cy VMPBINE�!�706� <br /> Woltere Kluwar Fln�notel Sarvlcns PedA�b��f 19 <br />