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201206086 <br /> designaCed a substitute notice address by noCice to Lender. Ilocrower shall promptly notify Lender of <br /> Borrowcr's changc of address. if Lender speeifies a procedure for rcporCing Borrower's change of address, <br /> then Borrower shall only ceport a cl�ange of address through that specified procedure. <br /> Thare may be only one designaCed notice acldress under tfiis Se¢uriry Instrumenc at tmy one time, Any notice <br /> to Lender shall be g�iven by delivering it or by �xiailing il by first class mail to Lender's address staeed herein <br /> unLess Lender has desigilated anc�ther address by notice Co Boecower, Any noticc in connectio� with tliis <br /> Secuiity Instrnmei�t shall noC be dcemed to have been given to Lender unlil acluallg reeeived by Lender. IP <br /> amy noCice required by lhis Secw�iry Ii�sCrument is also cequired under Applipable Law, zhe AppLicablc L,aw <br /> requiremenC will satisfy the eorresponding reqnirement under this 3ecurity Instxument. <br /> 9 6. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Security Instrument shall be gt�ver'ued l�y <br /> federal law ai�d the law of the Jurisdiction in which the Property is locazed. All righCs and ohligations <br /> contained in thls Sacurity InstrmncnC are subjeet to 2uy requirements and limitations oP A�plicable Law. <br /> Ap��licable Lxw mighC cxplicitly or implicitly �illow the parties Co agree hy couYracC or it might be silcnC, but <br /> suctt silence shall not be copstcued as 1 prohibitiou againsC agreement by contr�et. In the event ChaC any <br /> pmvision or�clati�se of tliis Security H�strument or G�e Note conf7icts with Applicable Law, such co��flict sliall <br /> not affeeC other provisions of this 3ecurity 1nsCrument or tlie Note which ctm be given aPfeet withouC the <br /> conflicting provision. <br /> As used 'ui Yliis Security Instrumeiit: (a) words of the masculine gender shhll mcan and include corresponding <br /> neuter words or words of the femin'rnc gender; (b) words iu the siiigular shall mean and inolude the plural <br /> uid vice versa; and (c) thc �vord "may" gives sole discretion withouC any ohLigatiou to take.wy actron. <br /> 17. Borrower's Gopy. Borrowec shall be given one copy of the Note and of this Seeurity Insh'u�nei�C. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficlal Interest in Borrower. As used in this Section 18, "Interesl in <br /> the Property" means any legal or I�eueficial interest in thc Property, incLuding, but not]imited to, 6hose <br /> baneficial interests transferred in 1 bond Yor deed, conCract for deed, inst�nllment sales conCracl or escrow <br /> agreement, the intenC of wliich is the transfer af Cide by Borrower nt a fuhire date to a purchaser. <br /> Pf all or any part of tqe Property or any Iiiterest in tt�c Properry is sold or tcansferred(or if Borrower is not a <br /> natuaal person a�td a Geneficial interest in Eo�rower is sold or tr�uisferred) without Lcnder's prior writCev <br /> consent, Lender may requ3re immediate pa�ment in full of all sums secured by this Security In�trument. <br /> Howcver, Chis option shall not be exercised by Lendex if such exercise is proliibited by Applicable],aw. <br /> If'Lender execc3scs t'his optiou, Lender slinll give Borrower noCice of acaeleratiov. The notice shall provide a <br /> period of not Iass than 30 days from the date U�e notice is given in accordance with Section 15 within which <br /> Borrower musC pay all suins secured by this Security Instrwnent. If Borrower fails Co pay these sunts prior to <br /> Clie expiration of this period, Lender may invol<e�iiy remedies pernzitted by this Securify Instiument witliont <br /> further notice or demand on I3orrower, <br /> 19, Borrower's Right to Reinstate Afiter Acceleration. If Borrower meets ccrCain condiCions, Borrovyer <br /> shall have tha riglit to havc cnforcement oP Chis 3ecurity Itistruii�ent discontinued at 2oy Cime prior to the <br /> etir[iest of, (a) fivc days before sale of tl�e Property��ursuanC Co any power oP eale containecl ii� this 8ecurity <br /> lnstrumanl; (b) such oCher period as Applicable Law might spec'rfy for Che termination of Borrower's right to <br /> reinstaCe; or (c) entry of a judgment eiiforcing Ihis Security Instrument. Those conditions are that Borrower: <br /> (a) pays Lende�211 sui7is whieh then would he due under tl�is Security Instrmnent and the Note ns if no <br /> � acceleratiou had occurred; (b) etu'es any dePnult of ai�,v other covenants oe agreements, (c) pays all expcnses <br /> incurred in enforeing tliis Secucity fnstrument, including, but nnt limited to, eeasoxiable 2tCorncys' fees, <br /> property inspection aiid valuation Pees, ancl other Pees ii�curred for the purpose of pmtecting Lender's interesl. <br /> —"—' � � 24001644 <br /> NFBRASI(A�3inglo Famlly-Ponnle MaelFreddle A4so UNIFORM INSIBUMENT fvnn 3028 7�01 <br /> VMP u0 VMF6WF���I1061 <br /> Woltars I(luwar Finanainl earvioae Pepe�2 of 1] <br />
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