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1) <br />1) <br />� ��������� <br />� (i) A11 or gart of the Propeny. or a be�ficial inteirst in a trust owning alt or part of tha Ptope�ty, is sold <br />or othetwise tc�nsfenod (onher thao by devise ot desoent}� and <br />(iI) The Property is not acxupiod by the pnrchaser or grantee as his or her principal �sideaoe, or the <br />purchaser ar grantee does so oc�vpy the Ps+operty but his or tier cralit has aot bem appmved 'm <br />acca�+danc�c with the requic�ements of the Secretary. <br />(c) No Wafver. lf d�ncxs occur that would permit L,e�der to require immediate paymeat in fnl�. but <br />I.,eader doe.s nat reqnfre such paymmts� I.ender does not waive fts rights with respect W sut�equent events. <br />(� Re�ulatiu� of SUD Sec�ery. Ia many circua0stauces regulatians i�uod by the Secretaty wW limit <br />Lettder's dghts. ia tbe c� of paym�nt defeults. to reqnir� immedi�te gayment in fn11 and fQreclose if noi <br />paid. ?his Security Insaument does not a�uhorize aaxleration or foca:losure if not permittal by ngalat�a�s <br />of thc Sxretaq►. <br />(e) Mortgaga N� I�ured. Boaamer s,grees that if this Socnrityr Iaswm�t and the Note are not determined <br />to be eligible for insurance uad�er .the Nadonal Housiag . Act. wit�tia 6Q days imm th� date h�neof, .Lender <br />may at its opt�on� require im�diace PeYm�t in fuil of a1I sums securcd by this Saa�rity Ias�rument. A <br />written statement of auy awhorized agem of the Secnetary dated snbsequent to 60 days fiom tlu date �ereof, <br />decliaiag to insure this 5ecauity Instniment aad ihe Nate, shall be d�d oonclusive proof of sucb <br />. in�ligibility. Notwlthstandiag the fo:egoiqg, this option may nat be wcercised by L.ender whea the <br />uaavaftability of insurauce is solely due m Lender's failur� to nmit a mortgage insuraace premium to the <br />Secs'ttat7►• <br />• IO. R43nstatemeat. Bouower has a right a be reiastaced if Leader l�s reguined ia�iete paymmt ia full <br />b�e of Borrower's failun to pay an amouat due und�r the Note or thls Seatrlty I�tcument. This right appli+�s <br />evan �r fortclos�ue procaedings are institute�. To neinstate the Security lnstintim�nt, Borrower shaU tender in a <br />1� sum all amo�mts nqui�ed w briqg Bortower's acr�uot c�ureat including. w the extent they ete abligadons of <br />Boirower andtr this Saurity insuumcnt� fortclo�u�e casts aad cea4onable aad wswmary attoiaeys' fas aad expens� <br />properly associated with the foreclosure pmoeadiqg. Upoa reiestat�ment by Boaower. thi�s Secnrity Iastrument aad <br />the obligations that it eocures shall resaain in effect as if I.end�r had aot �eqnired i�mmediate PaYmeat in fall. <br />Howesver. Lxnder ls aot reqaire�l W permit reia�st�atement if: (i) I.ender has accepted reinstattiment aft�r the <br />commenament of forecla�u+� pmcxedings within two yeers immeid�at�ly pta;odin& the comone�s�emtat of a currmt <br />fondasnc�e praoeeding, (ii) minstat� will Preclude foreclosure on different gmunds in cba fudme, or Cm� <br />ieinstatam�nt w�l adversely affect the priortty of the litn created by this Seauit�►lnsuu�me�at. <br />11. Borrower Not xeele�sed; Forbesrance By Lender Not a Waiver. Eate�sion of the t�me of paym�nt or <br />modificaBion of amord�tion of the s�mns secured by this Securlry Insavmant giautal by I.endtr a any successor 9n <br />interest of Borrower shell nat aperata ta release the liability of the arlgiaal Horrcwar ar Horrower's �sor in <br /> La►der shall not be requ�ed to commenee pra�eediags egainst any suooessor iu iat� ar rofwse w e�d <br />time for gaymmt or otheiwise modify aanort�ion of the stmas Baeu�rd by chis Se�urltY Ins�um�nt bY �ason of aay <br />demand mad� by the origiaal Boaower or Bortower's suocessora in huerist. My fo�aranc� by I.ender ia exencisiag <br />any dght or remetly �aU not be a waiver of or preclude th� exercise of mry rlgt�t or �y. <br />12. Succcssors and Asslgas Bnuad; Joiat a�d Severel Liab�ity� Co-Signets. The covenaats end ag�+ee� <br />of this Saaulry las�um�nt sbal! bn►d aad benE6t the suce�sors and a�igas of Latdtr and Bormwer� snbject w t�e <br />provieions of paragcaph 9(b). Borrower's c�venants affit e�ements �hal! be joi� and aoverat. Aay Borrawer wLo <br />ao-signs this Socuriry Iastrument bnt daes not exoc�ue the i�fote: {a) is co-sigaing thia Seau�ty la�nms�nt only tv <br />�8�+ 8� gad aonvey that $ornower's iater�at in the Proparn+ und�r the t�sms of tbis Sacuriry Iaswmsnt: (b) <br />is aoi persoaally obligated w pay the sums seauod by tbis Se�curity Ia�t: and (c) agr� that I.Gnd�r snd any <br />other Bomower may a�e w eaaend� modify� forbeaz or make eay ac�ommodations with regard to the terma of mis <br />Se,cmlty I�n�ument flr the Note witbout that Borrower's consent. <br />` t �, <br />wum,: � <br />�/�.a�t(NQ iggp� p� Pay� B ot 8 <br />�� . <br />�c�-.�G� f 1 O� �� <br />
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