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�') <br />� <br />1� <br />� �Oi�05��� <br />abandoned Property. Bormwet sl�atl elso be in default if Borrawer� d�ring the laan applic�tion p�+ooess, gave <br />materlally false or inac�cat� information or statemeats to I.e�ader (or failal w pmvid� I.eader with any material <br />iaformetion) in conna�on wjth the l�n ov�denced by the Note, lacluding, bm �t limited t�. repi+eseatatians <br />concarniag Bormwcr's occupancy of the Propeny as a princigal rzaidence. If this Secnriry lastmm�nt is an a <br />leasehold, Borrower ahall comply wlth the p:s�visions of the lease. If Boriower acquires fee title w the Prop�ty, the <br />leasahold and fee title shall nat be mergod unloss I�eader agrees w the merger in wrldng. <br />6. CondemneHon. The ptoceods of aay awaM ar elalm for damaga� dirxt or oo�equent�l� in connedion whh <br />a�r coademaadon or other taking of aay gart of the Properiy, or fnr caoo.veyanse in place of condemnation, are <br />hereby assigned and sLell � gaid w Lender co th� eatent of the full �mount of tbe 9ndebtedness that remains uapaid <br />und�r the Note and this Seauin+ Im�pcument. I.ender shall apply suc� pr�ocee�is to t� re�ucttoa of the �adebtedaess <br />under the Note a�nd this Secvriry Instrameat, fitst to any delinqnent �tmts applied in the order p:+ovid�d in <br />Paragraph 3, aad then w pnepayment of principal. Aay applicatian of the proc�oeds to the prlacipal ahall not ext�d or <br />Po�Pnne the due date of the monthlY Payments� which are referred to in para�aph 2. or change the �mouut.of sucb <br />Qayments. Any .excess pmcxcds over aa amount r�uired � to PaY all out�tanding �ndebu�dne�ss under Lhe � Note aad tbis <br />Seca�rlty ln�nt shall be paid to t6e endty legally entitled thcreto. <br />7. Charges to Borrower end Arotsction of Lender's Rights ia the Prop�ty. Bon+�wer shail pay all <br />goverausental or muaicipal charges� 5a�s and �itioas th�t are not included in ga�agraph 2. Borrawer shall pay <br />thess obligations on ti� ditectty to the eatity wbich is awcd the paymant. If feilucie to pay would advessely affe�t <br />I,ender'a intas�eat in the Propetty, uPon Iender�s raluest Boaower sLall ptompfly fumish to Lender rrceipts <br />evid�aciog th�e payments. <br />If Bornower f�ils W make these gaymeate or the gayments re4uir�od bY P�BPh 2� or fails w perfoim al►y other <br />covenants and agreements contaiee� in this 5avrity Instn�ment. or there is a legal pr+oce�edinS ��Y SZ��Y <br />afPect Lender's rlghts in the Pmperty (sucb as a procecding in banlanptcy� for condemnation or to enforce laws or <br />reguladoffi). then I�eadzr may do aad �y whatever is nec�ssary to p[otect the value of the Property and I�ender'a <br />rlghts in the PraP�Y, �C PaY� of taxes, haza�+d insuraoce ead otlur iums meationod 9n pazagraph 2. <br />Ihny amaun�s disbursed by Leader tmdsr this paragraph shau become sn additional dsbt of Bonower and be <br />socured by this �aauity lastrtm�ent. T6ese amonnts shall bear iatet�est from the date of disburse�t, at ths. Note <br />ratc, and at the option of I.e�dsr, shaU be immedi�ely dne amd payable. <br />�wer sb�all pmompdy d�scharge aay lien whi� has priority over tbis Sr.curitr,► Inswment ualess B�rrawer: <br />(a) �gr�es ia writtag to the paymeat of t�e obl�gation secured by cbe !im 4n a mar+ner ac�ptable to Leades: (b) <br />conteat� in good faith the lien by� or defends against enfoccenient of the lien in, lagal Praceadings w�ich in the <br />I.end$r's opinion optrate to preve�t the enforcemeni of tlu lie�; ' or (a) aecura from che holda of the lim an <br />agroemtnt satisfactory to Lend�r subordinating the lien to this .Sec�uity Iastruaaent. If Leadet dcteimines tbat any part <br />of the Property is subja;t to a Uen whicb may attain priority over this Security Instrument. I.eader maS' 8ive <br />Borrower a notice idendfyi�g the llen. Boimwer shell satisfy . the lica or tak� one or moie of the acdons set fortb <br />above wltLia 10 days of the givi�qg of notioe. <br />8. Fees. I.ender may couoct fees aad char�es authorizzd by the Sectetary. <br />9. Grounds [or Acxelerat[oa of Debt. <br />(s) DePanit. I.ender may. excePt as limited by regulations fssutd by the Ser�etazy. in the case of payment <br />def�ults, tr�quire immediate payment in full of all snms eac�u�d by this Secur[ty lnsuument i� <br />(i) Horrowar defautts by failing w pay in full a�+ monthlY P� �l� bY this Secur�ry I�osuumCnt <br />prior to or on the due date of th� neu monthlY PaYment� or <br />('u) Barmaer dofaults by failtng. for a period of thiny days, W perform a,ny other obligations containod <br />in this Security Iostrument. <br />(b) Sele Wft6wut Credlt Approval. L,ender shaU� if permftted by apglicabte !aw ('iacluding Saxion 341(d) <br />of the (�azn-5t. Crermaia Depo�tory Iastitndons Act of 1982� 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d)) and with the prior <br />approval of the Secretary, requi�e immediate PaYment ia fUll ef etl suma se�unci by this Socurlty Insnvment <br />� <br />�� �- <br />�_�� <br />�•41Y{HE1 as4�.o� Paps a or e <br />P�cye �� of �� <br />--______. <br />