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i} <br />1 } _ _ _. <br />� 201205'��� <br />13. Noticxc. Any► notice w Bom�wet provided for in this Securlty Inswme� sball be given by dolivering & ar <br />by mailiag it by first clase mail ualess applicable law r�uires nse of anotber mtthod. Tbe notice shatl be di�xod t� <br />the PrQperty Addr�s or any ather addr�s Borrower tlesi� by notix to Lsnder. Any norice t� Yxader shall be <br />given by flisc class mail w Lemdcr's addresa stated her�in or any address Lender desigoates by notice to Borcower. <br />Aay notice provided fur ia this Securlty Iastrument sball be deemed to have be� giv�n �o Borroaer or 1�r when <br />given as providod in tbis garagreph. <br />14. Gaverning Law; S�verability. This 5ec�rlty lastrnm�t �a11 be 8�ov� by Federal law and tha law of <br />the jiuisdictioa ia ahich the Properry is la�tcd. In the event that azry pmvision or clause of tbia Socuriry It�ument <br />or the Note coaflf� vvith applicable law, euch conflia shall not affax oiher prov�sions of thls Se,curity yost:um�at or <br />the Nou which c�n be givem d�CCt aithout the conflicdag pravi�ton. To this ead the prnvisions of tbis Secudty <br />Iastrument and tbe Note a�+e declated to be sew�able. <br />ls. Botrower's Copy. Sornower shall be given one conformod copy of t6e Note aad of this Socuriry <br />Instrua�eat. ; <br />16. He7srdous Substeuces. Bom�wer shall not cause or ge�mit the persence, use, disPosal. storage, or �elease <br />of any Haaardous Sbbstan�es on or ia the Pnopeny. Borcawer shall not da, nor allow anyone else to �, anythiag <br />affeating t�e Property that is ia vialapon of any Envuo�ameatal The pieoeding tr�ro semenc� shall uot apply w <br />the presena. nse, or ssorage oa . tho Property of �mall quantities of Ha�dous Stibstenoes that are S�Y <br />reeogoiu� to be appmpriatt to nom�at :+GVdantial usa and to maint�ux of the Ps+�perty. <br />Homowar shall promptlY givo LEndsr wrluen aoticc of any inve�tigati�, claim, demaiad, laws�+it or otber acdon <br />bY �Y B�'�� or ���i3' ��Y � P�� P�h' involvia,g tlte Pnoperty �aed any► Hezazdous 5ubstancx or <br />Envir+omnt�l Law of which Boaower 6as acmal lmawlatge. If Borrower learns. or is noti5ed bY an7t goveiamental <br />or tegulatory anthority; tbat any icmoval or ot6er remedtation of any Ha7ardous Subataaces affeaiag the Prap�ty is <br />a�ry, Borrower shall pmmpily takc all naxssary remedial actions ia aae,ordancx aith Enviro�entat Laa. <br />As usod in this paragraph 1b. 'Hazardous Substances" an those substanets defmod ss toxic or hazatdous <br />snbstanoes by Environmeatal Law aud the following subataaces: gaseliQe. Icttosene, other tlansmable or wuc <br />petroleum prodncts� toxic pe�ticidES and hasbicldes, volatila solvonts. mat�rrlals cantaining asbe�ws ar formeldehyde, <br />and radioactive materials. As used ia tbis paragraph 16� "Eavim�ntal" meana federal faws and lawe of tbe <br />jnrisdiction where the rimperty ia located tbat relase w bealth. safetY or e�vironmental pioteG.ion. <br />NON-LTNIFORM COVENAIVTS. Borrower and I.eader fiuther covenaat aad agree as follows: <br />17. Asatgnm�t of Rents. Borrower w�candidonally assigns and transfers to L�ender a!1 tlu cr.nts afld reveaues <br />of the P[epnty. Bonower aut�orizes � or Leader's agents to oollect t� rrnte and teveaues aad hereby directs <br />e�h t�naut of the Propetty to pay ths rents to l.euder or I.ender's agents. Howaver, Prior w Lxader's notice to <br />H+�rrower of Borrower's breach of any covenant or agr�em�nt in the Sxurlry Iast�ment� Borroa►+a shatl onllxt and . <br />�eceiv� ell e�ents and nvemus of the Pmperty aa uustee for the benefit of L�ender and Bormwer. T�ls assigameat of <br />rents conatit�tss an abaolute assigameat and nat an assignmcnt for addfidonal s�a�ty only. <br />If Le�der gtve� io,�tice of bnach to Borsower: (a) all renta �eived by Bormwtr shaU be held by Bornaw�r as <br />trosta for be�eflt of.I.emder only, w be applied W the sums sectuied by tbe Saa�rity Instrnm�nt; (b) I.eadec sball be <br />entitted w collect and receiva ell of the rews of tha Property: and (a) �ach teoant of rhe Propecty shall pay all �nts <br />due and nflpatd to I.endar or I.ender's agtnt on I.ender's wrlttea demand w the tmaat. <br />Bonowar has not exauted anY Prioi' assi�t of the rents aad has aot and will nat perForm aay act that wonld <br />prevent I.eader fmm eatet�dsin,g ita rigbts oader d�ia paragraph 17. <br />I.end�r sball aot be re�uized w enter upon, taic� control ef or maintaia tbe Propeity befon ar after giving notice <br />of brem� w Boimwer. Howover� Lender or a judiclally appointai re�iv� may do sa at aay time then is a bresch. <br />Any applicatton of �ms ahall noi cure or waive a�r default or invalida�t� eay othea r1P,ht or remody af Lander.lhis <br />assigum�nt of r� of the Prnperty shall terminaze when the d�bt sea�rod by tbe Security Iastrumeat is paid in full. <br />�Ilt{Hp �ao�i o� <br />P�p� B e18 <br />J. � <br />��� <br />�� � a O� �� <br />