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20120556� <br />decisions or medical treatment or non-treatment be honored by any physician or other health care <br />provider in charge of my medical treatment the same as if I were making such decision while <br />completely competent. I acknowledge that I have read the warning attached to this Durable <br />Power of Attorney, and that I understand the consequences of executing a power of attorney for <br />health care. <br />21. To Exercise Certain Rights to Propertv. To exercise any right I may have <br />to renounce or disclaim any interest in property and to exercise my right to claim an elective <br />share of the estate of a spouse or claim a homestead or exempt property allowance. <br />22. To Exercise Rights Relatin� to Insurance and Other Benefit Plans. To <br />exercise any right to elect benefit or payment options, to terminate any such benefit or payment <br />options, to change beneficiaries or ownership, to assign rights, to borrow or receive cash value in <br />return for the surrender of any or all rights under any of the following:: <br />(a) Life Insurance and annuity policies, plans or benefits. <br />(b) Mutual funds and other dividend investment plans. <br />(c) Retirement, profit sharing and employee welfare plans and <br />benefits. <br />23. To Make Gifts. To make gifts of any of my property, or of any interest <br />that I may have in any properiy, whether real, personal, tangible, intangible or mixed, to my <br />spouse or any of my issue, including but not limited to my duly appointed attorney or alternate <br />attorney, as my attorney shall see fit, the same as if I was actually making such gift myself, as <br />long as such gift qualifies for, and the value of such gift does not exceed, the unused amount of <br />the annual gift tax exclusion at the time that such gift is made. Any such gift made by my <br />attorney in my name shall be deemed an irrevocable gift, the same as if actually transferred by me <br />to the beneficiary of such gift. <br />24. To Do All Other Thin�s, Etc. In general, to do all other acts, deeds, <br />matters and things whatsoever in or about my estate, property and affairs, or to concur with <br />persons jointly interested with myself therein in doing all acts, deeds, matters and things herein, <br />either particularly or generally described, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I <br />could do myself if personally present. <br />25. Nomination to Serve as Guardian and/or Conservator and/or Successor <br />Custodian. Should it become necessary for the appointment of a guardian, custodian and/or <br />conservator for me and/or my property, I hereby nominate my attorney as such guardian, <br />custodian, and/or conservator. <br />4 '✓� �"���� <br />� <br />