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<br /> � ' •,Bortower r►wy cure auch � del�ufl and relnslate, as provlded In parapreph 1B, by causing lh� action or proceeciing to b� ---
<br /> ,,.� . damissad wHh �rulin0 th�t,In Lender's pood Irlth det�iatlon,precludes torfelture ot the BoROwar'a Interest In the Property or
<br /> _ --'•-�'- other materlal Imp+�kment ot the Ilen created by this Sacurfty Instrument or Lender'e secur�y Interest. Borrowor shall eleo be In _
<br /> -'%"� delaufl il Borrower. durin9 lhe lom�ppiic�tlon process, gave m�terlaMy false or Inaccurate InlormsUon or statements to Lender(er
<br /> • tailed to provlde Lender wfth any materid inlormatlon) In connectlon wilh the� loan evidenced by ihe Noto. Includinq, but not __
<br /> ; ,� Ilmited to, representatlone concerning Qo�rower's occupmncy o1 tho Property us a principal resldence. II this Secudty �. ,
<br /> Insinirnent Is on e Ioasehoid. Borto�ve► ahall compy with atl the provlslons ot the lease. If Bonower scqulres fee title to the _
<br /> Property, the leaeehold end ihe fee title shall not metge unless Lender agrees to tho merger In writing.
<br /> ' ` 7. P1'Ot�eilon of I.�ndu'� Right�th th� Propsrty.ft Bortower tails ta pertorm th� covenant�and agreemenis
<br /> �i.� contalned In thle Security Inntrument, or there Is a legel procneding tfiat may sl,ynitiaantty affecl Lender's rights m lhe Propr.rty -
<br /> .,, (nuch es e proceeding in b�nktuptcy, probste,for condemnatlon or foAeiture or to entorce laws or regulations).then Lender may
<br /> -•��+�* do and pay tor whatever is necessary to pro�ect the value of the Properry end Lender's rlflhts in the Praperty. Lender's ectiorts v
<br /> m�y Include payinp any sums secured by a Ilen which has prioriry over th�s 8ecurity Insteument, appoadng In court, pa)�Infl -
<br /> d-�� reasonoble attomeys'tees and entering on the Property to make repalrs.Atthough Lender may take action under thls paragraph
<br />..="v�is 7,Lender does not h¢vo to do so.
<br /> - �c;. qny amounts disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shell become additlonal debt oi Bonower secuted by thls 8ocurity
<br /> Inst►ument. Unless BoROwer and Lender agree to other terms ot payme.nt, these amounis shell bear interest Iram the date ot
<br />'�r_;,,,, disbursement at the Note rate and shall bo peyeble,with Interest, upon notice lrom Lender to 6orrower requestmg payment.
<br /> 8. Mortgage Insurance. if Lender requlred mortgage Insurence as a condition o1 making the loan secured by thla
<br /> %`-�':�� Securiry Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums requlred to maintaln the mortgage insurance In ettect. If.for any reason.the
<br /> ��=�° mortgage Insurance coverage requtred by Lender lapses or ceases to be in oHect. Bonower shail pay the premiums required to
<br />���R� obtain coverage subnlantluly equlvalent to the mortgage Insu►ence prevlously in ettect, et e cost substant�ao1 ed9byalendeo thf
<br /> :-r� cost to Borrower of the martgage inourance previousy In e8ect, from an altemate mortgage tnswer app
<br />=�� substuntlslly equtvalent mortgage insuranco coverage is not available, Bortower shell pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> _--- one-tweHth of the yearly mortgage insurer.ce premlum 6eing Faid by Borrowet when the Insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br />-'=�"`-°� be In effect. Lender wfH acaept, use and reW� thesa payments as a loss reserve in Ileu of mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> _=`�'� paym��ls rnay no tonger ba requtred, at the e�*ion of Lender,R moKgage insurance coverage Qn the amount and for the period
<br /> ���-r�� that Lender raquiresj provided by an fnsurer appraved by Londor agaln becomes avallable and is obtained. Bortowet shall pay
<br />,;;;��� the premiums requlred to malntain mortgage hsurance in ettact, or to provide a loss rese+ve.until the requ(rement tor mortgage
<br /> insurance ends In accordance with any written agreement beMeei Borrower end Lender or epplicable law.
<br />'� 9. I�SpYCt1oO. Lender or its agent may meke reasonabte entries upon and inspectbns of the Properly. Lender st�all giva
<br /> BoROwer notice at the time of or prlar to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspcsetion.
<br /> '"�� 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or clafm for damages, direct w consequential, in connoction wiih any
<br /> ,�;�,� condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance In Ileu ot condemnation, are hereby asslgned and
<br />""P�� shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> �-.•
<br />';�„`!.,�� In the avent of a total takin9 ot the Property. the proceeds shali be applied to the sums secured by this Secunty
<br />"?.��a�� Instrument, whether or not then dua,with any excess paid to Boaower. In the event ot a partial taking of the Property In which
<br /> the talr tnarket value ot the Properly (mmedialety before the taking is equal to or greater than the emount of the sums secured
<br />=,_��� by this Socurity Instrument Immediately befae the taking, unless Borrower and Lender otAenvise agree in writing, the sums
<br /> - aecured by thls security insirumani anaA Lo ie.:�,r.�+by iha asr�unt�::hc p:ccer�° m�!+!�+!le�hy the toUuwina hacUon: (a) the
<br /> totel emount of the sums secured lmmedlatey before the taWng, divlded by (b) the fatr merket value ot the F'roperty Immedlately
<br />-----_= betore the takfng. My balance shall be pald to Bortower. In the event ol a partlal taking of the Property In whlch the h�ir n�.�rlcet
<br /> volue ot the Property Immedlately botore the taWng ts less than the amount ot the sums secured Immedl�tety betarv the taking,
<br /> unless Borrower end Lender othetwise agree In wrlting or unless appllcable Iaw otherwlse provtdes, the proceeds shap be
<br /> epplled to the sums seCUred by thls Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> It the Property Is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after noUce by Lender to 6onower that the condermar oNers to meke an
<br /> eward or settle a claim for demages, Bortower lails to respond to Lender wlthln 30 days attet the date the notice Is glven,
<br /> = Lender Is authodzed to coller,t and appry the proceeds, at �ts opGon, r�ti�o� tu �oaiocaUor. cr �cpsh at the ?repeRy �►�� fnw
<br /> sums secured by thls Securlty Instrument, whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree In writing, any applfcatlon of proceeds to prtnclpal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date ot the monthly payments reterred to In paragrephs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrow�r Not Rolsasod; Forbearanas By Lender Not a Watver. Extenslon of the tlme tor payment or
<br /> modlflcatlon ot amortlzeUon of the sums secured by thls Securlty Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In Interest ot
<br /> Borcower ahaN not operate to release the Mablllty o4 the orfglnal Bortower or Borrower's successors In Interest. Lender shAfl not
<br /> ' be requked to comme�ice proceotlings agalnst any successor In Interest or refuse to entmd tlme for payment or otherwlse
<br /> modHy amorllznUon of the sums secured by thls Securily Instrument by reason of any derte,and made by the orlglnal Bonower or
<br /> BorroNer's successors In Interest. Any tabearance by Lender In exerclsing any right or remedy shall not be a walver ot nr
<br /> preclude the exerclse oT any dght or remedy.
<br /> ---- 12. Succoseora and Asalgna Bound; Joint and Ssveral Uabllity; Co-slgners. rne covenants and
<br /> agrcements oi thls Secudty Instrument shell bind and benefit the suacessors and essfgns of Lender and Bortower, subJecY to the
<br /> provislons of paragraph 17. Bortower's covenants and agreements shaH be Jolnt and several. My Borrower who co-slgns this
<br /> Securfiy Instrument but does not execute the Note: (e)Is co•slgning thls Security Inatrument only to mortgage, grant and convey
<br /> that Borcower'e Interest In the Property under the tertns of thls 5ecuriry Instrument: (b) fs not personalry obllgated to pay tAe
<br /> --= sums secured by this Securlty Instrument; and (a) agrees that Lender and any other Bortower may agree to extend. modiiy,
<br /> - torbenr or mako any accommodatlons with regard to the tertns of thls Security Instrument or the Note without thet Borrower's
<br /> consent.
<br /> _—� 13. LO�t1 Chifge8. If the loun secured by thls Secudty Instrument 1s sabject to a law whlch sets maxlmum loan
<br /> �,��
<br /> - --- charges, and that Iaw Is flnalty Interpreted so that the Interest or other loan charges collectad or to be collected In connectlon
<br /> ���-� - wlth the loan exceed the pertnitted limits,then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessery to reduco
<br /> ----���--- the charge to the permltted Ilmlt; and (b) any sums elready collected from Bortower which exceedfld pertnitted limits will be _,
<br /> -��'�� retunded to Borrower. Lender may ehoose to make thls refund by reducing the pdnclpel owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> �"��`�� direct payment to Bortowor. It a refund reduces prGicfpal, thu reductlon wlll be treetoC as a part�al prepayment wtt�out any
<br />-':�':ti. -.
<br />-=:,ti5, ��t prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> . � .:
<br />-�;��y1;• 14. NOtICes. My noUce to Borrower provlded for In thls Se�urity InuUVmcsnt shull be given by delivering it or by maii ng t _
<br />'-"="V by first ctass mall unless appllcablo law requfres uso ot another method. 7ha notice shall be dlrected to the Prcperty Address _
<br />- or eny other address Bon'owar deslgnates by notlne to Lendor. Any noUce to Lender shall be glven Dy first class mail to _
<br /> � - Lender's address stated hereln or any other address Lender designates by not�ce to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this -
<br /> �:�:_,a�sw Secudty Inalrument shall be deemed to have been gfven to Borrower or Lender when glven as provided In thls paragreph. _
<br /> .�_a.....� �... e...� f1.o lau� n}tha --
<br /> - -_ _ - - �$. Caoverning i.aw; aeveraoiiii�t. �ms 5ecuriiy inaimmeni anau uo yv:�.T.v.�. bj ........... ..... ....-- ..._ ._.. _. . . .
<br />-,.;':��"r�.�y- jurlsdlctlon In whlch the Property Is located. In tho event thet any provlsfon or clause of thls Security Instrument or the Note -
<br /> "-'"i'• contllcts wlth nppllcable Iaw, such canfllct shall not atlect other provislons of this Security Instrument or the Note whlch can be f
<br />. �,• given ettect without tho con9lcting provlsiai. To thls end the provlslons of thls Security Insirument and the Note are declared to �
<br /> � be severable. "
<br /> � 16. 8orrower's Copy.Bortower sheA be glven one confortned copy o1 the Note and of thls Security Instrument. �
<br /> t` • � 14+��- '
<br /> P�qr .1�i�"�
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