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<br />;-=� ' TdQE7HER WITH NI the Improvemenis now or hereaftor erected an ihe property, and s0 A�sements, appurtenencae, and
<br />.LLF�� • Nxlures now or here�tter s p�rt ol lhe properly.AN replacement��nd ad�iHons ehell�Iso be coverad 6y ihls Security InsUumem. _
<br />---_�=��, All 01 ihe twaQolnp le roferred ta In thls Secudty Instrument as the "Property."
<br /> --° `��'F' BORROINER COV�NANTS th�t Boirower is IawtuWy sNzed o1 tha estate hereby conveyed and has the ►iyht Io grNl and �
<br /> �"'.�''"�' convey the Proparty end that the Property Is unencumbered, except for oncumbrencos ol record. Borrower warrants and wdl
<br /> • �t detend panenRy Ilte iiqe to lhe Property ayalnst dl clalms end demxnd9, subJect lo uny encumbrt�nce� oi rer.ord. �
<br /> .,.� TMIS SEGURITY INSTRUMENT comhlnee unftorm caven�nis for natlonal uee and non•unilorm covcnents with Ymited
<br /> � varlations by Jurisdictlon to constflute a unifonn aecurity Instrument covoring real propP�ty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower�nd l.trnder coven�nt and Agree aa tollows•
<br /> ;�:�. .� t. Paym�nt of Princlp�l and Int�nrt; Pnpaymsnt md Lab Cha►pes. Borrower shull promplty paywhen
<br /> •�"'•4' due the ptlncipd ol�nd Interest on!he debt evldenced hy the Note and uny prepaymenl and lato char�es duo under thc Nuta.
<br /> 2. Funds tar Tax�■ and Intu��ne�.SubJecl to apphcablo Inw or to � wr4ten welver by Lender. Borrower sh�il pay _._
<br /> ����sa to Lende► on the day monthly payments are due under tho Npte, until thu Nulu iy paiJ u� lull, a euiu('Fwid�') to�. (�►yuairy �
<br /> -`°�'"� texea and sssecaments whlch m�y attdn prlatiry wer this Securfty Inatrument e3 a Iien on tho Property: (b) yearly leasehold
<br /> paymenta or ground rents on the Property. II any; (o) yeary hazerd or properry Insurence premlums: (d) yeariy flood insurance
<br /> ,�-�� pret�Uums,If any: (e) yeariy mortg�ge Innurence premluma. II eny:�nd (Q any rsums pay�ble by Gorrower to Lender in a�co�dance
<br /> wlth the provlslons o1 paragraph B. In Neu of the p�yment of mortgage Inaurence premiums. Theso Ilems are canod 'Eserow
<br /> � � Items.' Lender may, et any time, collect and hold Funds In an emount not to axceed ihe maxlmum amount e lender tar a
<br /> : loderally related mortgage loen m�y requlre for Borrower'n escrow account under lhe federal Real Estete Settlement Procedures
<br /> ,�r�,•„ Act ot 1874 es emended hom time to qme. 12 U.S.C. �2801 at scq. ('RESPR'1. unless another lew thwt epplies ro the Funds
<br />`��!�'•,3� sets a lesaer amount. II so, Lande► may. at any tlme, collec! and hnld Funds In an amount not to oxceed the lesser emount.
<br />;�'i�"'�'!i,� lender may estimate the amount ol Funds due on the basls oi cutrent data und reasonable estinwtes of expmditures ol luWre
<br /> �����'1' Escrow Items or otherwlso In accadance with appiicable lew.
<br /> � '� The Funds sheH be held in�n Institullon whoae deposfts sre insured by a ledernl agency, Inswmentality, or enGty (Induding
<br />-,� :c�t
<br /> ,.;y�,. Lender. N Lende► Is such an InsUlution) or In any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shail eppiy the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br />'t,'r�"'w- 'moEya weltems, unl �ssalender pays Bort we►g(nt e tPonkthehFundsdendnapplicable'law9pem�its Lender to make s c�h¢
<br />. h.�;..
<br /> _••,��� Cnarge. Ho+rarer. Lander may require Bortower to pay a oncUmo charge for an independent reai estete tex repordng servicQ �
<br /> _'����`�! usod by latder ln connectlon with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless nn agreement is mede or
<br />``:�, . applicaD�e uw requires Intetest to ba pald, Lender shall not be requlred to pay Borrower eny intareat a eamings an the Funds.
<br /> �� `.�� Bortav�er end Lender may m�tee In wdtlng. hownver, tliat fnterest shell be pald on tho Funds. Lender 3heli gfvo to 6arower.
<br /> m�" without charge, an annual accountirtg of tiie Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds end thn purpose tnr which each
<br />'�:"Y`=� debit to the Funds was rttisd2. The Funda ere piedgad as additionel secudry lor all sums secured by the Secudty Instrummt.
<br />�'=���,� If the funds held by lender exeaed U�e amounts permitted to be hHd by appllcablQ law. Lender shell aacount to 8arower
<br /> -- tor the excesa Funds In accordance witl� the requirements oi appiicabte law. tf the amount af tl�R Funds held by Lender Qt any
<br /> �-;�:� time Is not sufflGent to pa;�the Eserow Items whm due, Lender may so notity Borrowr_r tn wii;ng,and. In such case Borrawer
<br /> �';��� shall pay to Lendw the wi^.�unt necessary to make up lhe deticlency. Borrower shntl make up the deflciency In no more then
<br /> �.�,,�.,r�� riveNe monthly payments,at Lender's sofe diseretion.
<br /> Upon payment In (uH of ail sums secured by this Secudiy Instrument. Lender shAll promplly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />- _��.� held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or seli the Property. Lender, prior to the acqulsitlon or sale of the
<br /> -•r:��� ptaF�. wti�„n s��ti �y F��n�ic hal�i by Lender at the Gme�f acquisiUon or sele as a credit agelnst the sums secured by iNs
<br /> -w�� Secudty tnstrument.
<br />"j".""'"��� 3. Apql(eation Of Payt11eI1tS. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, al! paymonts recelved by Lender under
<br /> =--
<br />