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<br /> ��}� ' � 17. Traneter uf the Proparty or a Bsnsficial Intore�t in Borrower. u an or any part ot the Property or
<br />:, ,... . „ .
<br /> � � • �eny Interest In it Ia sold or trensterted (or if a beneflcisl Interest In Bonower Is sold ar Iransierred end Borrower Is not a netural
<br /> h pe►son)without Lender's prior wiitten conseiit, Lender may,at its optlon, requlre immedlate paymani In IuB o1 all 3ums secured by --
<br /> " this Security Instrument.However, thls optlon shall not be exerclsed by Londer II oxerclao Is prahibitod by Iederul law ns of Ihe �,�;�*�:
<br /> dnto ot ihls Securiry Insirumenl.
<br /> � If Lender exerclsea thls opqon,Lender shali gNe BoROwer nolice ol accNeretlon. Tha notico shau provide u period ot not ��i��;:
<br /> ra:s..
<br /> ; , lesa than 30 days hom the d�te Ihe noUca Is delivered o► malled within whlch Borrower must pAy all sums secured 6y this
<br /> Secur{ty Inslrumenl. If Bonowcr talb to pey ihese sums prior to ihe explratlon oi this peiiod. Lender may mvoke any remedles �-�=
<br /> e
<br /> ,,•�:.
<br /> permitted by Ihfs Securiry InslmmPnl rrithout luriher noUce or demand on Borrower. -_
<br /> �
<br /> 18. Borrow��'e Rtght to RNnstate. If Bortower meela cerlain conditions. Borrower shuu heve the right to have '�„T.�,_
<br /> cnforecment ot thls Secu�ity !nstrument dl�conttnued at nny time pnor to the eadler oh {o) 5 day�. (or s��ch other �eriad ns �?""'
<br /> , ' 'g applicable Inw may spedly tor rei�sutemmt)betore sels of the Property pursuant to nny power o1 aete coMelned In this Securily �" �
<br /> �� instrument; or (b) mtry o}a Judgmmt enlorcing thls Securiry Inst�ument.Those cnnditlons are that Bonower. (a) pays lende�r nil �
<br /> ,�'�;s�+iNv+�' sums which then would be due under thls Securiry Instrument and the Note es il no accalerelfon had occurred: (b) cures any °-`
<br /> _ , delault o1 any other covenant or egeements; (a) pays all expenses Incurted in onforcing thls Security Instrument, including. but
<br /> . � not Iimitad to, reasonab!e attomeys'lees;and(d) takes auch actfon as Lender may reasonebly requlre to assure that the lien of
<br /> � lhls Securiry Instrument, Lender'� �ghts In the Property and Bortower's o6Mgation to pay the sums secured by this Secunry �_
<br /> , . Instrument shall can'.inue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Bortov�er. this Sacu�ity Instrume�t and lhe obligations secured -"-
<br /> , hereby ahall remain fulty effeciNe as M no ecceleration had occuned. However, thls �ight to reinstate shall not apply In the case
<br /> . of acceleratlon under paragreph 1�.
<br /> � 19. Slle Of Note; Change of Loan ServtCer. Tho Note or a a partfal interest in the Note (together with this
<br /> . Secudty Instrument)mey he sdd one or more limes wfthout prior notice to Bor►ower. A sale may result in a change in the entiry
<br /> (known es the'Loon 3ervicer')that eollects monthly payments due under tho Mote and ihis Security Instrument. There elso may
<br /> . be one or more changes ot the loan Servker unrelated to a sale o1 the Note. H there Is a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> � HoROwer wli be gben writien notice oi lhe change in accordance with �arayraph 14 ebuve end appllcable law. The notice will _
<br /> state the name and address of the new Loan Service►and the address to wMch payments shoutd be made. The notir_e will also
<br /> � contaln any other Intonnatlon required by appYcable law.
<br /> y:.
<br /> 20. Hazardoua Substenees.Bortower shall not cause or permit Ihe presence. use. disposel. storage, or releaso of �_
<br /> • any Hazardous Substances on or In the 1°roperty. Bonower shal not do, nor ailow anyone else to do, anything atteciing tho
<br /> Property that is in violation oi any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shali not eppty to the presence, use, or
<br /> . storage on the PropeAy nf small quentflies of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be approprfate to nertnai
<br /> resldenUel uses and to melnte+ienco ot the Property.
<br /> � Borrower shaG promptty give lender wdtten notice of any investigation. claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> :J�� � govemmentel or regulatory agency or private perty involving the Property and any Mazardous Substance or Environmentel Law of
<br /> .�t.,�;, ,;• . which Bortower has acival knowledge. If 8onower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority, that any
<br /> ' • removal or other remediaUon of eny Hnzardous Substance attecting Property Is necessary, Borrower shali promptly teke ell
<br /> _ ,,`�,;,�,` necessary remediai actions in accoruance wah Environmentai iaw. °
<br /> - � As used In thb paragreph 20,'Hazardous Substances' are those substances deflned as toxic or hezerdous substances by
<br />;;�.;�`;::;� Environmentel Law and 2he following substances: gasoline, kerosene, olher flammeble or toxlc petroleum products, toxic
<br />-_y„_:-?�, pesticides and herbieides, volatile sobenta, matertals contuining asbestns or(amaldehyde, and radioactive materlals. As used in
<br /> ��':��u` peregraph 20, 'Envirom�entai Law'means federel laws end laws of the jurisMctbn where the Property�s located thst relate to
<br />.,.._;,;,�.
<br />- -�,,��•. health, safery or emtronmental protedion.
<br /> `'-'�v"�� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower end Lender turther covenant and agree as follows:
<br />-•-r��,x�,,�;� 21. Acceteratlon; Memoa�es. Lentler shalt glve notica to Horrawa� prior to acceieration
<br />--�F'':ti=�.".�',.� following Bmrrower's bresch of any aovenant or agraement in this Security Instrument (but not
<br /> :��•,��:+;asa� '
<br /> �Q� p�tor to aceel�ratlon under paragraph 17 unless applicabl� law provid�s othorwise). The notice
<br /> _.��;'��• shall apecify: (a) the defa►ult; Sb) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date. not less than
<br /> ;:'�' 30 days from the date the notice fa given to Borrowar, by which the default must be cured; and
<br /> ---=•��� (d) that failure to cure the default on or betore the date spectflad In the notice may result in
<br /> �°����� . accoleration of the sums secured by this Se+curity Inst►ument and salo of ths Property. The notice
<br />- ����� shali furthe� tnform Borrowor of the right io relnstata after acceleration and the right to bring a
<br /> �`�`�,� court aatton to �ssort tho non-existence oi a default or any other defense of Borrower to
<br /> _�� acceleration and sale. If the default i$ not cured on or bofore the date specifled in the notice,
<br /> �_;�.;�,� Lender at its option may requtre immediate payment in full of ail sums secured by this Security - -
<br /> �—° Instrument without fuKhar demand and may invoke the power of sale and any ather remedles
<br /> -.,.,3rrs.,� permttted by ippltcable law. Lender ahall be eMitled to collect all exponsos incurred in pursuing
<br /> - � the �emedles provided in this pa►agraph 21. tncluding, but not limtted to, �easoneble attorneys'
<br /> '"��_�=,.;,�
<br /> _,_,�;��� fees and costa af title evidence.
<br /> _:�,�5� If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of defeuit in each county in
<br /> -....,:�..�.. —
<br /> --�:� . which any part of the Property ts located and shell mail copies of such notice in the manner
<br /> 1_J;;S?_, , prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicable law.
<br /> �-�
<br /> -�^ `�� ARer the time required by applicable law, Trustee shali give public notice of sale to the persons ��:-
<br /> ."," `��{f�' and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee. without demand on Borrower. shal! sell '"
<br /> • t h o P r o p s r t y a t p u b l i c a u c t i o n t o t h e h i g h e s t b i d d e r a t t h e t i m e a n d p i a c e a n d u n d a r t h e t e r m s �' �
<br /> ti'---
<br /> _ dosignated in the notice of sale in one or more parcols and in any order Trustee determines. -
<br /> Trustee may postpone sale of sll or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at the =_
<br /> time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the ,
<br /> • Property at any sale. .
<br /> �Itl"" Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Tnistee shall deliver to the purahaser Trustee's
<br /> deed conveying the Property. Th�e recitals tn the Trustea's deed shall be prima faoie evidence of �
<br /> . .�_
<br />' ___lc.S'�._ �a.� a�..a� � ai.� .a�_.___a_ ___a_ a�___f_ T'"'�__ _�_u '�_�'. '�' ."'_ "�' ' ... . . .. --_
<br /> --- ��=-_--�--- ��m ��w�n v� otv amava�e��w r��wvv t��e�vo�. t�uaaoo attwtt a�7�7ty um (JfVt3tltl(.75 VT Lfl@ SBIB Itl LfiB =�-�-•
<br /> following order: (a) to all costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and the sale.
<br /> inCluding the payment of the Trustee's fees actually incu�red, not tu excaed three
<br /> • 9'0 ot th� principal amount of the
<br /> note at the time of the decla�atioa of defauit, and reasonable� attorney's fees as permitted by law:
<br /> ' (b) to t�ll sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons
<br /> legally entitled to It.
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