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201205248 <br />legal proceeding to which I am a party because of inembership <br />in a pa�triership or lunited liability company. <br />Exercise a right, power or privilege that I have as the holder of a <br />bond, share or instrvment of sunilaz character and to defend, <br />arbitrate and settle any legal proceeding to which I am a party <br />because of any bond, share or similaz instrument <br />(/17 =°j INSURANCE AND ANNUITY TRANSACTIONS: <br />• Obtain, modi£y, renew, convert, rescind, pay the prenuunn on or <br />terminate insurance and annuities of all types for myself and for <br />my family and other dependents. <br />• Designate the beneficiary of the contract, but the attorney-in- <br />fact may be named a beneficiary of the contrac� or an extension, <br />renewal, or substitute for it, only to the extent the attorney-in- <br />fact was named as a beneficiary under a contract procured by <br />the principal before signing this Power of Attorney. <br />• Surrender and receive the cash value, borrow against or pledge <br />any insurance or annuity policy. <br />(A�rW�� ) ESTATE AND TRUST TRANSACTIONS: <br />• To act for me in all matters that affect a trust, probate estate, <br />guardianship, conservatorship, escrow, custodianship or other <br />fund from which I am now, claim to be or later become entitled, <br />as a beneficiary, to a share or paymen� <br />• Transfer any of my property to a living trust that I created as a <br />grantor �fore this Power of Attorney was signed. <br />Q�) LEGAL ACTIONS: <br />To act for me in all legal matters, whether in my favor or <br />against me, including but not limited to retaining attorneys on my <br />behalf; appearing for me in all actions and proceedings, <br />commencing actions in my name, signing all documents, <br />submitting clauns bo arbitration or mediation, settling claims and <br />paying judgments and settlements. <br />-4- <br />