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20120524� <br />• Exercise voting and other rights and enter into agreements <br />relating thereto. <br />(, J�� ) BANKING TRANSACTIONS: <br />Conduct any business with banks and other financial institutions, <br />including but not limited to the following. <br />• Signing and endorsing all checks and drafts in my name• <br />• Withdrawing fvnds from accounts. <br />. Opening, maintaining and closing accounts or other banking <br />a�rangements. <br />• Hiring safe deposit boxes, entering into them and removing <br />articles from them. <br />• Borrowing money, pledging property as securiiy, and <br />negotiating terms of debt payments. <br />• Applying for and receiving letbers of' credit, credit cards and <br />traveler's checks, and giving an indemnity or other agreement <br />in connection with letters of credit <br />(�(�,) BUSINESS OPERATIl�TG TRANSACTTONS: <br />• Buy, sell, expand, reduce or terminafie a business interest <br />• Manage and operate any business or business interest that I <br />now have or later acquire, including but not lunited to the <br />following: , <br />• Entering into, amending, enforcing and terminaiing any <br />business contrac�t. <br />• Disbursing, receiving and demanding money in the <br />operation of the business. <br />• Merging, reorganizing or selling a business or part of a <br />business. <br />• Determin;ng the location, nature, and method for <br />operating the business. <br />• Hiring and firing employees and agents. <br />To the extent that an agent is permitted by law fio act for a <br />principal, and subject fio the terms of any parinership or <br />operating agre�ment, to perform any duty and exercise any <br />right, power or privilege that I�nave under a partnership or <br />operating agreement, to enforce the terms of a pa�tnership or <br />operating agreemen� and to defend, arbitrate and settle any <br />-3- <br />