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201205248 <br />(�qa� PERSONAL AND FANIILY CARE: <br />To do all acts necessary to maintain the customary standard of <br />living of my spouse, children and other individuals customarily or <br />legally entifled to be supported by me, including, but not limited <br />to, providing and paying for medical care, shelter, clothing, food, <br />usual vacations, education, transportation, and dues for social <br />organiza.tions. <br />�� G�VERNMENT ASSISTANCE: <br />Claim and collect benefits from social security, Medicare, Medicaid, <br />or other government programs or civil or militaYy service. <br />(rh� �� RETII�.EMENT PLANS: <br />To act for me in all matbers that affe�t my retirement or pension <br />plans, including but not limited to selecting payment options, <br />designating beneficiaries, m.aking contributions, exercising <br />investrnent powers, making "rollovers" of plan �nefits, borrowing <br />or sQlling assets from the plan, and, if I am a spouse who is not <br />employed, waiving my right to be a beneficiary of a joint or <br />sur�rivor annuity. <br />(�) TAXES: <br />• Prepaze, exercise any available election, and sign tax returns <br />and related documents. <br />• Pay taxes due, collect refunds, post bonds, receive confidential <br />information. <br />• Represent me in all income tax matbers before any federal, siate, <br />or local tax collecting agency. <br />(1'��_) GIFT'S: <br />Make gifts from my assefis, including debt forgiveness and gifts to <br />my attorney-in-fact <br />�' <br />