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<br /> ' 16.Burrawer'e Copy. Borrower shall be given one confocmed copy of ihe Note end of ihis Securlty InstrumenG
<br />••�'�;? "� 17.Transkr ot the Property or a BenefkG�l Interest in Borrower. If atl or ony part of thc Property ar any inccrest in It Is �.�
<br /> � � � sold or trartsfcrrcd(or if a bcneficlal intcrest In Bortower i.c sold or uensfcrrod and Borrowcr Is not a nawralperson)wiQ�out �
<br /> Lende�'s prioe wrlucn consent,Lcndcr mny,ut it�optian,rcquiro im�cdintc paymcnt in faA af Wl sums sccurcd by this Sexuriry �
<br /> '��� Insorumcn�Howevcr.this opdon shall nat bo cxcrciscd by Lcndcr if oxcroiso is prohibited by fcdcrel luw as of ihe dat�of this --
<br />�°�_""'�•� Security InstrumenG _
<br /> :�� If Lender oxcrcises this opdon,Lender shall give Borrower nodee oF aceeleradon.'Ihe nodce shall provido a pedod of nat loss
<br /> than 30 days from�he date the nodcc is delivcrcd or mailed within whkh Borrower must pay all sums sccured by this Scturity
<br />=- Instr�menG If Borrowcr feils eo pay these sums Prlor to thc expiradan of this period.Lender m�y invokc any remcdies pem�ittod
<br /> ' � by this Securlry Instrument without furihu nodce or dunand on aorrower. -
<br /> 18.Borrowsr'�RIg6t to Refnstwta � Borrower meets certain conditions, Borro�vex shall have tha dght to have
<br /> enforcement of this Securtty Instrument discondnued ut nny dme prior to tlie earlia of: (a) 5 days (or such other period es
<br />._;.4;4. . apPlicable law may spcxlfy for rcinstntcmetu)befara sele of the Property piusuant to any power of sale contained in thls S�xurlty
<br /> Insuument;or(b)enay of a judgment eaforcing this Securlty InstnimeaG Thasa contitdons aro thu Borrower.(a)pays I.ande�aU
<br /> '.� sums which thea would be due undu this Security Inshument and ttw Note as if no aceelaatian hed occumed;(b)curos any
<br /> default of any other covenants or agrecments;(c)pays all expenses incucred in enforcing thls Security Instrumeat,Inciu�in�,but
<br /> �' not llmtted to,reasonable etwmeys'fees:and(d)talces such acdon as Lender ms�y reasonably requiro to assura that tho liea of this
<br /> y'?''�', '• Securtty Instzument, L,endrr's nghts in the Proputy end Horrower's obU�non tn pay tho sums securod by ihls 5ecurity
<br /> ' Instrument shall contlnue unchar►ged. Upon roinstatement by Borrower, this Securtry Instrumei►t and the obligafions secured
<br />^r-ri};,� - hereby shall remain f»11Y effocdve as if no acceleration had occurred. However,this rlght to reinstace shall not apply in Ihe casa of
<br />-- .-�,:�a�� accelcradon uader paragraph 17.
<br /> '��^r�` 19.Sak ot Note;Change of Loan Servicer. '!he Note or a paztial intecest in the Nou (together with this Security
<br />-;_.;;�;.•� Instrument)may be sold one or mom times without pdor nodce to Borrowet.A sale mny result in a change in tlie cndry(known
<br />�:;�.YA as the"LAan Servicer")that collects munlhly payments due undu the Note and th3s Securlty Instarwmen�Ther4 alsa maY be one or
<br />-..,r.;.•.,.
<br />_-�.:��. .� more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelaWd W a sale of the Note. If there is a chen e of the Loan Servicer,Homnwer
<br /> -' '� given wrluen nodce of the change in accordAnce with paragraph 14 above andapp�le law.The no�ce will state the aame and
<br />��%►��'' address of tha new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.'It�e nodce will also contain eny other
<br /> ..,�;�'•. information nquin�by epplicable law.
<br /> ' r��.S 20.H�rdous Substanas. Bomnwer shall not cause or permit the presence. use, disposal, storaBe, or release of aay
<br /> `=�"•u• � Ha7ardous Substances on or in the Pcopeaty.Horrower shall not do.nor ullow anyone else to do.anything affectiaB d►e P'roP�Y
<br /> 1;:,b
<br /> ="�'=:'�' that Ls in violadon of an�Environmenml Law.'Ihe preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.uae.ac storage an e
<br /> �����:� Property of small q�nunes of Ha�ardous Substances thac are generally recogniud to be appropriat�e to normal msidenti�al uses
<br /> _n� and to mamtenance of the Propetty.
<br /> Borrowu shall prompQy give Lender wriuen nodce of any lnvestigadon, claim,demand, laws�lt or otha acdon by any
<br /> `�';�� govcrnmeatel or regulacory aBency or pdvate party involving the Property and a�ry Hazardous Substance or Envlrotunental Law
<br /> �-���•�`�� of which Borrowu has acwal]rnowlodge.If Bomowu leams.o r i s norified by any governmeatal or regulatory authority.that any
<br /> ----- ---- removal or aher remedladon of any Hazardous Substance affecdng the Property is necessary,Aorrower shall promplly take ell
<br /> J-:�;� neccssazy remalial actions in eccordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> - --- ,qs usai in this paregraph 20. "Herardous Subsmnces" sue those substences def"med ac touic or ha7ardous substances by
<br /> -- - = Environmeatal L.aw and the following substences: gesoW►e� kerosene� other flammable ar to�cic pelrolcum products� toxic
<br />__ — pesticides and he�rbicides,volasilo solvents.matuiats containing asbestos or formaldehydo,and radiosctive maunals.As used in
<br /> -=� ihis perag[aph 20."Snvlronmeatal Law"meana federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wh�re the Property is lacsLed that relate
<br /> w health,safety or environmental protecHon.
<br /> NON-LJNIFORM COVfiNANT'S.Bocrower and L.ender further covenant and e�oce as follows:
<br /> 21.Accekratbn;Reanedies.Leoder shaU give nodce to Borrower prbr to Accekration tolbwieg Borrower'a breach ot
<br /> _ any rnvenant o� agreement in t6b Security Instrument (but not prbr to accderwtion under paragrrph 17 uulGSs
<br /> . applkabk law pmvida otherwke).The notice ahaU apecitys (a)the�etault;(b)the AMion required to cure the defautt;(c)
<br /> a date,not lass than 30 daye from t6e data the notice is given to Borrower,by whkh t6e default must be cured�and{d)
<br /> that tpilure to cure the ddault on or betore t6e date specified in the nodce may result W accekratbn ot tLe sume aecured
<br /> by thb Security Instrument and sak ot the Property.Thc notice s6aU turther inform Borrower ot t6e rlaht to retnstate
<br /> � aner Ycakration Rnd the rigdt to bring a rnurt action to assert the non-ext�tence of a defautt or any other dekn�e of
<br /> Bonrower to Acakration and s�le.If t6e defoult L�not cured on or before the d�te specified in the notice,I.eader,at ite
<br /> option�may require immediate payment in tuU ot All sums secured by this Security Iosprument wit6out further dem�nd
<br /> �� ---- and may invoke the power of an{e and any other remedies permitted by applicabk Ww.Lender ehaU be entitkd to collect
<br /> �_:= a1[expenses incurred in purauing the remedks providM in t6Es paragrap6 21,including,but not timited to�rwsoeabk
<br /> -----�-- °�� attorneya'tees and coats ot tttk evidence.
<br /> - �`�� , It the power ot s�k L� involced,Trastee shall reuord a notice of detault in estch county in whk6 ony part ot the
<br /> �"''� �� Property is located and shall mail rnpies of euch notic�e in the manner prescrlb�rl by applkabk lew to Borrower and to the
<br /> `^y f��,�,:
<br /> �'" '�` �" ; other rsons prescribed by appUcAbk law.Atter the time required by applicabk law,Trustee ehall give public eotice of
<br /> .��,�� �
<br /> :�;�ti,4n;'; , sak to thc pereons and in th�mAnner prescribed by applkable law.Tn�stee,wit6out demAnd on Borrower,shall aeU the
<br />"'`�` ' '" Property At public auction to t6e highest bidder ut the time and place And under We terms designAted in t6e notice ot sak
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