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<br /> in oee or more psrceY ��d ia �ay order Tnatee deteroian. Trustee rnsy PatPooe�k �U ar a�y p+�rod ot tre
<br /> Rrrr�rty hy pablk onnounamcnt at ttie tlme�nd pl�ce of any pr�viously echedukd e�k.Lender or ite dqi�nee m�y �
<br /> purcY�e t6e Property�t�y Mk.
<br /> Upon rcccipt at p�yme�t of the prke bid, Trwtce e6aU de8ver to tbe purch�er Trustee'e deed aiareyM� t�e
<br /> ProPvt�r.T6e retHal�is tde Trustee'�deed s6aq 6e prim� fACk evidence ot t6e trut6 ot the etoUemenU made trerein.
<br /> TroWa eb�U Apply tl�e prooetds at We�le in tl�e toNowi�j orders(�)to RY cab�ad exp�ees of a�ereMlos tLe pow�r of
<br /> awk,�r�d t�a s�IG Incfudin�t6e paronent ot tYa.Traeta'e fea actpaqy tncurred�not to acoeRd '�
<br /> ot the rincip�l emoupt ot the note A!IMe tinta of tiie deCUrx�m ot defanft,tnd rewoaabk attoroe�et'tees�perdttkt�b!
<br /> Vwi(b�to at1 uum�eecared 6r tiie Secari Lateusunt�pnd(t)any acce�to the Pa'�on a'Pereoou y eutHkd
<br /> ?,�.Reconve��ea. !J�wr► P�Ymnnt o�aU suma socuned�by this Sxurity Instrumen6 L.enda �request Tiustee w
<br /> reconvcy the Property and shnll aurrendar this Sec►udrj I�stcaannent end all noces evfde�ncing debt secur� by th1� ��►Y
<br /> L�swman w'I'rusue.Trusoee shttU�rxo+tvay�the Anjxuty without wa�ranty aad wIthout charge w the person a pasons kBallY
<br /> catl►kd a it,Such pason or pusons sM1t pny any recordatiron costs.
<br /> 23.Sub�titrte Trwtee. Lenda.at iLv npdon,may from dme to tirt�e ranove Trustee aad �nt a succes.wr uustee W any
<br /> c�or�voyar�af the Propeny.tha n�cces.gor uuseoe� st�all sua;eed eo a�ll d o a powa�and dud�ea�caaferred upon Trustoe haeini and�
<br /> by appLc�bk law.
<br /> ?A.Req�eat tor NWiees. Borrower roqucsts that cop�es of the not�ces of default and sale ba sent w Barowu's�ddress
<br /> which i�the Adckess.
<br /> 2S.gidera o t6i�Securlt�Inapvmen� If one or moro ridas are exocuted by Barower and recocded togettxx wid� d►is
<br /> Secarity Inst�un�ent,the cosenants end egroements of each snch rlda shall be incomor�tod lnto�nd ah�ll�ma�d and suppk�ment
<br /> the covenams and a�acnen!�s of this Securlty In.caument nv if the r�der(s)were a part of this Securiry Ins�L
<br /> [Chock appllcabie box(es)]
<br /> C7 na�us�t�x�� �co�domwwn x�a� ❑ �-a�a�ty xiau
<br /> []C,raduarod paymeut Rider [�Planned Unit T)eve}opmeat Rider ❑aiwakly Payment Ridu
<br /> []Balioon Rider 0 Rete Improvemer►t Ridu �Socond Hano Ridet
<br /> �VA Rida (�Ck1�a{s)[��YI
<br /> !
<br /> t
<br /> i
<br /> •� BY SIGIVII�TC3 BEIAW.Barnwa aocept�and agrees W the terms and cova�aats containal in this SocurIty Iaso�uman�xi 3n
<br /> '� any rida(s)executed by Bomower and rocoMed with is.
<br /> � Witnesxs: �� � y�.-� (Sal)
<br /> � Oag s C. Ninter 'BOR'0���
<br /> a
<br /> ,� �� ���
<br /> � O�ix�D. Yint�r '8a�'O�"0t
<br /> :� .
<br /> � � ($�) ���
<br /> -Horrower -BonoNer
<br /> , Shte OtNlbrasic4 N�l l COUIIty ss:
<br /> = The fa+egoing�nstrument was acicnowledged before me ihis 2 (Ifly Of SEPTElIiER , 1997 ,
<br /> � by DouYtas C. Ytnttr �nd Debra D, Minter , Hwb�nd x�d Hife •
<br /> � WI¢ness my t�and and noterisl seal et cs�and t�l�nd, Nebr��k� d County.ihe dete aforese�d.
<br /> �. My Comrt�issioa gxpires: �w�a ,
<br /> Noury Public
<br /> ���r�M�111111
<br /> . ������
<br /> �-ER(NE)�ox�s�.a� p.p•eoi e Form�02� l/90
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