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<br /> puymcnts may no longcr bc rcquircd,at thc opdon of Lcndcr,)f mortgagc insurencc covcragc pn tho amount and for thc pulod =
<br /> dwt Lender requIres)provided by on in.gurcr appmved by Lendcr again becomey availabk end is abulned.Borrower ehall pay the
<br /> premiums rcquired to maintein martgago Insurancc in effixt, or to provide a bss reservc, umll the roquiremcnt for mongago �
<br /> lnsunanca ends in accordanco with any wriuen agrceinent betweej�Borrowe.e and Lender or applical�3a law. �
<br /> 9.Iospectlon. Lcndcr a ib egent may mako rcasonablc cntdcs upon and inspoction�of the Property. Lcnder shall givc
<br /> Borrower notico at the dmc of or pdor to an inspcxdon specifying reasonable cause for thc inspoction.
<br /> 10.Candemoatbn. 'Il�e prooxds of eny award or claim for damages,dlr�eGt or consequentiaal,in wnceccdon with any
<br /> candcmnation or othcr taking of any part of the Propecty.or far wnveyanct In lieu of condemnatian.ere hereby assigncd and
<br /> shail be paid to Lendu. _
<br /> In the cvent of a toal taking of the Property,the proceeds sheU be applied w the sums securcd by this Sccurity Instnur►ent, �
<br /> whcther or not ihcn due,with any excess paid tn Borrowcr.In tha avent of a partid taking of the Property in whkh tha fair madcet
<br /> value of the Property immediat,ely bcfom the taldng is equal w or greater than tha emount of the aums sccured by this SecurIty
<br /> ' Insuumcnt immediately bcfac the taking� unless Borrowc�and Lendcr otherwlse egnx in writing. the sums socured by this
<br /> Secur[ty Iastrument shall be roduced by the amount of the Proceeds mulBpUed by the followIng fiactton:(a)the total emount of
<br /> the sums socured iaimed�suly befora the teldng,divlded by(b)the fair marlcet value of the Praperty immodiabely before 1he
<br /> . talring,Any balance shall bo paid to Borrower.In the everet of a pa�dal taking of the Prope�ty in which the fair madcet value of the
<br /> proputy immediately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums sccured immediately before the taidng, uuless �
<br /> Borrowu and Leader otherwlse agra in writing or unkss applicabla!aw otheiwiss pmvides,We procads shall be applied to the
<br /> sums se+�ured by this Security Insmiment whether or not the sums an:then due.
<br /> . If the Pmperty is abaadoned by Borrower, or if.eMx notice by L,e,nder tn Borrower that the condenmor offers w make an
<br /> award or scule a claim for damages,Borrower fails tc�respond to Lcndcr wilhin 30 days after the date the�sadce is given,I.ender
<br /> is auttwr�.ed to ooi�ect end apply the procoods.at its opdon,either to mstozation or m.pair of the Property or to the sums secural
<br /> � by Ihis Securiry Insuument,whether or not tfien due.
<br /> • Unlcss I.cnder and Borrower otherwise agree in�vridng,eny applicadon of pcocexds to principal shall not extend or postpone
<br /> tt�e�ue date of the monthly payments refetre.d co in pacagrapds 1 tad 2 a chenge the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Rele,�cedi Forbearance By Lender Not a R►afver. ExW�siau of the time for payment or nwdification
<br /> of amorti7ation of the sums scciued by this Security Ins�vment greated by Lender to eny successor in interest of Borrowa shall
<br /> not operate to release the liebiIity of We odginai liorrower or narowa's aucassors in inu,�w�c.Lendu shali no�ba�cquic�u iw
<br /> oornmence proceedings ngaiast�ury successor ia inurest�r nfuse w eactend dme for paymeat or otl;erwiso modify artwnizatiaa af
<br /> � the sums socured by Ws Secudry Inshvment by mason of any demand made by the original Bo�rower or Barower's su�ces.sors
<br /> in interest My forbe�rance by Lender in exercis�ng any dght or remedy shail not be a waiver of a preclude ihe exencise of aay
<br /> '.. rightor remedy.
<br /> 12.Sucassore and Assigna Bound;Joint wid Several Liabi�ty;Co-aignera. 'I1ie coveaants and agreements of this
<br /> Sec�rity Insavment shall bind and benefit the successors and a9signs of Lender ead Borrower,subjxt co ihe�xovisions of
<br /> psragraph 17. Barowu's covenants and agroements shall be joint and sevual. Any Borrower who co-signs tbis Security
<br /> � Instzument bnt does not exxuu the Note: (a) �S co-signiong this Securlty Insttuument only co mo�tgage. grant and convey tt�at
<br /> Bonower's intcrest in the Propc�ty nnder the terms of this Security Ins�amen�(b)is not personally obllgeted W pay tha snms
<br /> socurod.by this Security Instcuuma�t;and(c)egras that I.ender and any ottier Bo�rower may agrea to extend,modffY�forbear or
<br /> � make any accommodations with ngard to the terms of this SecurIty Insuumait cx the Note without�hat Bomnwa's consen�
<br /> 13.Loon Cbarges. If thc loan socured by this Sccurity Instmment is subject to a law which sets ma�cimum loen charges,
<br /> �nd Uwt law is finalty inteipreted so that Ihe�nterest or other loan charges collected or w be coUoctod in conaoctba wlth tho loan
<br /> ' eaceed tl�se permitted limits,then:(a)any such loan cherge shall be reduced by Ibe amount necessary w reduca Ihe charga to the
<br /> � permitt�ed limi�and(b)any aums already collected from Bomr,wer which exceeded pumitted Wnits will be nfunded to Socrowes.
<br /> Lender may chbose to make this refund by rerlucing the principal owed under the Note or by making a diroct payment to
<br /> Borcower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be trcated as a partial prepayment without any prepaymeut chargc
<br /> under the Nou.
<br /> 14.Notica. Any notia to Borrowa provided for in this Security Instrument shaU be given by delivering it or by mailing it
<br /> by fust class mail nnless applicable law requires use�f another method. 'Itie noticce shall be d�rected to the Prapeity Address or
<br /> any othu eddress Borrower dr,signates by notice to I.euder.Aay nodcc to L.ender shall be given by 6rst dass mail to Lender's
<br /> address statod herein or any other address Lender designat�s by notice to Botrower. My no6ce provided for in this Security
<br /> Insuument shall be deemed to have bcen glven to Bonower or Lender when given ag pmvided in this paragreph.
<br /> 1S.Governing Law;5everability. 'lt�i.s Socurity Instrument shaU bc govemed by fedaal law end the law of the
<br />– jurisdicdon in which the Propetty is located. In the event that any provision or clanse of thLa Security Instrumeat or the Note
<br /> conflicts with appllcable law,such cor�tlict shall not affect other proviaions of this Security Insm�mcnt or the Note which can be
<br />_ given offect without the conflic6ng provision.To this end the provisions of this Securiry Instrument and the Note are declared to
<br /> d be sevemble.
<br />- Fo�m 502� �/90
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