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<br /> I by awnsr's and ope�etors of similar properties and as Beneficiery m�y require for ite protaation. Truetor wlll compiy
<br /> � � with such other requiremente as Beneficiary may from tfine to time request for the protection by in�urence of the
<br /> .� intereat of the reapective pertles. All insurence policlea meinteinP�+ purauar�t to shle Deed of Trust shell name Truator
<br /> �� and 8eneficiery as insured, ea their respective intarest mey appear and provide that thero shall be no canr,ellation or - _
<br /> : i modification without fifteen (161 daye prlar wr(tten notifieation to Trustee end Benefictnry. IN the event eny pAllcy
<br /> j hereunder la not re�ewed on or betore fiReen(15)daya prlor ta ita expiretion dete,T�uetee or Beneficiary may procure
<br /> . .�:, such Insurance in accordance wkh the provisiona of parsgraph 7. Trustor shali deliver to Beneficiary the origina!
<br /> policies of fnsurence and renewele the�eof or copiea of auch polictes end renewels thereof. Feiture to turnish auch �;;._
<br /> >��""�j insurance by Truator,or renewels ar required hereunder,ahall, et the option of Beneficiary, constitute a defeult. Ail {y
<br /> _'�"""""'�' unee►ned}�remiums ere hereby essigned to Trustee es additional security,and e sale and conveyence of the Property
<br /> : � 1
<br /> by the Trustoe shall operete to convey to the purchaser the 7rusto�`s intereat in nnd tu ait pollcfca of knsurance uaon
<br /> � the Trust Property. � �`
<br /> �� 5. Taxes end Aesessm�nb. T�ustor shatl pay all taxes and speclal asaessments Ievied or assessed against,or �-
<br /> �. due upon,the Property before delinquency and wlll deliver to Beneficiary coples of receipts showing payment of such �..
<br /> texes and speclal assessments. -
<br /> 6. Additiond Uens. Trustor shalt�nake eii payments of interest end principal,and peyments of any other cherges,
<br /> fees, and expenses contracted to be pafd to any exiating lien holders or prior beneficfaries under any prior Deed of
<br /> • Trust, Mortgage o� other security agreement, before the dete they ere delinquent and ta pey eny other cleim which
<br /> . � � jeoperdizes the securfty granted herein.
<br /> � 7. Prot�atin�� At BenQflciary's Sacu�ity. Should T�uator feil to meke any payment, feil to de any sat aa herein =
<br /> , . provided or if any actbn or proceeding Is commenced which metorislly affects Baneficiary's Interest in the Property, �
<br /> � • inciudinq, but no limited to, eminent domain. Insolvency. errengements or proceedings (nvolving e bankrupt or
<br /> ..;• decedent,then BenefiCiary or Truatee, but without obligatfon to do so,and without notice to or demend upon Trustor, �._-
<br /> �� end without reteasing Trustor from any obligation hereunder, may make or do the same, and may pay. purchase. �
<br /> contest or compromise andy encumbrance,charge or lie�, which in the judgement of efther appears to e£Fect $a4� "
<br /> � , Property;in exercising any such powers,the Beneficiary or Truatee may incur a liability end expend whetever arnou�ts. _
<br /> • � includtng disbursements of reasonebla ettorney's fees, which in their abso�ute discretion may be necessa�. I� th� �
<br />- event that Trustor shall fail to procure insurance, fail to pey texes �nd spectal essessments or fait to make any
<br />- � H payments to existing or prior lien holders or beneficiaries,the Beneficiary mey procure such insurance and meke such
<br />- . payments. All sums fncurred or expended by 8eneficlary or Trustee in eccordance with the provisfons of the Deed of
<br />-- z�u�i ara sacursd heresy snd,=�:?*.!�ut dQm?"�!,eha11 be immedietaiy due and payab9e by Trustor and sheil bear tnterest
<br /> ���`�� • • at the rate provided for advances under the Loan Agreement;provided.hvwever,thet et the optton of the Beneficiary
<br />- � " or Trustee,such sums may be edded to this principal balance of any indebtedness secured hereby and shell bear the
<br />-a�=`:.;�`f=� seme interest es such (ndebtedness e�d shell be payable retabty over ehe �emaining term thereof.
<br />�t;.Xr,,�.. .
<br /> 8. Assignms�t of R�nta. Beneficiary shall heve the right,power and authority during the continuence of this D
<br />�:��f=°;��,`;4': of Trust to collect the rents,issues and profits of the Piroperty and of any personal property loceted thereoc�with or
<br />��,;`� ;'�'.
<br />_.:P,._�•. wlthout taking possession of the Property affected hereby,end Trustor he�eby absolutely end unaond(tionally ass gns
<br />= al1 such rents,lasues and profits to Beneficiary. Beneficiery,howrever,hereby consents to the Truetor's collection end
<br />_�'�T�,'�.:� retention of such rents,lssues and profits es they accrue and become peyable so long es Trustor is not,et such time.
<br />--- -'��@• � in defeult with respect to payment of any irtdobtedness secured hereby or in the performance of any agreement
<br />�'�������"�'; hereunder. Upon any such default, Beneficiary mey et en;�time, either in person, by agent or by a receiver to be
<br /> �r=�'�'
<br />- -`-„���, eppolnted by a court, withuut nottce end wtthout regard to the adequacy of eny security for the indebtedness hereby
<br /> --.�,;;:�,�� secured: (e) enter upon and teke possession of !he Property or any part thereof end (n its own nam� sue for or
<br /> j��-?'�_�"°.i��hBE. , otharwise collect such rents, issuas and profits, inciuding those past due end unpeid, en epply the same, lesa costs
<br />-=°:_r�;�.i� end expenses of operetion and collection,Including reasonable attorney fees, upon any indebtedness secured hereby
<br /> -,;;�Y . and in such order as Beneficiary may determine: (b) perfor�^n such acts of �epair or protection as may be necesaery or
<br />_ ,• proper to conserve the value o4 the Property: (c)lease t�o�ame or any part hereof tor such roMet term en�upon auch
<br /> �'"`�` aonditiona es its judgment may dictato. Unless Trustor end Beneficiary agree otherwise tn writing,eny application of
<br /> =-��� rents,issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shall not extend or postpone the due dete of the installment
<br /> y,��''_�. poyments as provided fn the Loan Agreement, and the epplication thereof as aforeaaid shaU �ot weive or cure any
<br /> _.:..;.�,:.,_,�, default or notice of default herounde�or invplidote any act done pursuant to such notice. Trustor also assigns to
<br /> ��==R Beneficiery, es further securiry for the performance of the obligetions secured hereby,ell prepaid rents and all monies
<br /> r--- �.
<br /> " °-%�%�.:., ' which may have been or may hereafter be deposited with seid Trustor by any lessee of the Property,to securo the
<br /> _�' �;�;Ki.. . payment of any �ent, and vapon default in the performance of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor agrees to deAver
<br /> such rents and d�posits to the Boneficiary. Delivery of written notice of Beneficiary's exercfse of the rights grented
<br /> � herein to any tenent occupying sald premises shall be sufficient to requfre seid tenant to pay said rent to the
<br /> _ ' ' Benoficiery until further notice.
<br /> , • 9. Condwnnatlon. If title to any part of the Property shall be taken in condemnatio� proceedings, by right of _
<br /> � eminent domeln or similer action, or shall be sold under threat of aondemnetion, all ewards, damages and proceeds
<br /> are hereby assigned and shall be paEd to Beneficfary who shall apply such award, damages and proceeds to the sums
<br /> ' secured by the Deed of Trust,with the excess, if any, peid to the Trustor. -
<br /> 10. Futuro Advancea. The Loen Agreement provides for edvences from time to time to Trustor by 6eneficiary -
<br /> ��..
<br /> '-`�� es provided therein. In addition, upon request of Trustor, Beneficiary, at Beneficfary's option, prior to reconveyance
<br /> of the Property to the Trustor, mey make additinnal future edvances to the Trustor. Such future advances, with =
<br /> __ �r ,,,.e.e...tio.o,,,, ahAu n�, �ar.��rad 6v this Deed of Trust when evidenced by promissory noies steting thet sefd notes -
<br /> _- _ _. ..............._.__.., _.._.. -- ----
<br /> + are secured hereby; provided that at no time shall the secured principal and future advances, not including sums
<br /> � � advenced to protect the socurity, exceed one hurdred percent (100%1 of the original principel amounts secured
<br /> ' hereby. '
<br />— � 11. Remedies Cumuletive. All remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> • � right or remady under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equfry, end may be exer�ise� ,�o��trently, i
<br /> , independentiy or successively. ~�� �a �
<br /> 92. Accelsratfo�; Remedies: Sat�. A default shall exist in the event of:
<br /> � (A) Any iraud or misrepresentation by the Trustor in connaction with the line of credit which this Deed of Trust
<br /> . i secures;
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