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<br /> IBI Any fell►�re on the part of the Truator to meet the repayment tarme In reepect to the Lnan Agreement end eny
<br /> �` othor edvencea under thls Deed of T►uet hereby aecured; and,
<br /> '� (CI AnV action by the Trustor prohlbited by the terms of the Loen Apreement or thi�IDoed of Trust or any failure of
<br /> ' !he Truator to ect aa �equlred by the Loen Aflreement or this Deed of Trust,each of whloh Trustur hereby aprees ,
<br /> � . heve en edverae affect on the Beneficlery'e aecurlty for the Ilne of credit eetehllahed and the rights of the
<br /> . �; Beneficlary in such secutity.
<br /> � ��"'4fi�"� end upon tha happening of eny auch event of defeult, Beneficlery may declare ell aums secured hereby immediately �__'
<br /> due end pay�ble by deliver to Truatee of written declaration of default. The Truetee ehell heve the power of sale of �°-
<br /> �� the Property_ end if Beneficiarv de�frea the Property to be sold, it shall deposit with Trustee thie Deed of Trust and ell �'�
<br /> . i.3 promissorynotes and documents evidenclnp expendituros secured hereby and shall dellver to Trustee a written notice ��:
<br /> of default end electfon to cau e the Property tb be aold, and the Trustee in turn shell prepere a notice in the form f:
<br /> _ �� r�quirad bytawu�r�iFh.Rh+��b duty fllsd for record by Truatee. �'
<br /> ' (A) Aftai the�lAp�e,of such ql�e es may be required by lew followi�g the recordation of aefd notice ot default, end �--
<br /> � ,; notice of defeult and n4tice of sale havine been given a� required by lew,Trustee, without demend on Trustor, �
<br />_ shall aell tfie Property on the dete end et the time end place designated in setd notlae of sale,at pubtic auction to =-
<br /> t•,.. the hlghest bidder, the purchese price peyable ln lawfui money of the United Statea et the time of sete. The
<br />- � persan conduating the sele may, tor eny ceuse he deems expedient. postpone the sele from time to time until it
<br /> - ' shell be completed and, in every auch casa, notice of postponement shell be given by public decleration thereof
<br /> : by such person at the time end plece last eppolnted for tha aele, provi�ed,If the sale Is postpaned for langar than -
<br />�"'� one(11 day beyund the day deaignated in the notice of aele,notice thereot ahall be given in the same mannea es
<br /> 1• _, the origi�al notice of sale. Trustee ahail execute and daliver ta the purchaeer ita Deed conveying the Property so
<br /> -- „ , • sold,but without andy covenent or warranry, expross or impllad. The recitels in the deed of any matters or ects
<br /> � shall be conclusive proof of tho truthfulness thereof. A�y person,including Beneflciery, may purcheae at ths sale.
<br />-..,�.� ' (0) When Trustee sells pursuent to the powera herein, the Truateo shell epply the pr�ceeds of the sale to payment
<br /> ''"° °' � of the costs and expenses of exarcising the power of sale and of the sale,includtng the payment of the Truatee's
<br />�`` , � '" feas ectuelly incurred, which Trustee't fees ahsll not in the aggrogate exceed the following emount based upon
<br />�'.'� , ��� the amount secured hsreby and remaining unpeid;6 percentum on the flrot 41,000 thereof, 1 percantum on the
<br /> ='����-� • balance thereof end theri to the items in subparegraph(C) In the order there steted.
<br /> M' �y� �'. (Ci After peying the items specified in subperagraph (B) If the sele is by Trustee, or the proper court and other costs
<br />-- . .� r,.
<br /> _-- - of foreclasure end sale�t the seie is pursuens[o judiciei iorncivauio.���e���caa�a:.�sata sha!!b:,a�pl3;,d ir.t!:r asdas
<br /> ..:.,;.;'::��.,.
<br /> __:_ �r.•,;,g„� steted to the payment of:
<br /> -=���; pl Cost of any evidence of title procured in connectlon with such sale and of any revunue stampa;
<br /> ==�f�;�;�- (II� All sums the secured ha�eby;
<br /> -��-�=q:'.`"�°� (IIII The remainder, if eny,to the person tegeily entitled thereto.
<br /> 13. Dudos and Obllpations of Tnnt�n. (a) The dutles end obiigations of trustee shatl be determined solefy by
<br /> -- the express provisions of thia Deed of T�u�t, end Trustee shell not be Ilable except for the performence of such dvties
<br /> _`�_y=�'� end obligatfons as are specfficelly set fonh herein, end no implied covenants or obllgations shall be imposed upon
<br /> �-,;��AT a Trustee; (b) No provisions of this Oeed of Trust shell require Trustee to expand or risk ita own funds,or otherwiae
<br /> -==•� incur any flnenciel obligetion in the performanee of eny of its duties hereunder,or M the exercise of a�y of its�ights
<br /> —__°
<br />