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<br />-`�`���' HOME FEaERAI - GRAND ISLAND
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<br /> : '1'2'y SOaltfl �OQ'.U�t S`t.r P.�. BOX �0�.9
<br />:;'� G�ancf Island, N�braska s8603-10a9 pJ?�• 1�'r'��
<br /> 308-382-�4000
<br /> .._�
<br /> _�� The undersigned"Trustor"as identified In the followinp Deed of Truat, whether one or more,underatend that the
<br /> — document they ere about to axecute is e Deed of Truai and not e mortgage,and that the power of eate provided for
<br /> — in ehe Oead of Trust provides aubaten2tally diffsrent riphts and obN�ations to the Barrowers than a mortgape in the
<br />�-� event af e detault or breach of obligatton u�der the Dead of Trust.including,but not Iim(ted to, t�he Beneficiery'a right
<br />,':•:��
<br />---.,,�� to heve the Property identified in the following Doed of Trust sold by the Trustee without any Judicial proceedfnp.
<br />.��,r,,� Trustor roproaents and werrertts thet this Acknowledgment vdas executed by them hafore the exeaution of the Dsed
<br /> �-•--,= of Truat hereefter set forth.
<br /> __.— V�IT SOltl1
<br /> THIS TRUST DEED made this 25T� day of AU(iUST , 1997 �r,yeen
<br />-._�� lWiV@1 C JOFQiSO:i, A BINOLY PBPSON
<br /> -� herefnafter call"Truator", whoae mefling eddreaa is 620 WEST AVB, oRArrD iBLAt�D, NS 68803
<br /> ;es"Truetee";and Home Federel Savinps and loan Assaciation of G�and Islartd,whose
<br /> meiling addreas is 221 South Locuat, P.O. Box 1008,(3rend Island, Nebraske 8880?.,ea "Beneflciary".
<br /> For veluable conaideretion,Truator Irrevocably grents,transfo�s, conveya end asaigna to Truatee, in trust, with
<br /> power of sele,for the banefit end secur(ty of Beneficiery, under end subject to the tarms and conditions of this t)eed
<br /> of T►ust,the following d�acribed property located in � �
<br /> Nalxaaka�to wit:
<br /> together wlth ell bufidings,fixturea,improvements end eppurtenancea thereunto belonging,it being egresd that all of
<br /> the foregoing shail be herelnefter referred to es the "Property".
<br /> FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performence of eech agreoment and cou�enent of Truator hsrein contelnad and
<br /> the payment of the principal sum of �TY T�+ars���s z xo/csNxs
<br /> Dollars (8 Z0,000.oo �, ea evidenced by a Home Federel Home Equity Loan ltgreement between
<br /> Trustor end Beneficiary(the"Loen Agreement"1,pursuant to whtch Beneficfary will advance funde to Truetor from xime
<br /> to time at tha interest raZes end upon the terms provided therein, together with any aum ar aums af mo�ey with
<br /> interest thereor�which may heraafter be patd or edvanced under the terms of this Deed of Trust, both prin�ipai sum
<br /> and tnterest thereon being payable eccordfng to the terms set forth in the Loan Agreement, reference to which is
<br /> hereby made, et the office of the Beneficiery in�rend Islend, Nebreske, or at such other place as Beneficiary may
<br /> --------- designete in writing.
<br /> �"� 1. Warranty of 7itl�. Trustor Is iawfully seized of the Property; has good right end lawfui authority to sell and
<br /> =-j"="� convey the Property;the Property is free and cleer of ell liena end encumbrances except Ifens now of record; and
<br /> r,;�y� Trustor will warrant and dofend the title to the Praperty unto the Trustee and its successors end assigns forever
<br />°''r-°.� agafnst the cleims of all persons.
<br /> :_��,� 2, Pa�cnant ot P�IncipM and IntKat. Truator sheii punctuelty pay the principal of, and interest on, all edvances
<br /> -= under the Loan Agreement end will punctueily perform ell egreements.conditions and provisions of any other security
<br />--•F�.,_ instrument given in connection wich snia crensac[ion.
<br />�;��`.-;;�;=� 3. Pru�rvation�nd Meint�nana�of Prop�rty. Trustor will not commit any waste upon the Property at wlll,et
<br /> =��'�?�:� all times, maintein the same in good order and condltion end will meke, from time to time, all repafrs, renewels,
<br />_`;�..;'�.� replacements,additions and improvements which are rec�sonsbly required to prevent weste,Impairment or deterioration
<br />=.:_3�,1; ., of said property. No building or improvement now or herenkor erocted upon the Property shall be eltered removed
<br /> '~"�� or demolished without the prior written consent of Benefiaiary.
<br /> ,���:�,R.- 4. Insuranc�. Truator,at its expense,wfll maintein with insurers epproved by Boneficiary, insurance with respect
<br />�r'�•'�' � � to the improvementa end pe�sonal property constituting the Property egeinst loaa by fire.lightning,tornado end other
<br /> s},��' perfls covered by standerd extanded coverage endorsement in en emount equai to et least one hundred percent of the
<br /> fuil replacement value thereof,and insurance ayaingt aur,h other hazards end in such amount es'� cu�tor(��n1Y carried
<br />__.�.ihr- �
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