<br />Loan No: 35698 (COntinued) Page 6
<br />Vuetea. a� the inatrument sheA be e�cecuted and acknowledged by a11 the baneflGa►Iea under thla Dead of Trust ar
<br />theh a�asors in interest The suco�r Vustee� without �yance of the Propetty. sh� sueoeed ro eq the
<br />Ufte, power, and duUes ea�terred upan i�e Tiustee in tl�fe Deed ot Trust and by appllmble law. Thls pra�dure for
<br />subs8tution of Trusme she0 govem to the excluston of aU other provisl�a for substitutfon.
<br />NOTICES. My notice requded to be gtven under thla Deed of 7ntat„ Ineluding without IlmitaUon arry notic� oi defauU
<br />artd any noUce of sale sheq ba glven In mltfng. arid shall ba eiTeetive when actually deltvered, when acWa(ly reoe(ved
<br />by telefecslmUe (unleas otherarise t�{uired by Eaw?, when deposlted with a nathmetly �fzed ovem�ht t�urier. or, H
<br />nmRed, when depo�ted tn q�a United Skates meq, as flret etasa, eertifted ar regis6ared �rmll postage prepeid, directed to
<br />tt�e addreases ehown r�ar �e beginMng of this Dead of Truet. AII copfes of noUees ot faecbaure irom the hclder ot
<br />arry Iten wh�eh has prlartty orrer thla Deed of Trost shell be sant to Landers addresa as shown rrear the Y�innirtg ot
<br />thfs Deed of Truat AnY persasi may chanpe his w her eddress tor notices und� tFds Deed of 7rust by gtving fomiei
<br />written oou� to iF�e ather person or persar�s, spec(rying tl�at tha purpose of the notMe � to dier�e the person's
<br />addre�. Far noUce purposes, Trustar agrees to keep Lender Informed at all times af Tn+stors aur�enf addr�s. Unless
<br />oSherwise pravlded or requlred by law, ff there le more than one Truator, any �otloe given by Lender to any Truetor is
<br />deamad to be nodce gtven to dl Trustors. It wlli be Trustors responsibillty to tefi the others of the noHae irom LerWer.
<br />AAISCELWYEOUS AROVISIONS. Tha foAowing misceilaneous provisions are a part of th4a beed of Trust
<br />Amentlrtreins. Whai Is wriuen In this Deed of Truat and In the Releted Documents is TruatoPs eMlre agreement
<br />wtth Le�der conceming the mattere covered by thEa Dead of Truet 7o be eHecthre, arry change or ame�ment W
<br />fhia peed oi TNSt muat be in wrlGng and muat ba eignad by whoevar wlll be hound or abAgated bg the char�pe or
<br />amendment
<br />Ceptloq Headinga. Capdan headtn� in thh Deed o! Trust era tor convenienc� purposes oNq and are noi to be
<br />used to Inlerpret or define the proWsiona of this Deed oi Trust.
<br />&lerger. There ahell be no merger of tha lntaresi or estate �reaied by ihls Deed a( Trust wtth any other Intereat or
<br />eatete in tl�e Propmiy at any tlma hetd by or (o� tha banaflt OP Lender in any oapactiy, wilhoat Ihe written eonaertt
<br />of Lernter.
<br />Govendng Law. This Deed of Trust wAI be govemed by fade�al taw applicable to Lender and, eo the exteM rrot
<br />preempted iry tedarel lew, tho laws of �o S�te of Nebraska without ragerd to ite eonflieta ot laaa provislons. Thls
<br />Dead of Trust hea been aecapted by Lender fn the Stete of Nebreske.
<br />Jolnt arM 9everel Uab16ty. All obliga6are oi Truetor under this Oeed ot Trust ahall be jalyd aM severaf. m�d a4
<br />ref�anoea to Trustor sha@ rnean ead� arnl ewery Trust�. This rt�ans that � Trust� ai�gd� bebw is
<br />r�Ons�le tar s0 obli�8ons fn this Deed o} Trust
<br />No Wafvar by Lender. Tniator unde�tands lsnder w01 not give up any of Lenders rtghts untler fFds Osed of 7ruat
<br />urdasa Lender doas so tn wrltlng. 71ta faet thet Lender delays w wrdb to exer�se arry r�ht wiil not mean thet
<br />Lender has glven up that rfght Ii Lend� does agree In wriqng lo give up ona oi Lemler's ri�hta, lhet does not
<br />mean TrusWr wIU �ot hava to comply with the other provisiona oT thla De� of Trust Tn�star also wderatanda
<br />Ihat if Lendet does conseM to a requsst, that does not rtrean that Tn�sWr wIi! not have to get Lendets cm�sent
<br />agaln if tlte situatlon happeras again. Trusror further urtderslands thel Juat becsuae LerMer oo�ts to one ar mrne
<br />oi 7rustor's reqcrests, that does not m�n LerMer wGl be r�uired to consent to arry oi Trusror's tuture requesta.
<br />Tnistor waNea pr�entment. demend for paymeM. Protest� srtd notlae oT diehonor.
<br />Sevecahlllly. If a courf flnds that arry pro+ris[on of th[s Deed o} 7ruet � not velid or st�d not be erdorce�, that
<br />tact by ftself wilt not rr�n that the rest ot this Deed of Tn�et wlll no! be vapd ar ertforced. Tl�efore, a couA wlll
<br />erdorce Me rest of Ure provieimre of dUs Oeed of Twat even If a prwLaicn of this Dead of Tnist may be found to be
<br />tmraAd arunenforreable.
<br />Successma and Aasig�. Subje� to �y IMHstions steted In thls Deed of Truat on Iranafer of 7rustors interesl,
<br />thls Daed of Truat shaU be binding upon snd tnwe W 6�e baneflt of lha parlfas, thelr successurs arod assigns, If
<br />ownerahip oi U�e Pr�erty becomes vested in e person othar lha� Trustor, Leruier, wEfhout ootiae lo Trust�, may
<br />deal with Truarors succ�sors with reterert� to fhis Oeed of Trual end the I�ebtednsss by way ot forhearence ar
<br />extension without rat�a�ng Trustor from the obllgatlons ot this �sed ot Trust w pe61�ty under the Indebtedness.
<br />Time le of the Essence, Tfine Is oT the esvence In the perfermenee of thia Defld of Truat.
<br />Watver at Homastead Fxempdom 7nrstor hereby relaa�s end wahres ell dghts s�xt 6errefits oi tha home�ead
<br />exempdan laws oi tl�e Stata ot Nebr�ka as to aU Indehtedn�s sewred by d�is Deed of Trust
<br />OEFlNRfONS. The followfng words ehaA have fhe following meardngs when used ir thls Deed of Truat:
<br />9eneflcfary. The word "Beneflcfary° means HASTINGS SFATE BANK, and tta suct�asors and assigns.
<br />Borrower. The word °Borrowet meane STEVFSt D P�OPPB mid PAULA S POPPE and includes ail co-s(gners aad
<br />co•me&ers slgning the Cr�l[t Agreement and &➢ thelr successnrs and asslgns.
<br />Creditp� ement The wards °Credit AgreemeM" mean the aredH agreeme�l dated May 31, 2p92, With CtEdlt
<br />Umlt of $68.000.00 from Trusror to Lernlsr, together with a9 ren�nvais of, wdensiore of, madNicatlons of,
<br />reftnandngs of, consolidatlons af, and substHultons fcr the promlasory rmte or a9reemerd. NOTICE TO TRUSTOR:
<br />Deed ot Trust The words °Deed oi TrusY mean fhls De�l of Trust emong Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, a�
<br />indudes wiq�out QmRaUcn all aesignment and security tntewat proviebne relaUng to the Pers�al RropeAy and
<br />Ranta,
<br />EnvlronrrreMal Lawe. 'The words °Environmental Laws° mea� any and aA state, federat a� locel stetutes,
<br />regutaUons and ordinancea relatin@ to ihe protectlon of human health or the environmenk includin� withoul
<br />Wnitatlon the Comprehensive Environmenml Respanae, Compensallon, and Liebiltty Act of 1980, as amended, 42
<br />U.S,C, 8ecUon 9601, at aeq. ('CERCI.A'�, �e Supartur�d Amendme�ts and Reaulhorbadon Act of 1986, Pub, L,
<br />No. 98-Ag9 {°SARA"}, the Hazardoue MateBals TraoeporlaUan Aot, 48 U.S.C. Secdon 1801, et aeq., the Resource
<br />Conservatlon �d Raeovery Aet, 42 U.3.C. 9eatlon 6901, et aeq., w other epplieable atete or federal laws, rules,
<br />or regulaBons adopted pursuant thereto.
<br />Event of Defauit. The worde "Evant of Defeult° mean any of ihe events oi detaWt set forth M th[a Deed ai Trust In
<br />8ie evenis of default sectton of thls Deed oP Trust.
<br />� 6det�g lnda6tednesa. The worda "�xletlng Indebtednesa° maan the indebtedness desmibed i� the �deUng Uens
<br />provlsion oi thFS Deed of Trust.
<br />Hazardous Substancas. Tha wards "Hazardoue Subatancea° mean materlaia that, because ot thetr quantlty,
<br />concentratbn or physical, chemlcaE or infe¢Uoua charecterisSca, mey cause or pose a preseni o� potentlel he�rd
<br />to huma� health or Use e�vironme�l when Improperly usad, treated, etored, dleposed of, genereted, manutactured,
<br />4ranaported'or mhenvise hendled. Tha words °Hazardoug Su6stences° are used in their very broadest se�e end
<br />Inelude wiihoul QmlteQon arry aad aQ heaalloua or toxic subetancea, materials w waste ae deftnad by or Iistad
<br />under the EnvironmeMai laws. The term °Hazardous 8ubstences' also Inclades, wNhaul QmitaBon, petrolaum and
<br />patroleum by-products or any fracdon tl�ereo} and asbesros.
<br />