<br />loan No: 35698 (CondRUed� Page S
<br />(b) Commence an ectlon fo Pwedose �ta Ueed ot Trust es a mcrtgage, appot�t a recefver ar aped6ca0y
<br />enforce any oi the covenants hereaN, and
<br />(o) Daliver to Trustee a written decfanatbn of default arM demarxl for sale end e writtan rroUce of defeoU
<br />and election to cauae Tnastor's Inierest fn the PrbpeM1y to be sold, whieh notlae Trvstae sha0 ceuae lo be
<br />duty 8ted for record in the eppmpdate offices of tha County M which Ihe Property is Iocated; and
<br />(d} WIfPi respect W aq o� any part af the P�nai Proparty, Lendar shall have atl the r�hts arni remedlea
<br />oi a secured perty under the Nebraska Uniform Cammerciei Code.
<br />Foreelosure by Power ot Sale. If Lender eteds M for��e by �cerdse of the Power of 9ale he�n wntained,
<br />��aU notify ltuates and ehas dePo�t w(ih Truetee th� Deed of Trust and itre Qedlt A�ert�ent end
<br />such receSpta aM evbenoe of exper�d(Wr� rt�ade m�d s�aa� by this Deed ot Truat � TrusOee may require.
<br />(a) Upoai receipt ot auch imtice fram Larsder. Tn�afea stm7 rausB to be reaoTded. Published and dalivered
<br />to Truetor aut� NcUce of Default and Notiae of Sab as then �equ6ed by �w aras by thls Deed of Tniet.
<br />Tnistea shadl, wilhocd de�rmnd � 7rustor,. after �ch tirrfe ae may then b� requlted hy Isw mid after
<br />recordatlon of su�h {VM[ce ot Default and efter Notice of &ale having been �van as required by law. aeU
<br />ihe Ampariy at tha tlme and plaoa of sele flxed by it in aueh IVotloe of Sffie, elther � a whola, or ln
<br />ssparate lots or parc:eis or items as Trusfee shaU deem expediert, and in such order as [t Rmq deteimirre,
<br />at p�c aucHw� W the IN� bEdder fw eash in tawful marrey of fhe lkdted Smtes payaDte at the Ume
<br />of sala, Tn�stee shall dsiiver M sudt piar.ha.aer w ptuGyas�e�s thereof Its good end auRicteM deed or
<br />desds oonve�ying Sre p�ope�iy so sald, but wi9iout arry wverrerQ � vrerranty. expre� or Imp9ed. The
<br />redtsta �n such deed M myr matters or fecte ah�l be ooridud+re proW of the tru6ituiness ther�t Anyr
<br />persan, inctudfng without 1lmiteHon Trusta, TMStee, a Lender, rt�ay Purchase at auah sa�e.
<br />{�? as may ne pe.r�ds�ea �y iew. ar� aed�evng a�i costs, �s mtd e�enses of Trustee ar�d oP ihffi
<br />Truet, Ineiuc6� eoeta of evklencs af tttle In conneaBon w8h sata, Truatea eha0 aAply the pro�eds of eele
<br />to peyment af Q) all aums e�qrended ur�er th� terms of thts D�i of Trust aa' u� ftsa terms ot tHe
<br />Credit P�ement not then repaid. ic�cludin8 but not 6mtbed W aarued InOerest and late ci�arges, (U) all
<br />otF�r surr�a u�en �,red r,ereby. ana (uq n,e remalr�der. ir arry. to u,e p�san or pasans kgauy emiuea
<br />thereto.
<br />(c) Trusle� rtwy in tha maro�er provlded by law poetpor�a sale of ell ar mry portbn of 9ie Property.
<br />Remedlea Not E�colusive. Trust� and Lender, and each of them, ehaB bs enUded to eniarca payment end
<br />per(ormartee oP erry indebtedness a ohllgat�ns secured by b�ls De�i of Trust a� to exerase aA rights and powe�s
<br />urMer tMs Deed of T�ust, �mder tha Ged1t pgreemenf, under erry of the Rslated Documente, or under arry other
<br />agreement or any laws now or hereafter fn torca; notw9hstanding, some ar s0 of s�h indebtadness m�d
<br />obOgatlw�s ee�aued by this Deed of Truat me}r now or hareafter 6a otherwise aeoured, whether by mortgage, dead
<br />oi trust, ptedge, Iien, asaignmsn! cr othenvtss. Neither the aaceptanca oT this Oeed oi Trust not its enfareemeM,
<br />whathar by courl acdon or pursuaM W tha power of sele ar other poevyers wnteined In this Deed oi Trus4 ahaB
<br />prejudice or in any me�mer affect Trustee's or Lender's rtght to �ealfzze upon or e�orce any olher sacurttq now or
<br />hereafter held by Trustee ot Lender, it befig agreed that Truetes �d Lender, and each of tham, ahaA f� entlHed to
<br />ertfort:d this Deed of Truat m�d a�ry other securlty now or hereafter held by Lender or Truete� In �ch orde� and
<br />mennar as 8�ey w elthar at B�em mey in thelr ebaoluta diacraUon datermine. IVo remedy con(erred upon or
<br />reaerved to T[usl�e w Lender, Is internied to be ezciustve oT any o6�er remedy tn thla p� of Trust or by law
<br />�ovided w�rm�ted, but each shail ba cwnulaUve and shall 6e in addNion ta every other remedy giv� ln fhis
<br />De�i of Trus1 or now or hereafter existing at law or in eqully w by staluRe. Every power or remedy ghren by the
<br />Credri Agreement or any of the Related Docwnents to Truetee or Lender or to which either of th�n may be
<br />othenvlae e�Utled, may ba exarcised, ooncurcenUy or independenUy, from dme to Ume and es oRen as may be
<br />deemad �pedtent by Truatee or Lernier, and elther of lham mey pursua inconalaten! remedtea. NathSng ln thFa
<br />paed oi Trust shall ba construed as prohibiUng Lendar from saddng a deflcisncy JudgmeM e�inst the Truator to
<br />ffie extent auch acfion ts parmftted by law.
<br />Etectdon of Remedi�. Atl of lertdeYs rtghfa artsf temedles wttl be wunulative m�d may be exetcSsed atone c►
<br />to�e9�er. 1f Lendar deddas to apend �rro�rey ur to perforrn any of Trustor's obligations �mder thia F7�d of Truet,
<br />after Tnastors feiWre to do so, that ded�on by Lend� urlil not eHed Lendera right to dedare Tn�stor !n dafault
<br />mtd ta e�se Lertder's r�r�es.
<br />Request for Notlae. Trustor, an behalP oi Trustor �d Lernler, hereby requests that a copy of arry NoHce of Datault
<br />and a copy of a�r Notice of Sale ur�der thla Deed ai Tnist 6a m�lad to them at ths addressas aet forlfi In the flrst
<br />paragraph of fhts Oeed of TrusL
<br />Attomeys' Fe�; 6cper�ea. if Lender tnsUtutes mtiy auk or actton to enfarce amr of tha terms of tlils Deed of
<br />Tnmt, Lender sha� be eriti9ed ta recover sucd� sum es the couR rt�y acQt�ge �e�abie es atmmeys' fe� at irial
<br />and u� any eppeal. WheUrer ar not any murt �on Is imatved. and 10 the extera not pmidhfled by lew. all
<br />�abte e�Ces Le�er ir5curs ti�et in Lenders o�Mon aie neoeasary at any 11me for tha protecdon af Ite
<br />Intweat or Uie enforcament at Us dghte shall berome a part of the Indebtedrress payaWe on demarttf and almll bear
<br />intereat at Ure Cradit Hgrae�nt rete Gom tha deta of Ure expartidituro ur�fil repeid. Expensea cov�ed by this
<br />p�aph tndude, wiq�out U�tation, hcxaever eubjact to any ftmits u�er appliw�e lew. Lend�'s attameyre' taea
<br />a� Lende�'s lagdl �cpenses, whether or not ii�re Is a lawsutt, Ineiudi� attaneys' fe� arM mq�er�ses tor
<br />bankni�Cy Prooeedh�gs (Intluding etforts to modHy or vacate a� automaUa etay or inJunctlon) apveais, a�,d env
<br />e�dpated post�udgment coFlecQion servicse, the cast of �irg �eoortfs, obmining tllle reporte (tr�Gud6rg
<br />' to►eolasure reporis). aucveyara' reporls. a� appre�el fe�. dtle tnsu�, and f�s For the Tnisffie. W Utie exter�t
<br />permitted by apppcabl� Iaw. Trusror also wtil �Y arry cou�t aosts, in addidon to ail other mm� provided by lew.
<br />Rlghts of Tr+�atee. Ttustea shall heve e� oF the rights and duHes ot Le�er as aet torth (n ihle aecdon.
<br />POWERS AND OBUOATIONS OF TRt1STEE The fo0awing provi�ona relating M the powera and obqgatlor�s ot Trustea
<br />are part af thfa Oaed oi Tn�t:
<br />Poxrers of Tnratae. ln addlitl�on to aU powers of Trustee er�ing as a mafler at law, Tn�tea ehaU hava iha power to
<br />take the tollowing actimis wRh respect W the Properly upan fhe wriltsn request of Lander end Trusror. (a) Jofn In
<br />prepadng a� flltng a map or ptet of the Real Properly, Indudf�g the dedicafton of aheate or oth� rlghts lo the
<br />public; (b) Joln In granling any easement o� areatlng eny reetrictton aa lhe Real PropeAy and (c} �Oin In arry
<br />subordination Or other agreemertt sHecUng this Dee6 of Trust or the interest of Lander under thls Deed of TruaL
<br />Tmstee. Truetee sha0 m�et aU qusIIRcati�s requlred for Trustae under eppike�e �w. In add[tlan to the rights
<br />and remedtea set Sorth above, with reaped to afl or erry part of �e Property, tha Trustes shall have tha rlght to
<br />toredase by noHw and sals. and Cemiar wlll have if�e righl to toreciose by judkial forectesure. In either case In
<br />aecordance wlth and to the fu8 extent prm�ed by appQcable lew.
<br />Suaeessar Trustae. Lemler, at Lender's opUon, may hom tlme ta time appolnt a succeseor Truatee to eny Trustes
<br />appointed uMler thls peed of 7rus1 by an I�atrument executed end ecla�owledged by l.ertdet and +ecorded In tha
<br />offtce of the recorder of kAl.l County, Stete of Nebreska. The inswment sha6 contain, In addltlon lo a9 other
<br />maUers raquirad by etate law, the names of ihe originel I.ender, Trusiee, and TrusMr, lhe book and page (or
<br />cwnpu0ar system ratareRCe) where thla peed of Trust Is rewrded, and the neme and address af the �xessor
<br />