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201204�40 <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />Loan No: 35898 (Cont(nued) Page 7 <br />ImprovemerKS. TE�e word 9mprovementa° means all e�adng and future Improvements, buildfnga, sWctures, <br />rcwh�e hame9 effBced on the Reai Property, fadlWea, at3dNtons, replacements and other conswctlpn on the Reffi <br />Prope�ty. <br />Indabtedness. The word °Indebtednees° means eli prindpal, intersst, end ofh� amounts, cosb end expenaes <br />paysble wtder tEre Credit Agreament or Related bowmenta, togeiher with eB renewals ot, extar�siona of, <br />modHlcations of, consaildaHons oi and eubsUluUona for the Credit Agreemeni or Reteted Dar.uments and anq <br />emawnis expanded or advanced by Lenderto dEscharge Trustor's obNgattons or expenaes incurred by Truatee or <br />Lernier to enforce Truetor's obligstlons under ihis D�d of Trual, logether wifh intarest on auch emounts as <br />provided in 8�is Deed of Trust <br />Lender. The word °Lendar° means HA9TlNG3 STATE BANK,1ts succesaois and esalgns. The words'succesaors <br />or assig�u° rtrean any+ pe�san or wmparry that acquires any tnterest in the Credif Agreemant <br />PeTaortal Ptvparty. Tha worde `Peisonal Praparty' mean eA equipment, ft�dures, and other articiea of pa�sonel <br />pmperty now or hereaftar awned by Trustor, end now or heresfler atfached or aHixed to 6�e Reat Properly; <br />logelher wHh eA a�eeaions, parte, and add'�iona to, eU repiaeamenis of, and a9 eubsBtudons for, any of sucb <br />pmperty; and togather with all proceeds (Induding without Hm11�Hon a@ Insurence procesda and refunda ot <br />premlumsj from arry eala w other disposifion of the Property. <br />Property. The word "Property" mear� collectivety ihe Real Property and tite Reremal Property. <br />Re� Property. 'fha worde °Real Aroparty" mean the real properly, [nterests and dghts, as turther desaibed tn t�is <br />Deed Of TNBY. <br />Releted Doauments. The words 'Related Qocuments° mean a8 pcoml�ory notes, credit agreamants, loan <br />agreements, emironmentE+l agrsementa, guaranGes, sew�iry agreemenis, moAgages, Heeds af trust, security <br />deeds, callatera( mortgages, end a9 other Inatrumenfs, agreements and documents, whether now or hereafter <br />exiatlng, executed in conneoflon wtth the Indebtedneae. <br />Rents. The word °Rents° meana ap preaent and fulure rents, revenues, income, iasues. royaltlea, proflb, end <br />other 6e�edla de�ived irom fhe Proparly. <br />Truatee. The word �rustee° meane HA9TlNOS STATE BANK, whose address ta 530 N. BURLIAIGTON, <br />HASTIIVOS, NE 8@901 eind 8rry eubsUtute or Suocessar trustees. <br />Truato►. 7'ha word °Trueior° m�ne 9TEVEN C POPPE and PAULA S PaPPE <br />EACH TRUSTOR ACKNOWIE[10E9 HAVINCi REAb A4L THH pROVISfON3 OF THl3 DEED OF TRUST, AND EACH <br />TRGSTOR /ttiREES TO RS TERM6. <br />INDIVEDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />srAr� oF NQ YX'� � f <br />}ss <br />couNrv oR,��c� } <br />On thle day 6etore me, the undereigned NWary PuW(a, persona9y appeared STEYEN D POAPE and PAULA S POPPE, <br />Hueband end WiPa, W me Imown to be U�e Ir�ividuais des�ibed In end who execut�l fhe Deed of Trust, � <br />aGmowledged that qiey slgrred the De�ad of Trust as their tree and voiu�tary aet and deed, fcr the s� � putposea <br />thareln m�tioned. /'7 � <br />Given unde� my haml and oiflctal aeal this �/T day ot 20 <br />P � , <br />GEI1fEflAl PJOTARY- State of Nebraska Notary Pablfc in and to� the 8tate of <br />IWCIA D. OVERTURP ��� a � � � � <br />lliq Camm. Exp. June 11, 2013 �y CP �-�- �� <br />