<br />Loan No: 35698 (Continued) Page a
<br />ihe R�I ptogerty. Trustor ehall relmburse Lsndar tor aR taxea, as dascrfbed beiow, together with aA e�ensss
<br />incunsd in reccrdinB pBfPBQIbIQ OI COMIflUIfl� 1I1I8 DBBf� Of TN9t indu�ng wfthoot IImIleUon ali taxes, faes.
<br />dcc�sneMery atamps, ar� other chargea for reeording w regiateAng ihis Deed oi Trust.
<br />Taxes. The foliowing shell oonetilute taxes to whioh ihis seafion applie� (1) a epacffic taz upon this type ot
<br />Qesd of Truet or upon all or nny part of the Indebtedrteas aeaired by tlila De�i of Trusk (Z) a apecffie tex �
<br />Trustor which Trustor fs aufhwized or required to deduct from paymerds on tha Indebtedness secta+ed by thb lype
<br />of Deed o( Trust; (3) a mx on thla 4ype of Uaed of Trust cha�geabfe agalnst the Lender or lhe holder oi ftie Credit
<br />Agraemen$ and {4) a speciflc taz on etl or an}r portlon of the Indebtednese or on payments ot prfndpal and
<br />Interest made by Trustor.
<br />8ubsequem Taxes. If arry tax to whioh this s�ction appQes is ettaoted aubsaquent W ttia dete of thls I�eed of
<br />TNSt, thls pvent �I h�w9 fhe serrie efrect es en Ev�t of Default end Lender mey exerta� emy or aA of He
<br />a�� rernsdi� ror �r, �c or o�r�t � pro,�a nero� �ro� rr�r e�n�r t�� � tna mx t,�rore n
<br />� dell�uent. w(2) cartasis tlie tax � provided ebave in the Tezes and Llere sedion and deposf� w€th
<br />1.�+der cavh or a suflident eorporete aurety bor� or dher security seUsfectary ta I.ender-
<br />BECURIIY AOREFMENT; FINANClNO STATEMENT3. fie following provisiorre relaUng to thls Oeed ot Trust as a
<br />security agreement are a part of this Deed of Trust:
<br />Seeudiy Agreement ?Ma lnshument atm� wnsHtuta a Seaerity Agreement to tha extent any ot the Property
<br />conaUtutes ft�cfurea, end Leiuler sha9 have all of the ri�hts af a secured pa►ty under the Unttwm Commerdal C,ode
<br />as arttended frosn dme to tlme.
<br />Seeurity IateresL Upon request by Lendar, Truator shep take whatever ection ts requeated by lsnder to perfect
<br />and conQmae Lender's aecurity lnleresl in Ihe Pm�s�al Propedy. I� add(Hon to re�arding thts De�l oi Truet in tha
<br />real pmperiy racords, Le�dar may, at arry iima end without furthar autFwdzaUon from Trastor, f�a exeouted
<br />couMerparta, ooptes or reproducdons af this Deed oi Trust es a fmandng slatement 7tuslor aheli relmbwBe
<br />Lender for all efcpet�ses incumed In perfecUng or coMinuing this securHy Intarest. Upon de(ault, Tn�stor ehall nct
<br />remove, �ver or detaeh the Peisor�l Proparty from the Pmperty. Upan defeult, Ttustor she31 essambte arry
<br />P�sonal PmpeAy not aflixed W lha Property In a mannar artd et a place reasameWy comenient to T�ustor and
<br />Le� and make it eveRabb to Lendaz within lhrea (3) days aRer reeeipt ot arriflen demand fram Lender to fhe
<br />ex[ent permfttad by appEeabte law.
<br />Addresses. The mai9ng addresses of Truator (deblor) and Le�er {seaired party) irom which Intormetlon
<br />�cemfng the aecurity intere�t grented hy this Deed of Truet may be obtaG�ad {each ea requlred by the UnHorm
<br />Commerdet Code} are as stated on the flrst page of thls Oaed of Tn�et.
<br />PUR7HEtt A98U[tANC�3; ATTORNSYdN-RACT. 'I'he [ollmxing provisla�a relaNng lo fuRher asstua� end
<br />attomey-in-fact are a pari of O�ia Deed of Truat:
<br />FtuUte� Asaurances. At mry 8me. arid fram 9me to Hme, uAw1 request of L�der, Trustor will make� e�cecute �d
<br />del(ver, � wltl oause to be rr�de, executed or delivered, to L�der or to Lender's d�gnea� and when r�ted bY
<br />Lendkx� ca�e w ba fl1ed� �eoo�ded reflled� or rerecorded� es the ca�e may be. at such tlmea end in such officas
<br />m,d p�es as Lerdar may aee�n �propriate. anv ai,d an sua, mortg�q�. daec� ot ausi, sea,ritv de�s. secu+ity
<br />�� tinand� statem�ts� eonUrwaUon atatements� it�stnunants at furiYrer a�suraru�� t�rtffkatea, m�d
<br />other ooam�sffi ffi may. fn tha sde �iNon of L�� be necesse�y w ciesirel�te In wder to eReduate. aorr���e.
<br />perFect, oanNrwe, or {geserve (9) Trustora obligadons under tlte Cre<5t P�greametC, this Daed ot Tnask arod the
<br />Retated Qxumerib. mid (2) the liere � securilY intereats aeated bY thia O�d oi Trust on the PropertY.
<br />r�Rrethar rrow oamed ar hereaft� aoq�ilred 6y Trustor. tJrd�s prohibited by law or Lerber a�ees to the contrery tn
<br />writlng. Tnistor shall r�rt�surse Lerder far aH � arid � Iruarred In awu�dlon with the matters referred
<br />lo in thts p�ragraph.
<br />Attomey-In-Fa�t. ff Truetw fails to do arry of fhe tF�inge referted to tn the preceding pa�qrapH. Lend�' maY do so
<br />for end in the rmms of Trustor and at Trus�s exp�se. For sueh purp�, Tnistor hereby ircevoca�y appolMs
<br />L�er�er as Trustara attomey-in-facl tor the purpase of inefdr�g. eaeculin8, deMerin.9. flling. rew�din9. m�d dang all
<br />other tltlngs a. rtray E�e �ry+ w desl�ahte, In Le��s �e opinTon, to axrnnpIIah Qre matbers reter�ed to in
<br />the P�^8 P
<br />F{7LL PERFORMANCE If Trustor pays eli tfi� ir�el#edrresa when due, termtnetea fhe credk tlne s�ount, and aMerwis�
<br />pertorms all the obligaflona Imposed �pon Trustar uMier thfs Deed ot Troat, Lender sfiaA execwte snd deiiver to Tnretea
<br />a rec�ast for fuil re�nveyar�ce a� shaA e�cearte and dei(v� to Trustor �iltabte statemerta of tem�natlon o} any
<br />flnand� atatsmerrt on flle eWdendrg Lendera aewMtq interast In �e Renis mid Uie Pe�nel ProPertY. A^y
<br />rr�ameyanse fea requl� by Oawr ehall Ce pmd by Trustcr, It Rermitted by applf�ble law.
<br />EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Trustor wiil be In detault urufer tt�fs Deed of Trusi if erry of the follouring happen: (A) Truator
<br />commits fraud or rrrekes a material mtsrepresentatlon at arry dme in connectton with the Credtt Agreernent This can
<br />tndude, for exampla, e felse siatement eBout Trusmr's tncume, assets, pabWUes, or arry other aspads o! Trustors
<br />flnancial conditlon. (8) Tn�stor dces not rrreet the repaymert temts of the CredK Agreert�ttt (� Tnistor's acction or
<br />inactlon adve�sety aft�ta the collaterel a Lender's rlghts In tl�e coPateral. This can b�dud�, for exmn�e, taliure to
<br />maln�in requded Gtsurance, weate or destnecthre iae of tlie dx�elling, faAure to pay ta�ces, death of elI persona Hab1e �
<br />the acxount, Vans[er of title or �Ie ot the dwe0ing, creatlon oi e senlar 11� on the dweliing without Lande�s
<br />permissicn, tareelosure by the hnlder of another lfen, cr the use of funds or tlie dwel6ttg fa� profd6ited pwpnses.
<br />RIQHTS At�lD RE6�DIE3 ON DEFAULT. If an Event of �elault aoans under Oila De� of Truat, et any Ama thereaHer.
<br />Trusl� a Lender rtay exerdse any ane or more of the toRowing righta srrci �amadle�
<br />Aoaeleratlon Upon Default; AddWonal Remedlea lf anyr Cwent of Det'eult oa:urs as per the terms of the Cr�t
<br />P�grea�mnt saeured EierebY, l.mxler may dedare ad Indet�r�ess a�ured by thls Deed ot rrust to ba due and
<br />payabie mui the s�re shall thereupon b�ome due mid payabte wifhout msy prese�nk demend. Protest or
<br />noUce M amr kind. Thereaft�. lender maY-
<br />(a) EJther in petson or by agent, with or wtthout brirsgiRq arry acUw► or �nQ, or by a re�lver
<br />appadMed 6y a iaurl mid wfthout regard to the adequa�y of its sea�rity. anDer upon arid teke pose+�sion
<br />of the Property, or mry part thereof, In (ta own nartia or ln the name of Truetee, and do es�y aeds whioh It
<br />deert�s �ry or d�kable to pr�roe tha vaiva. marketabliHy or rerdebiiky of the Prope+ty, w pert of
<br />the Properly ar tnter�st ln dtie Properly; hxxease the income from the P�operly or protect the secwHy ot
<br />U18 PI'O(JB�Iy, Sftd. Wift1 0� wIf{WUf lBWfig �IOIf G} U19 PrOjIBI[y. 8lle (Qf 0� 01I18M/198 CDIIBi:f IFIB
<br />renm. assu� ar� pronm or n� Propeny. maudtng ewse a�e aue a� unPaw, and �Wy a�e same, tess
<br />eaefa mM a�m�s of operatton arxl eolieeiion at�arnays' fees. to arry hui�r�ess sacwed by V+Is Oeed
<br />af 7nrst. au In sudi order m L.ender mey detemtiine. The mrtadr�g upon m�d tekl� �on of tlre
<br />ProAertY. the croiledlon of such rerrts. �suee and profits. and the aPP��fl� thereof straB not wre or
<br />waive arry defautt or notke o! dsfauit under 9�ffi Cl�d o! Trust or fi+ralidaie eny act da�e in respa� to
<br />svch defautt w pursua� to such nctice ot defauit: arci. notwithstatsding 6tie oa�wance in p�sesston of
<br />fhe Property or ihe coilactlon, �caipt end of �ants, fssues ar proflFs. Trustee w lender shall
<br />be endtled to exerdse every right provfded in the Credit Agfflemsnt or fhe Redebed Daaurfe� or by
<br />law upon d� axw�re�e of arry ewent of default, tndudhig tha right to exercise tltie powar of sale;
<br />