2 01204540
<br />Loan No: 35698 (COntfnued) Page 3
<br />Trustor agrees to oYr�in arxl malntein Fedetel Plmd lnaurance, If avellahle, wltliln 45 deys after noBce Is �ven by
<br />Leraier that the Properiy Is loceted in a eped� flood hazard area, tor tMe maxlmum artrout�t oi Trustara vedit nne
<br />and tt�e fufl unpafd pririctpel balance of arry prior liena on the property Bec�aing fhe lean, up ro the maximum pWicy
<br />Ilmits set under tFre IVadonal Fbod Inaarartce Piogrem, or as othenNise requi�i by Lsnder, end to matnmia such
<br />ina�rettce for the tertn of fhe loan.
<br />AppUestlan of Proceeds. Tn�stor aha0 pramptly noUfy Lender of erry luss or demage to the PropeAy. LeMer may
<br />rt�ke proof ot I�s If Trusbor tails m du so wlthfn flftean (1S) days ot �e casuaity. Whether or not Lender's
<br />security is lmpaired. Lerider may. at Lervd�a e[ectlon, reeeivs ea�d retsin lhe praceads of arry Insurance end aFP1Y
<br />tl�e p�owede to lhe redudton of fhe Iixiebtedr�s, �ymant of arry [fen aR`eedrsg the Property, or iha resloratlan
<br />and repalr of the Property. If f.�der eleCa to appfy the proeaeds to restonallon and repair, Trustor ehail repair m
<br />reptace the damaged or desboyed Improvements in a manner setistactory to Leruler. LerM� shall, upon
<br />satlsfaetory proot of such expenditure, pay or r�nburse Tniswr trom tl�e proceeds tar the reaeor�ble cost aP
<br />tepair or res0oratbn A Trustor is nW in detauit urxler this Daed of Trust My pra�eds which have not been
<br />dlabwsed within 180 days after th�r reaelpt a� which Lender has nat aommitted to the repair or restoraUon of
<br />ihe Property ahall be used first to pay aey amount owing to Lender under thia Deed of 7ruat tl�r� fo �y ecaued
<br />intarest, and tl�e rer�trtder, if s�ny, shefl be appiled to the prindpal balenae of tlie Indebtedn�s. H Lemi�r ho{da
<br />arry proceeds after peyment in full oF fha Indabtedrreas, such proteeds slmD be paid to Trustor � Tn�tors
<br />interesta may appear.
<br />Compllenee with SxlsBng Indebledness. Dudnp the pertad in whioh any F�dsting IiMebtedness described below is
<br />M efreot, comglienoe wNFi iha Irreurenca provtalons contalned in Ihe inatrument avtdendng sueh Extstlng
<br />I�ebtednese sltail consHtuts compGance with the Maurence prcvislons under this Deed oi Trust, to U�a extent
<br />�mpllanee wlth the terms ot fhts Oe� at Tmst would constitute e dupGcall� oi insurance requirement If any
<br />proeeeds from the Insurance beccme payabte on lose, ihe pra�Asiwis ]n thla D�d oi Trus[ tor division of grareads
<br />shall apply onfy to that poRian oi the pr�ceeds aot peyebte to fhe hctder of the 66ating Indebtedneas.
<br />LENDER'S E1�ENDRORE3. 1f Trustot falls {A} to Iceep tlie Properiy frea of sll teues, dens, sea+riLy fnterests,
<br />ensw�. and other elaims. (B) to provide any �aquired ira�arwre on B�e ProPeriY� (C} to matce repelrs to tiie
<br />Properly or to mmply wNh any otrllgadon to maiMain ExisHng truiebUedness In good ataM�g as requir� trefow. tFren
<br />lender may � so. If eny actlon or pror�edtng is oorrunerso0tl that wculd rrmtgA�Iy eHect L�dera inter�ts in the
<br />Properly, then Ler�der on Tnes4ole behalt may, but Is not requlred to, take mry ectian that Lender bellev�a to be
<br />appropriate to proteot Leruiers interesTS. Ail e�en�s Irsaurred w p�d by Lender for suoA purposes wlil then bsar
<br />Intereat at tha iabe charged under the Cred'd /�reement trom the date truwrr� or paZd by Lerxisr to the dete oi
<br />rapayment by TrusGa: Ap such ex� wiil � a yert of 9re 6�ebtedr�s end, at lende�s option, wili (A) be
<br />��e on �rr,end: (B? be addea eo u,e na�mue or ma c�eaa qyreement and ee �ort�ea ffinon� ena ee payabie
<br />with mry IrtstelGnerrt paym�tis to becorrre �e dseU�g ai6ter {9) the term of arry applkat:le Ir�uance policy; a(2) the
<br />remalidng term of N�e Or�t Agreemen$ or (C) be treated es a�n payment which win be due and peyable at the
<br />Gre�l Agreemenfa maturity. The Oead of Truet also will secure �ymeM of theae arr�tds. Tho �igFrte provMed for in
<br />th(s perag+apfi stmil be I� additlon W arry �her rlghta o� arry rernediea to whteh Le�der may be anHtled an accouM of
<br />any defa�df. My auah ectfon by L�der ffim0 nol he cenahued es ct�ng the deFauit so as to har L�nder from �y
<br />�y ihat it othe�wise would have had.
<br />WARRANSY; DEFENSE QF 7fTLE. The following provisions refaHng to owneiship oi the Property are a part of this Desd
<br />oi Truat:
<br />Tkle. Trustor warranfs tha� (a) 7n�abor holds gaod end mark�6la HUa of remrd to tha Properly In fee sirnple.
<br />fiee md daar of aA lier� eM encumbrances other than tiwse s� forth In the Waal P�aperly desedptlon or In the
<br />F�dstlne Indehbedness sectlon befow or in any dde i�surance policy. tiGe report, or flnel tlqe o�nion issuetf tn tavor
<br />of, and �epted by, Lender in conrrecllon wfth thfs Deed of Truat, and (b) Trustor has the fun right, power, �d
<br />authority to enecw6e arai deMer thle Deed of Truet to Lender.
<br />Defense af Tlde. Sub(ed to tha exceptlan in lhe paragreph a6ove, Trustar wartanls and will Potever detend the
<br />9tie to ihe Properly sgainst Gte lawfut claims of all persons_ In the evenl any actfon or proceeding Is mmmenced
<br />thst questlona Trusrors HUe or fhe Interest of Tn�ates or Ler�der �mder this Oeed oi Trusk Trusror shail defend the
<br />acction af Truatots expenae. Trustor may 6e fhe rwminel perty in auch procesding, bui LerMer eheil be entfUed to
<br />participate In U�a praceedi� and to be re�ted !n theprocee ding by coun�l of Landets own choke, and
<br />Frusta will delker, or cauae to 6e delhf�ed to Lender suc�h nl sWments as Le�er may request from time to tima
<br />to permR such part3clpaUan.
<br />CaepiWnce With laws. Trustor warrants tliat �e Pmperty and Trustor's use ot the Property compiles wlth all
<br />existing appGcable Eaws, ordinences, and �ulatlons ot govemrtreMal aulhoritles.
<br />8unriral o} Promlaes. ARI prortdsea, egreemenm, end statements Trustor has mede fn fhts De�i of Truat efm9
<br />aurvi�re the executfon and delivery of this D�d oi Trust. si�ll be c�rtinuing In r�alurs ar�d ahall rmr�ain tn fuli f�ce
<br />snd effect uM[I sudf tlme as Trusmr's Indabledcresv (a patd In fult.
<br />D03T1Nfl INDEBTEDNE33. The foilowing provisiona concemfng ExisUng Indetstedness ara a paA of thla Desd of Trust
<br />ruistlng Lien. The Qen ot thta peed of Trust eac9uing iha IndaWedness mey be saeondery end Inferior to an
<br />axisUng Ii��. TrusWr a�cpressly covenants and agrees to peY� or see to tha paymeM of. ihe FacisNng Indebfadrress
<br />and Eo preverrt any delault on euch Indebtednasa, any default u�ar the instrumenta evidendng such indebtedness,
<br />or any delault under a�ry eecurity documents tor auch indebtedness.
<br />No 6Aodlflcatlon, Trustar aha9 rrot enter into eny agreement with the hoider af arry mortgage. de� oi Vust, cr
<br />other sewrity agreement which has priority over thfe Qeed of 7rust by whkh that agreement te mad'�fied,
<br />ame�ed, extended, or renewed wTtl�out tlie pria written consent of Lender. Trustor �aU naithsr tequest nor
<br />axept arry future advar�ea under arry s�h �rity agream�t without the prior wriltan con�nt oi Ler�der.
<br />CONDEMNATION. The foliowing provislo� �aUng W condemnaNan proceedings ere a paft oi thie Deed of Trust:
<br />Arooeedings. If eny pncaeeding in condesm�auon Is 81ed. 7rustcr st�l promptly rmtifv Lender in writing, ar�
<br />Truattor stnli promptly t�ce �oh .ste� es may be neo�ry to d�eru! the eatlon end o6tain the award. Trustor
<br />cr�y be the noml� party In such prooeedi�, but lender shr� 3�e ent�led to partldpete M the proc�adl� and to be
<br />oepresentad (n fhe proceet6ng by mw�ae! of tls own dmice, and Trustw wlll d�fv� or ceuse lo be delive[ed to
<br />r�naer sud, r�wm�ts mla ao�a,�nn es may e� reyu�ea by Leneer r�n ume co ame so pemxt s�ud,
<br />FOrttdPado�1.
<br />Applleatlan of Net Proceada 14 aA ar acry part of the PropeAy is oondemned by �nirrent domain proeaedir�gs w by
<br />arry proeeeding or purchasa in neu of cmdsrm�aBon, Lendar may et ita eleedon rsqu�re that ell or mry portion of the
<br />nai procee�s af q�e award be applisd to Bse Indebtedr�se or ti�e �ep�air or restorstion of the PropeAy, The nel
<br />praoeeds of the award shsll meen the award after �yment W aU r�e coste, exp�s�, and attomeys' fess
<br />inwrred by Tn�tee or Lender in connectlon witli the condemieUon.
<br />IMPOSITION OR TAXE8, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOYfRNMEIyTAI,. AU7HORiriE9. The tollowing prav(slons retadng
<br />W govemmenia! taxea, fees and charges are a part of thia De�l ot Truet
<br />Current Taxes, Feee mid Charges. Upo� request by Larttier, Trustor shes exewte such documents in additlo� to
<br />thls De� of Trust and lake whatever other setlan is �equestai by Lerder to pertect and contlnue Lenders I�n an
<br />