<br />loan No: 35698 (Cotttinued) Page 2
<br />8ubetence on, un�r, abcut or from the Property; and (b) any sudi acUvity shall be conducted In amtplfarrc,e with
<br />afl apg�ble tetleral, state, erui Iccal lews, regulatlons end ardtnencea, Including wlii�out limitatlon a�
<br />Enviramnantal Lawe. Trustor aufhodzes Lender and Its sgeMe to enter vpon the P�erty W make such
<br />i�pections �d tests, et Truafo�s expense, as Lender may deem sgpropriate to determine complience oT the
<br />PropeAy wtth Ihls aectlon oi tha Q�d of Ttust My InapecNone or tesis made by Len� shall be tor Lendei`s
<br />puryases cnly and shell not 6e consUUed to +xeate eny responsibf6ty or Ilabllity an the part of Lender to Trusfor or
<br />W any otfier person. Ths representa8o� aiui wazrandes contalned herein are based on TruaWrs due didgence lo
<br />inveaBgatlng tfie Properly for Hazerdwe Substances. Truetor hereby (4) reteases and xraivse arry tuture daima
<br />against Lerxier far indemnHy nr contribu@on In the event Trustor bewmes liabte Tor ciearnip � ofher costs und�
<br />eny such laws; end (2) ag�ees to indomnlfy, defend, and hold hemdess Lender agelrtst erry and all Waims. Io�ea,
<br />UablOUes, damsges, peneltlss, and expenses whloh Lertder may direc6y or tndhectiy sustein or su8er re�itlng irom
<br />a breach of thla seedon ot Ne De�1 of 7rusl or ae a ccasequence ot any use, generation, menuTacwre, atorage,
<br />disposal, reiease or threarened retease oxurring prbr W Truatora ownership or Irnerest in the Properly, whether a
<br />not the � was or shoufd hava bean known W Trustor, The provialons of Uile aectlon of the Aeed of Trust,
<br />hxtuding the obligatkn to IrMemmify end detend, ahell aurvhre Ihe payment oi the IrMebtedness and the setlsfao6on
<br />'and recanveyance of the ifen oi this Oe� of Trusl and shatl not be aftected by Lender's acqulaklon oi airy inter�t
<br />in fhe AmpeAy, whether by fwe�ure cr othenvtse.
<br />Nuisanoe, Waem. Trustor sha0 not ceuse, condua or pertnft ar�y nuisenes rror commit, permlt, or suHer arry
<br />stripping of or waste on or to ths ProperRy w any patlan of tha Property. WRhout qmltlng tha gener�ily of the
<br />fcrpgotng, 7rustor will not remova, or grant to any othar party the dght to r�nove, erry Umber, minersla pnofud'i�
<br />op and gas), coal, day, sc�tia, soil, gravel or rodc products without Lender's pdor wrltten canser�t.
<br />Remaval ot lmprovemante. 7�r sh�l �ot damo9ah or ►emove any Irnpmvemente irom the Rea1 Properly without
<br />LemieYs prtor written consent As a caiditlon to the removal of arty Irtq�rovemente, Lender may requlre Trustor M
<br />make arrangements eadsiac�ory W Lendar to replece auch lmproveme�ts wilh improve�neMS of at leaet eq�1
<br />value.
<br />t.enders Rtght to Enter. Le�er and Lender's agents and repreaentaQves may enter upon the Real Pmperly at aR
<br />reasanable times to attentl W Lender's interesls �d to irrepect Ufe Real Proper4y for purpoaea ot Trustora
<br />complience wfth the terms and candidons of this Deed of Tn�st
<br />Complianee wlth Oovemmentel Requirements, Tnest� sheU promptly mmply arith a� laws, ort9neru�a, arM
<br />�ulaftona, now or hereaf{w In eBsct, of eG govemmental authoritles appllcabla W tha ime or acupancy of the
<br />PropeAy. Trustor may contast in good TaFlh any such law, ordinenca, or reguiation and withflold compliance dudng
<br />erry proceading, Induding ap�opriate appeals, ao long as Truetor h� rtotlfled Lea�der In writing prior to dWng so
<br />arM so long as, in LendePs sWe opl�lon. Lender's interesta in tlie Properly are not j�rdfzed. Lender mey requhe
<br />Truatw to poet adequata seauHy or a surety bond, reaeonably sadafadary to Lender, to protect Lender's inierast.
<br />Duty to Proteoe. Trustor agreea neither to ahandon or leave unattended the Properry. Truator shali do an oth�
<br />acte, in additbn to those acts set forth above in this section, tvh�h imm tha character and use of the Pmperty ars
<br />reasonably rtecessary to protect �d pres�va Ure Property.
<br />OUE ON SALE - CONSENT BY LENbER Lender mey, at Lendere option, dedare Immedfateiy due arM payable ap suma
<br />eawred by thla Qaed of Truat upon the se(e or tranafer, without Lender's prior wBGen consenR of e8 or eny pert oi the
<br />Real Rroparty, or any Interest M the Real Proparty. A"eale or lranafeP memis ths eomeyence of Resl Property or arry
<br />right, iHle or inlerest in the Re� Pmpedy; whether legal, berteflcial w�uite6l� whether voEuntary or imolunlary;
<br />whether by outrtght sale, deed, installmeM safe coMrect, lend conhact, conh�ect !or deed, leaseho� interest wfth a
<br />term greater than three (3) years, lease-op8on coMraet, or by sele, asaignment, or transfer of a�r beneflcial Iniereat In
<br />or to any land truSt hoiding Btle lo the Real Property, or by any ofher me9rod of cornayance ol an intereat i� lhe Real
<br />Property. Howavar, thie optbn ahap not ba exerdead by L,e�dar if audi exem.fse Is prchlbEted by federal lew or by
<br />Plebraska lew.
<br />TAXL9 AND LIBN3. The foQowing provislons releUng to the taxes and ifens on the Properly are perl of lhls Deed oi
<br />TruSt
<br />Paymeni Trttetor shaE pay when dus (and in aA evente prbr to deihrc�uancy) all I�xee. aped� texes, assessmeMe,
<br />charges (Induding watar and aewer), firres and Imposidena levied agair�at or on acoounR of the Properly. end sha�
<br />pay when due all dalms tor wark done on ar for servic�s rernlerr�d or materiai furNshed to tha Properly. Tnutor
<br />shaq rtmlr�N Ihe Properly iree of all llens having prlarlty over ar �I 10 the Interest of Ls�er under thia � of
<br />T►ust, aucept for the tlen oi taxes and esaeasmeMa not due, except for the Existlng Indabtedness referted to
<br />belcw, end e�ept as otlierwise provided fn th[s Deed of Truat
<br />RIgM W ContesA Trustor may withhold paymerd of arsy tax, asaessncenl, or deim in connectlon with a gaod [aNh
<br />�spute over the ob118atlan to pay. so long as Lender's hderest In the Pro{rerty is not j�pardimd. lf a n� adsea �
<br />is flled es a res�At of rronpayment, Trustar ahall wifhin titteen (18) days after the Iien arlses or, H e Iisn � tiled,
<br />withln ftitean (i5) daye after 7rustor has noilee of tlie flling, seare tlie diseharge of the Ilen, or B r�ueateci by
<br />Ler�der, deposit with Landar cesh or a suffklant �rate surety bond ar ather aewrity sattafactory to Lendar in an
<br />emount auffklant to dlaeFtiarge ti�e pen plus any cnats mid attameys' fe�, w oUrer charge9 that wuld acmue � a
<br />reauit of a foredoaute or sa� undar tha Ilen. in any contest, Truator ehaA deT�nd fcsalf arnf L.ender and shall satiefy
<br />arry adverse Judgment bafore enforcement agalr�t the Propa�ty. Trustor shell name Ler�det as an addldonai obligee
<br />under arry suraly bond fumished In the conteat pro�edl�s.
<br />Evidonce a4 PaYment Trustor shall upcm demand fumish to Lender satlsFactory evklence ot payment of the taxes
<br />or a�mants pnd sheU aNhor(za fhe eppmpriate govemm�tel official to delivor to tertder at eny Ume a wrltten
<br />statement oi the taxae and assesemaMs againat the Propeny.
<br />NoBee of ConaWctlon. Trustor shall imtHy [.eraler st ►eas[ ftfteen (15) dsys befwe arry wark is �mrr�c�. arry
<br />servEees are iumiehad, or anq mete�iala are supplied to ihe Properly. If arry mechaNc's lien, materi�rt�en's Ilen, or
<br />other lien could be asserted ai axcunt oE the work, services, or rt�ateriata Trustor wlii upan requesc of Lender
<br />fumish to I.ender edvanee assurattaes satlsfectory to Lertder that Trustor cen m�d will pay the �at of sudi
<br />imprwemenis.
<br />PROPBRTY DAhAAGE INSURANCB. The fotlowtng provisions retaUn9 w insuri� the Property ere e peA ot lhis Deed of
<br />Trust.
<br />d1alMenanoe of Irwuranee. Tnaa6or ehall pracure m�d rrmintaln poqcias of flre Insu�ance with atendard extended
<br />coverags endorsemente ai s replacenrent b�is for the full inauiaWa value oovedr�g ell Improvementa on the Real
<br />Praperty I� an emouM suHlclant to avdd apptkation of aqy cdr�surance deuse, and with a standard mortgegee
<br />clause In tavor oi Lender, together witfi eucfi otliar hemrd and Iiabllity Insurarrca es Lander mey reasonably require.
<br />Polides sheli 6e wrltten in lorm, amounts. coverages and basis reasanahly axeptabSe to Lender and fssuad by a
<br />�mparry or aompanlas reasonably accepffible to Lender. Trc�stor, up� request ot Ler�er, will delhrer to Le�er
<br />from time to Ume the polides or certificates oi f�urenoa in torm satfefadory to 4erMer. induding stipulatlone lhat
<br />t�va�agas wip not be cencefled ar dirrdnished without at least ten (10} days p'ri� writtan noliw to Lender. E�h
<br />insurancre pNicy slso sha� fndude an sndcr�ment pravid(ng that coverage fn favor of Lender wlil nnt be impafred
<br />In arry way by any act, omissbn or default o! ?ruet� or arry o9ier person. Shcutd the Rsai Pr�erty 6e lawted In
<br />an erea d�lgneted by the t�Erector oi the Feder� Emergerwy Manegem�d Agency as e speclal flood f�d erea,
<br />