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� <br />- <br />�� <br />m � <br />� � <br />N � <br />0 � <br />- ' P q <br />V - <br />'7"� <br />B � <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />A <br />C �� <br />= Z 7C <br />��� <br />. <br />rv <br />� r.� <br />�---+ <br />S 'v <br />D � <br />r — <br />r � .. � <br />o f: o <br />�_. <br />r �„ ?° _ -�7 <br />c� �; <br />cn - D <br />--� � <br />m <br />.� <br />Q � ''�a <br />'� N <br />o� <br />m � <br />rn h„� <br />0 <br />� <br />WHEN REGORDEO ARAIL TQ: <br />Hasnwc� srare anNK <br />R9AIN BR/WCH <br />S30 N BURLINGTON <br />PO BOX 2178 <br />HASTIN65. t� 68902 FQR RECORQER'S USE ONLY <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />THI3 DEED OF TRUST is riated May 31, 2012, among STEVEN D POPPE and PAUI.A S PpPPE, <br />Flusbend and Wlte, whose address Ia 308 RENEE RD, DONEPHAN, NE 68832-9T87 <br />("Trustor'�; HASTINGS STATE BANK, wF►ose address fs MAIN BRANCH, 530 N SURLINt3TON, <br />PO BQX 2178, HASTING3, NE 68902 (�eferred to below aometimes as "Lender" and <br />sometimes as "Beneflctary°y; and HASTENGS STATE BANK, wE�ose address Is 830 N. <br />BURLINGTOAI, HASTINGS, NE 68901 (referred to below as "Trustee°). <br />CdNVEYANCE AND ORANT. Fw relnabie constdeistlon, T►ustor wmays to Trustae tn trust, WRH POWER OF SALE, <br />fo� the beneflt of L�der ae eeneflo�ry, all of Trustor's r3ght, Utle, and intereat in a� to the foilowing deserlbed real <br />property, tagether wtth all axlating ar subsequenUy erected or affixed bulldtngs, ImprovemeMs end 8xtures; aR <br />easementa, righta of way, end appurtensnees; ail waber, water rights and ditch dghte (Mduding stock In udllBes with <br />ditoh or irrigstkn rtghts); and ep other dghis, royralUae, end proflte releUng lo tha real pro�ertY� ��tuding w0hout <br />IlmltaUon all ml�rerals, oil, gas, geothertnal and shniler matters. {the ° Reel P�Operly ) IOCeted b1 HALL <br />County, State of Nebraska: <br />LOT THIRTY-OPIE (37), A1VIICK ACRES WEST 3UBDIVISION, FtALL CQUNTY, PIEBRASKA, <br />ACCORDING TO THE RECORQED PLAT THEREOF. <br />The Rea! Property ar (ts address is commoniy known as 306 RENEE ROAD, DONIPHAN, NE <br />88832. The Real Property tax ldent[flcatton number Is 400385473. <br />REVOLV(NO LfNE OF CRE017. This Deed of Trqat seaures the Indsbtsdnese Lrofudk�g, wEthout 1&nNatlon, a revoWTng <br />Me of eredlt whieh obfigates Lender to maka advenees to Trustor eo lortg e� Trualnr aomptl� wlth all the terma of the <br />Crad[t Agreement Such edvances may lte made, repaid, arnl remade from tlma to Ume, subject to the llmltatlon lhat <br />the tbpl outsmrtmng halenee owtng at any oae tlma, not ]nctudtng fTnance chergas on such balance at e ftxad or <br />veriable rate ar aum ae provlded In tl�e Credit Ag+eement, enq temparary overages, other eharges, and any amounts <br />expaadad or advaneed es prwlded in either the Indebtednoes parag►aph � d�la peragraph, ehall not eacaed fhe Crsellt <br />Llmlt as provtded in !he Credft Agresmenf. It ls the IMe�Aion of Truetor antt Lender that tkfle peed o} Trust seaures the <br />belance outstanding under the Cr�lit Agreemenf from time to time trom sero up fo the Cretat Limit as provtdad tn the <br />Cradit Agreement a� any 1►rterrtredlate balance. <br />7rusto� preserttly aesigns ta Lender (also knoum as Benefldery In th3s Deed of Trust) afl ot Trosrors rigitt, NUe, arrc! <br />IMerest in m7d W all present end fuluro leases ot the Proparty and all Rerds irom tha Property. In addkhn, Trustor <br />grenls to Lender a UnHorm Commerdal Code aeaufty interest in tha Personal Y�operty end RaMa. <br />TH(S DEED 8F TRUBT, INCLUDINO THE ASS1(iNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN TF� RENT3 ANQ <br />PER30NAL PR8P8RT1; IS GIVEN TO SECURE (A) PAYMBNT aF THH RJDEBTEDNESS AND (B} PERFORMANCB OP <br />EACH OF TRUSTOR'$ pOREq{AENT9 ANp pBLIpATION3 UNDER THE CREDIT ACiREpWENT, THE REL.ATED <br />DOCLI�ENSS, AND THIS D� �F TRUST. THIS DEED �' TFtUST 1$ CiIVEId ANED ACCEPTED ON TkE FOIJ.OVNHG <br />TERA7S: <br />PAYMENT AND PERFORMUWCE E�ccept es otherwlae provlded In thls Deed of Trust, Trustar shell pay to Lender a9 <br />amcunis s�red by Ihis 4ead uf Trust as lheq becortre due, artd shap strkNy and in a Umaly mennar periam� a0 oi <br />Trustora ohl�atlans under lhe Cre�t Agreemer�t, fhfs Deed of Trust, and the Related DocumaMs. <br />P09SESSfON AND MAINTENANCE OF THE pROPERTY. Truatar agreea thet Trustors posse�tnn end use of the <br />Properly ahell be govemed by tl�e following provislone: <br />Posaesaion and Uae. Untll the axurrence oP an Everit ot DefaulG Trustor may (1) remain in �on erxl <br />eanVO1 of the PropeRy; (2) uae, operete or manage the Property; and (3) capect the Re�us from the Properry. <br />Duty to ARalMain. Trustor ahell malnta(n the Properiy in good condf6on and promptiy pertorm all repatrs, <br />replacements, �d matntenance r�ceasaryr to preserve ite vafue. <br />Canpl[enee Wtth Errvironmaa�l Lawe. Trustar reptesants m�d werrants to Lender that (9j Quring the pertod of <br />Trustofs omnetshlp oi tha Property, thsre h� 6ean nu u�, �aner�on, menufecNre, atoraga, treatmeM, disposal, <br />reiease � threat�ed release ot arry F�ardous Subshdrxs iry arry person en, under, about or irom the Properiy, <br />{2) Trustar has no knowledge of, or reason to believa that there has heen. �ccept as previousiy di�losed to and <br />aclv�owledg�l by Lender In writEng, (a) arry breach or vloledon of arry Environmentel Laws, (b) any use, <br />garreration. msnufa�re, storage. treatment, �sposel, relaese or threatened relesse o4 any Fla�dws 3ubstan� <br />on, upder, about or irom the Property by tirry prior owners or oca,par� of the Property, or (c) any acwal or <br />Uueatmred IttigaYmn or daims of anyr k§�d hy eny perean retadne W such matters; ena {�} � es �«,sty <br />disclosed to and aclmowledged by Lernier in wridng, (a} neither Trusror ncr mry tenent, contrac6or, agent or other <br />authorized ussr of the Property shatl use, Aenerate, menufadure, store, treat, disposa of or release any Fla�rdaus <br />C"� Cn <br />� --1 <br />c n <br />Z - �1 <br />� m <br />�o <br />o � <br />- n z <br />= m <br />D cn <br />n <br />r � <br />r n <br />� <br />� <br />n <br />cr> <br />cn <br />N <br />O <br />� <br />� <br />O <br />s <br />V 1 <br />� <br />O <br />,s� <br />� o <br />u <br />iiR <br />t�s <br />��; <br />R <br />. <br />�: <br />�. <br />