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20120450� <br />DEED (3F TRUST <br />(Contlnued) pa�e 7 <br />N1ISCELLANEpUS PROVI310N8. The tollowing m�ecellaneoue provlsiona ere a part of this Deed of Truet: <br />Amem§neMe. Thie Deed of Truat, tagether with any Releted Documerrts, oonetftutae tha eMire understernling and <br />agreemeM ot the perpas ea m the matters eat rorth in thie Deed of Trust. No a�teratlon ot or amendment to thie <br />Deed of Truet shall 6e affectiva unlese grven tn va� end stgned by the party or paruee saugM to be aherg�l or <br />bourxl by the alteranon or amendment. <br />Mntw1 Repwte. If the Property ts �ed tor putpoeas other than Truator's reafdence, Truata sha0 twideh to <br />Lender, upon requeat, a cettlfled statert�ent ot net operatlng �rroome receroed trom the Proparty dunng Truetar's <br />pravroue f�oel yaer m auch torm and detell as Lender ehall requue. 'Net operaUng mcome shall mean aU caeh <br />race�pte trom the Property laes aU oaeh axpendtturea made m oonnectton wkh tl�e operanon ot the Proparty. <br />Capftan Headinga. Caption headtnga in this Deed M Truet are tor convernance purposea oNy end ere not to ba <br />used to IMerpret or defl�e tha provistons ot tMa Deetl o1 Ttust. <br />Me►eer• There shaA be rro merger ot tlre trrterast or estate created by �la Deed of Tniat with erry other iMereat w <br />astate In tlie Propertv at arry time held by or tor the •benetit of Lsnder in eny capacrty, without the written correerrt <br />of Lertder. � <br />Qovaming Law. Thle Deed of Truat w16 be govemed by iaderel law app0oa61e to Lenda► arid, to the axteM eot <br />P�eamPted bY federel law, the lawa ot the Stete of Nebresk� without regerd to tb eonf6ete of law proviato�. Th� <br />Deed ot Tnist has bee� eaeePted bY lender Yn tlte State ot Nebreska. <br />Chotce of Venue. If tFrere �s a lawsurt, Tnmmr egreea upon Le�dar's request to aubmrt m tlie �unsdicnon ot the <br />courta of BuHalo County, Stem ot Nebreske. <br />JoUrt and Eeveral LlabpRy, AII oWigaUOna ot Bortower artd Tnrewr �mder th� Daed ot Truat ehell ba phrt and <br />sevetel, and eil retere�xee to Teuator ahell maan each and every Tnietor, end e4 retererroea m Borrower ahatl mean <br />each end every Borrowe►. Thte means that each Trustor s�gN� befow re reaponatble tor ail obliganons in thia Deed <br />of Truat. Where any one or more oi tire perqes is a corporeaon, partnership, pmrted IlebGity oom{rany or amfiler <br />entlty, �t ia rrot rreceseary ror Lerwler to mqwre mto tl�e powere ot arry ot ihe officera, dlrectors, partnera, membere, <br />or other agenta ecLng or purµartlng to act on the enqtya behalf, a� arry obllgaUOns mede or areated In reliance <br />upon the protessed exerc�ae ot such povuara sheil ba guarantesd urpler thie Deed ot Truat. <br />No Weiver by Lender. Lendar ahall not be deemed to have warved a�y rtghts under tlda Daed of Trust uNese such <br />v+ralvar is grven in writlng end sigrred by lere�er. No dslay or omreswn on the part of Lendar m exerois�� airy rigM <br />shall ogerete ae a warver ai such �M or any other ttghL A watver by Lemler ot a prowsron ot Uds Deed of Trust <br />shall not prelud[ca or corretltute a waiver ot LaiMer's r�gM ot#rervvwe to demerM etr�ct compliaace with tl�at <br />proviaion or arry other prov�swn ot thia Deed ot Truat. No prior warver by Leraler, nor a�ry oourae ot dee0ng <br />betov�n Lender aiM Trustor, ehe0 canstrwte a weiver ot ar�y of Lender's ngMs or ot any of Trueior's ob�igeUarts <br />as W anV tuture VansecUO�. Whanever tFre co�errt of Lender �a reqwred undar thia Deed of Tr�t, Um grartGreg <br />ot aixh consent by Lender in sny u�ata�e ahalt rtot constitute coMinuu�g cor�seM to aubsaquent i�ncas whare <br />suoh conseM ia raqwred and in ell ceaea auch consarrc mey be granUed or wHhhalB Fn tlre sole di�ret�on ot Lertder. <br />Severabigty. H e court ot com�teM lunsdicbon fircls eny proviswn ot thie Deed ot Trus[ to be illegal, mvaUd, m <br />urtentoroea6le as to eny cimumater�ce, thet flnding ahall not maka the oHeruiing prowewn Ipegal, inva8d, or <br />urreMorceable as to any otl�er clrcumetanca. If teasible, the oftanding provieWn ahep be consldered modlfled ao <br />that rt bacomea legel, valid and enM�ceable. If tt� o}fertding prowa�on camiot be so modifled, rt sPfall be <br />coneidered daleted nam thie Dead ot 7rust. Unless otherwtse reqwred by lew, tha ipegef(ty, mvslMity, or <br />utrentorceaWlky ot any prowswn ot thls Deed of Truat aheU rtot attect Ure legatlty, validlty or eMOrceablUty ot any <br />other proviston ot this Deed of Trust. <br />Sucoesaors and Aesigna, Sublect to airy Umftetlone atated tn thia Deed of Trust on trenater of TrustoPs mterest, <br />thie Deed of Tnret shell be 6Uidi� upon and tnure m Nre beneftt oT the parbea, the�r auceessore and asaigrm. H <br />ownership ot the Property becomes veated In a person other than Trustor, LeMer, without rrotlae to Trustor, may <br />deal with Trustar's succesaora witli reterence m thfs Daed ot Truat arM the Indebtedness by way of for6eawnce w <br />axte�cn whhout releasu�g Truator trom tha obligatlona ot tFr3s Dead of Trust m Uabilhy under the Indabtadnese. <br />Time is of tha Eeaence. Time Is ot the esaence m the pertormance ot thfs Deed of Trust <br />Wehre Jury. AO parttas to this Deed of Truet herehy wefve the dg6t to m�y j�uy triat Yn eny aedon. 1&�9. � <br />cotmtercla6n 6rou8� M e�Y PenY e8alnst any otlrer perty. <br />�Na�ve► of Flcmestead ExempUon. Trustor hareby releases arM wahres eU nghta end 6errefits ot tha hamestesd <br />axemptlon lawa ot Ure Stete of Nabreske ea to ell Indabtednese seoured by this Daed of Trust. <br />DEFINI77OAI8. The toilowfng caprcelized wada end terms ahall have the tolbwmg meanmga when uead (n thfa Deed ot <br />7rust. Unleas apecifically etated to the cnnvary, aU reterenaes to doUar amourns shell mean amoums in lewtul morey <br />ot t1re United Staxes at Amancd. Wotde and terms used �n the si�ular ehall mclude the plurel, and the plurel shep <br />��Iu� Ure singufer, es the context may reqwre. Words end terms rrot oHrerwise deflned m Uds Deed of Trust ahell <br />heve tlre maanuige attri6uted to such terms in the Unffortn Commercrel Code: <br />Beneliatery. TFre word ° Beneflclary' meene Exahenge Bank, and its eucceseors and asetgne. <br />Bonowar. The word "Bnrtower' means BrewCrew Propertles, L.LC. end includse alI co-signare and eo-makare <br />si@w�g ttre I�bte end ail thea eucceae0rs and esatgns. <br />Daed of Tn�at. The worda 'Dead of TrusY mean this Deed of Truet amortg Tnistor, Lendar, and 7ruame, end <br />irroludea witlrout Iimrtanon ell eeargnmeM e�d sacurtty unerest provisiona relating ta the Personel Propsrty and <br />Renm. <br />Detault. The word • �tauit° means the petauit set tortli m this Deed of Truet in the sectlon tiUed ° Detauit ° . <br />Envtranmentel Lews. The worde 'Envuonmetttel Lawe' mean airy er�d all stete, tederal end 9oce1 atetutes, <br />regWanons and adinenaes relan� M tha protectron ot human health or the emntonment, IrroluN� without <br />limttetton the Compreherreive Ernironmerrtel Reaponse, Compa�enon, end LiaDtlity Aot ot 1880, ae emandad, 42 <br />U.S.C. Section 8801, et aeq. ('CERCLA'L the Supartie�d Amendmente and ReauthonzeUon Act ot 1888, Pub. L. <br />Na. 89-499 (°SAAA°), the Hazardoua Matanals Tranaportetlon Act, 48 U.S.C: SecUon 7801, et seq., the Resourca <br />Conaervation and Reaovary Act, 42 U.S.C. Seation 8801, et aep., or other app�icabie eteta or taderel laws, rules, <br />or regulattons adopted pureuant thareto. <br />EveM ot 6etaulL The words °EveM of Qetault' mean eny ot tfie evente ot deteult aet torth m thia Deed of Truat M <br />the eventa ot detautt aection of tlAs �d of Trust. <br />�uarenty. The word °Ouarenty" mearre the guaranty trom guatarrtor, endorser, aurety, or accommodatlon party m <br />Lender, inctud(ng without Ifmttatton a guararrty ot all or part ot the Note. <br />Hezardous Subetancea. The words °Hezardous Subatancea' meen matertafe that, because ot theh quantlty, <br />cnncenVanon or physroal, chemlcal or trrtecbous cher�teristica, may causa or pose a present or gotentlal hazard <br />to humen health or the emironmeM whan �mproperly used, treated, etored, dfaposed ot, ganarated, menutecUUed, <br />transported or otherwiae hendled. The worde °Hezsrdoue Subatartcea° aze uead in the�r very broedeat se�e and <br />�ncliule without I(mKaiion ariy artti all hezardoua or toxfc substerxea, metenela or weate ea defined by or liated <br />