2 0120450�
<br />{Continued) peg g
<br />la! Upon receipt ot euch rrotice hom Lender, Truetee ehatl cause to be recorded, pubUshed and dalivered
<br />to Truator such Notkce of Detault a� Notice oT Sale ae Uien requrced by law and by thls DBed of Trust.
<br />Tnistee shall, whhout demand on Tnistor, atter s�f� nme as may then be reqwred by !aw erid atter
<br />reoordatlon ot auch Nonc�,of Detault end atter NoUCa of Sale hew�g bean given as requrced by lew, set!
<br />�e P�'oPenY et tF� nme aitid place ot eale fixed by tt m auch Notice ot Sale, either ae a arhole, w m
<br />seperate loffi or perceta or ttems:�s Ttuatae ahall deem expediein, end in such order ea rt mey determine,
<br />et �bNc aucUOn to the h(gheat tddder Mr ¢esh m lewtul money ot the Urttted States payeble at Uie Ume
<br />oi eale. Truatee shall deliver Sg auoh purcheser or purchasere thereot FOS good end suffic�ertt desd m
<br />deeda conveying tlre proparry sc sold, but without eny covenem or wener�ty, expreae or Implfed. The
<br />recite�s u� auch deed ot any mattars or t�ts aheU be co�luslve proot ot tlre truthfulr�esa thereof. Arry
<br />psraon, including Without Iimtterion Truetor, Trustae, or Lender, may purchase at auch sale.
<br />(b} pg � y� pe�� by Iaw, etter detluctlng all coets, teea a� expenaea of Trustea antt ot this
<br />Tnist, including coats ot evitle�oe ot UUe m connection with eale, Trustee ehall epply the proc�ds ot sele
<br />to peymarrt ot @ ell euma expended w�der the terma ot thia Dead ot Triiat oi wder Nre tatma ot the Note
<br />iwt then repaid, Iricluding but �rot Iimtted to eocrued interaet and lete charges, Up alI otlwr sume then
<br />secured hareby, and tid! the remalnder, if any, to the pereon or peraons fegelly eMkled thereto.
<br />Icl Trustee mav m t}re manner provtded by law poetpone sale ot ail or arry portlon ot the Property.
<br />Hemadies Not F�ccd�slva. Truatee and Lendar, end each ot them, ehall be errtttl�t to emorae peymerrc and
<br />pertormarwe ot any �ndebmdness or o6ligevorre securad bv thla Deed of 7ruet and to exarmse ali nghts arrtl powrera
<br />under Usie Deed of Trust, urider ihe Nota, uruler arry ot Ure Reiated Documerns, or �a�der any otl�ar egreement or
<br />anv Iaw+s rrow or trereatter in torce; rrotwkhstend(nq, some or ell ot auch ��ebLedness erui obl{getlore seaeed by
<br />tive Dead of Trust may now or hareatter be otherwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed ot Vuet, pladge, lien,
<br />asslgnmeM or otherwlse. Nekher the aooeptanoe ot this Deed of Truat nor its errcorcemam, whether by oourt
<br />acUOn or pwsuaM to the power ot eale or other powera aorrcanfad in thls Deed of Trust, ahall pre�udice ot �n mry
<br />marmer affect Trustee's or Lentler's nght to realize upon or enrorca any othar aeow�ty now or hareatter Freld by
<br />Truatee or Lender, rc bau�g agreed that Tniatee a�xl Lender, and each ot them, shaU be errtiUed m antorce th(s Deed
<br />nf Truat and mw otl�r secwtty now or herealtar held by Lendar or :Trustee in such wdar and mennar as they or
<br />either ot tham may m their ebaolute disaretlon determufe. No remady conterred upon or reaervad to Trustee or
<br />Lemter, is iMended io be exoluaroe ot any otlier remedy m this Dead of Trust or 6y iaw provided or permtttad,, but
<br />each aheA be cinnuleWe and ehell 6e in additlon to every other remedV 9rvan m this Deed of Trust or �w w
<br />hereatter axlatl� at Iaw or In equtty or by statute. 8very power or remedy grven by tire Note or arry ot Ure Reiated
<br />D�imrerrts m Truatee or LerMar or to whEch ekher ot them may be otharwise eMlUed, may be exerc�ed,
<br />cortcurre�rily or iridependenUy, trcm nme w nme and as olten as may be deamed expadient by Truetee or Lerxler,
<br />and ekher at tlrem mey puraue mconeietern remedies. Nothing in thts Deed ot Trust shaU ba construed as
<br />prohibiting Lender trom saeWng a deflciancy ludgmant agein,at the Trustor to the exteM auch ecnon re pertnitted by
<br />law. Eection bv Len�r to pureue arry remedy ehali irot exclude p�rteurt ot any othar remedy, and en elecUOn to
<br />make expendiUnes or m teke actron to perrorm en obllgaUOn of Tniator imder this Deed af Trust, ettar Tnmtor's
<br />ta��ure m pertorm, shali not eHect Lender's nght to declere a dsteuk and exerc�ae im remedtea.
<br />Req�mst for NoHae. Truator, on bahelf of Truetor and Lender, hereby requeste that a copy ot any P1uUCe of petauh
<br />and a copy ot arry NoLCe of Sale uMer Nda Deed of Trust be melled to them at the addresaes set torth in the Rrat
<br />peragraRh ot Uds Deed of Trust. �
<br />Attome9rs' Feea: Fxpe�ee. If Lender msntutes arry saft or actlon to anrorce erry ot 1he mrma ot this Deetl ot
<br />Trust, Lertder ehelt be entlUed tn recover such eum ea the court mey adiud8e reaso�ble es attorneys' tees et Vlal
<br />and upon erry appeal. Whed�er or rwt e�ry court actlon a mvolved, arni w tlie eMaM not prohiblted by lew, all
<br />reasonahte exPenses �er,der mnure tl,et m �ereder�s owmon ere neoassarv et eny time tor tl�e protecnon ot ffs
<br />urterest or the erAOrcament of ks nghte sheli 6ecome a part ot tF�e lndebtedimss payable on demend am! ehall beaz
<br />mteres[ at �e Note rate trom the date ot the expertditure umil repald. Expenses covered by this peragreph uiclude,
<br />whtrout iimimnon, however aubiect to any Ilmrts under appflcebla lew. Lernler's attomaya' teas and Lemler's legal
<br />expensas, wrhether or not there ia e lewaurt. aicluding ettomeys' taes and expenses tor ban&rupicy proceedi�gs
<br />(includi� afforts m modify or vaoate anv auWmatic stey ot inlurecLOn), aPpeets, and arry anUCtpet�l pos4tudgment
<br />colteatlon aervicea, the cast ot searching reoords, obtammg Lftle reports pncluding toreolosura repor►st, aunreyora'
<br />reporfs, eiM appramel teas, title Ureivance, and teea tor tlie Truatee, M the extem petmttted by applicable iew.
<br />Tnxytor elso wi0 pay any cotat costs, m addhlon m all otlrer auma provided by law.
<br />Righta of Truatee. Truacea ehalt heve all ot the nghts aiM dudes of Lender as aet torth �n thfa sectron.
<br />POWFAS AND OBLItaAA'I70PIS OF TRUSTEE. The tollownng provleione relatlng W the powara end obltgaUOns of Trustee
<br />are part M thts Deed of Truat
<br />Powew of Trustee. In edditlon to elI powera of Trustee ansl� as e mattar of lew, Truetes shali have the �wer to
<br />take 4he ml�aw�ng acnorre wlth reapect to the Property upon the wmten request of Lender and Truetor. (a► imn m
<br />preparmg end flGng a map or plet ot tFre Real Property, Inciuding the dadicatlon ot streets or other rights to tlre
<br />puWio; (b) toln In grantlng arry easemem or creating erry resVlotlon on the Reel Woperty; erxl {c) lom m any
<br />subordinsnon or other agreemerK affectNg this Deed ot Tniat or the mmterest of Lender u�er thfa � af Truet,
<br />Trustea. Trustea ahell meet ell qual3Hcetlone reqwred tor Tr�tea under appllcable lew. In eddition ta the nghte
<br />and ramedies aet torth above, wfth respeot to eU or atry patt ot tde Proparry, the Trustea shall have the rtgM to
<br />toreclose by rtptice arui salo, and Le�er ahall have ihe right to toreclose by Iudictal toreclosura, �n ekFrer case in
<br />accordenoe whh arnl to the fu[I extem provlded by appikab�e taw.
<br />3uccesaor Trueta�. Le�er, at Lerxler's opUon, may trom Ume to Mre appau�t a auccesaor Truatee to any Truatee
<br />appainted wWer tFila Deed of Trust by en inetrumem axeauted and aoknowledged'by Lander and recorded in the
<br />ofNce ot tha recorder ot Hall Cowty, State ot Nebreake. The inetrumerrt shall contem, in addiNon to atl aU�ar
<br />mattara reqWrad by sTete law, the names ot the rnigueel Le�er, Tn�tee, ertd Trustor, the book and page jor
<br />computer system reterencel where thls Deed ot Trust �e reewded, and the neme er�d addt�se ot the successor
<br />truatee, and Ure InavumeM ahaU be executed end ackimwledged by all the beneflciertes u�er thie Deed of 7ruet or
<br />thev aucceaeora in uuereat. The succesapr tn�tae, wkhout comeyence oi the Property, sheil auccead to eli the
<br />tide, power, enti duttes comerced upon the Truatee m thia Deed of Truet and by appticeble lew. This prceedwe for
<br />subetitutlon of Truatee shall govarn m tha exclusion ot eil otlmr provieWna ror subattturion.
<br />tdOTICE6. My rwtice required to be gtven wMer this Daed of Trust. I�luding without limimtlon mry nottce ot detautt
<br />and any rrotice ot eala aheli be grven m writlrig, aru! ahell be effective when accually delivered; when actue0y receivad
<br />bv talefece�mile lunleae oUrervvise requ�red 6y IewL when depostted wkh e natlonally recopnued overrugM courler, or, H
<br />mailad, when depoarted in the Untted 3tetes maU, as flrat clasa, oerdfled or re8istered mall postage prapaid, diretted to
<br />ttre addreases showm �er the beginnu�g ot this Desd of Tn�at. All copias ot noticas of foreebs�ue irom the holdar ot
<br />any qen whlch hes priorKy ovar this Deed of Trust ehall ba sent to Lendw's addreae, as ehown �reer ti�e baginrung ot
<br />this Dead of Trust. Any party mep chenge Ks eddreas tor notices under thie Deed of Tn�st by gromg immat wrttten
<br />notice m the otF�er partles, specMyi� thet tlre purposa ot tha notice re m cha�e�Me party's addrese. For nonce
<br />purposes, Truator egreea to keep Lender imormed at atl br�s of Tr�mr's curreM eddresa. Unlesa otherwisa prov�ed
<br />or req�nred by lew, H Uiere �s more U�an orre Trustor, erry notice given by LeiMer to atry Truetor fs deemed m� irotloe
<br />grven to all Trustora. -
<br />