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201204505 <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(Contlnued) �ge $ <br />under tha Enviroronental Lewa. The term °Hezardoua Substances' atso u+oludea. witlroue ilmitatbn, petrnleum end <br />patrotaum by-products or e�y tracnan ttrereot and ae6eatos. <br />ImProvemeMS. The word "ImprovemeMS° mearm alI existln9 aml tuture unWOVemeMa, build'mgs, sVUCturea. <br />moWle homes aNixed on the Real Prope�ry, tectUtlea; additlorre, replacements and otlier oorretruatlon on tlie Real <br />Property. <br />Indabtednees. The woM °Indebtednasa° meane aIl princ�pal, interest, snd other amounts, eoats er�d oxpen6ea <br />peKabla imdar the Note or Related Docume�, wgedrer with a11 rerrewals ot, eMarmiorm ot, modiflcations oL <br />aonsalideUOrre ot m�d eubemunons rw tha'Note or Related �oumenm a� eny emowts expended or advenoad bY <br />lender to Nacharge Trustor's oWfgatfons or expanees urourred by Ttustee a Lender to aMOroe Trustor's <br />obpganor� u�er tNa D�d of Tr�t, mga�er vvith. iMerest on such smounta ae provided 6+ thte �aed of Trust. <br />SpaciflcallY, without limttetlon, IndaMedrrese incl�ttles Ure tutwe advarroea set tarth m ttre Future Adverxas <br />proviaion. to9ether whh al! tnter�t thereon arid ail amourrts the�t may be ��ireoUY secuted bY tha <br />Croes-Colletmraiizatlon prowaron ot Uds Oeed ot Trust.. <br />Lender. l'he word °Lender meane Exchenge Banic, Ks auccessors a�xl essig�. <br />Note. The word °Note° meane the promtasory rtote dated June 1. 20b2 in tMe orlginel principel amouni <br />of 978,OQ0.00 ttom Bortow� to Landar, together with eil rerrewels ot, extensrore oL modiflcatlona ot, <br />refine�wtnqs ot, consolideUOne ot, end subetttuaorm tot tfia prom�saory rtote or agTaeme�rt. NOTICE TO TFIUSTOR: <br />THE NOSE CdAITAWB A VARIABLE INTEHEST HA'I'E. <br />Pereo�i Propercy. The wwde 'Peraonel Prcparty' mean ell equtpmerrt, flztures. a� Mher ardales ot peraonsl <br />property rrow or hereattar owrred by Truacor, e+M rmw or hereatter attactwd ar efflxed to the Hael ProPenY% <br />tagether with alt acceaeions, perte, emi addttions W. all repiac�ms ot, end ep subetltudons ror, eny ot auth <br />PropertY; and together with ell procaeds (ina�udin9 without limftetlon all maurance Woceads eml retunda ot <br />premwmal trom mry esle or other dispositton ot the Property: <br />Property. Tha woM °Property° r�ar�a eallscUVely the Heel Woperty aixl the Personal Property. <br />Real Proparty. The worda 'Real Proparry° mean the reel P�PertY, hrtereste and riAhte, ae turther descritred M th4s <br />�ed of Tn�at. <br />Reie[ea Docume�Re. The worda °Related Documarts' mean el! prorruseo+Y notea, credft agreemaMS, loan <br />a8reemertm, emironmerKet e9reemerts. BuaranUea, securltv aB�eementa, maKB�, deeds oi trust eecunty <br />deeda, ooUeterel mortgegea, end ali other inetrume�rte, agreameras end documer�m, whether now or hereefcer <br />ewsting, exequtad In con�on with the Indebtadnesa. <br />Rerrtte. The word 'Rente` rtreane aq preeerrt erui rirtwe renta, revenues. �ncome. �asues, roYeltl�. ProHp, end <br />other barrefits demed from tlie Proparty. <br />Tiustea. The word °Tniatee" mea� Exchenge Bank, whoae address ra POB 780. �il$ron. NE 88840 and arry <br />aubeUarte or eucceseor trusteas. <br />Trustor. Tha word °7rustor` means BrewrCrew Propertles, L.L.C. aka &ewCrew ProperUea LLC. <br />TRUSTOR ACKNOWLED�ES HAVINQ READ ALL 7'IiE PROVIS�ONS O� THIB dEED OF TNUST, AND TRUSTOR <br />A(iREES TO 1T3 TERM&. <br />TRUSTOR: <br />BREWCAE AOPEHTIES, LL.C. (A BREINCHEW PROPERTIES LLC <br />BY � Tracy L �srawqr, /�• of ►earCrew Properdes. L.LC. ahe <br />BrewCraw ProP�a LI.0 <br />LIMITED LIABfLITY CORIIP�►NY ACKMOWLEDGMENT <br />srare o� , b � <br />� 1 SS <br />COUNTI' OF / ���r$ 1 <br />On this �� day ot ���' 20 �� barore me, tFre undew�8^ed <br />Notery Pub paraonaUy appeered Traay L Brewer, dAember o1 Brewdew Propert�s. L.L.C. eke BrewAew Propertles <br />LLC, and krmwn to me m he momber or de�gneted egem ot the Itmttted Ilability company thet exeouted the Deed et <br />Trust erni ackrrowtedged Me Dead of Trust M be the tree and wturrcerv eat er�d d�d ct the lfmned Iiability compeny, by <br />auchomy ot esacuce � erdcles ot orgaruzaUOn or ita operating egream�nt. tor the uses ettd PL�� �T�� "��O^� <br />end on aath atated thet he or she �s autlmnzad w execute tMs Deed of Trust the Deed of Trust on <br />bahalf ot the limtted UebtlKy oompany. <br />BY l� <br />� K. � ro� � z�� 8 � �:�9 <br />��� <br />�P��`�N �A��O� M ��pn exPiaes �,y.3� � 12 <br />