<br />(Continued) Pege 6
<br />condkton coMatrred in thia peed of Truat or m arry ot the Releted Documeirts or to compiy with or m pertorm erry
<br />term, obligat�on, covanarrc or cwidWon contelned in any othar egreemerrt betwaen Lender and Borcower or Trusmr.
<br />CompOenoe DeteuH. Failure to comph/ wltA any ather Yerm, obliganon, oovenant or ¢ornik[on oonteu�ed m thla
<br />Deed of Truat, the Note or �n arry ot�e Releted DocumaMs.
<br />Defauit on Offier paymems. FaNure of Tny�tor within the Ume reqwred by thts Dead ot Tn�t to make any peyment
<br />ror t�es or u�urance, er eny othar payment neaeseary to prevent PoUeg oi or to affect discherge ot eny Iten:
<br />�t�ilt 1n Favw ot Third PerBes. Shoul� Bortower or any areMOr detauit wsder eny loan, extensfon ot cfedit,
<br />securitv agreemeM, ptuct�ese or eates agreemani, or erry other ag�eement, m tavor ot airy other creditor or person
<br />that may materialiy aifect arry ot Borrower's or airy QrerROr'e property or Borrower's aBitlty m repay the
<br />Indebtednesa or Bcrtowrer's or ararrtoPa ebflky u pertortn thev respecqva obligatlons wrder thie Deed of Truet or
<br />any ot tlm Related Docume�.
<br />Falae 8mmme�. Arry warranty, re�aasantatbn or atatamerrt msde or turnrehed to 18nder bq Borrower or Trustor
<br />or an Borrower's or TrusWPS behalf under thle Dead of Trusi or the Ralated Doc�unarrca �a felsa or mtaleading in
<br />any metertel reapect, efthar irow or et the tlme made or tumiahed w trecomea telse or misleadhig et any Ume
<br />thereatter.
<br />�eteetive Colla�aitration. This Deed of Truat or azry ot.the Related Docurtterrts ceases to be m tuQ torce aiM
<br />effect Itnctuding.tellure ot any coltateral dacumerrc to create a vaUd and pertected secumy mterest or Ifaen) et a�y
<br />Ume 8nd fo/ 91ty teeson.
<br />Death or Insolvencyr. The diseolution ot Trustor's (regardiess ot whether eteatlon w corronue is mede}, �y
<br />member withdrews hom tha Iimited UaWlitq oampeny, a eny other termmadon of Borrower's or TrueDnr's awemnce
<br />ae a going busuies� or the death ot any membar, t}re insalvexy ot Borrower or 7ruami, tl� appo�rrtmerrt ot e
<br />recarver tor eny part of Bwrower's or Trusm�'e property, any asa�gmment tor the beneflt ot credftora, a�ry type ot
<br />credkor wwkout, or the commencemerit ot any �ocesdfng ur�der any bankruptcy or uisoWertoy laws by or agauiat
<br />Horrower or Trustor.
<br />Creditor or Forfeiture Proceedirtga. Commencemarrt ot torectoaure or tortetture proceedi�s, wheYher by Jud[a�al
<br />prxeeding, self-fielp, reposseaewn or any oth6r method, by any creditor ot Borrower or TruaYOr or by arry
<br />govemmantei apency agatnst any proparty secunng the IrMebtednesa. Thls mctudea a 0ertuahma+rt ot any ot
<br />Bortower's or Tniswr's accounte, tncluding depoeit accounts, wkh Lender. However, thie EveM ot Detauft ahell
<br />not apply if thare Is a good teith diepute by Borrower or Trustor as to the validity or reasonabierresa ot tha claim
<br />whicff � the bas�s ot the credkar or tortarture proceedl� arul if Bonower or Truscor gives Lender wrtten rtotlae ot
<br />the creditor or tortertwe �ocaeding a� depostta wlth Lendar mnnies a a surety bo� tor the credkor or fonetdue
<br />proceedh�g, m an amount determared by Lender, in rte aole diacreUon, es bemg en adequaie reaerve or 60� for tl�e
<br />dispute.
<br />8�ea¢F� °f O�er ABraement• AnY b+each by Borrower or Tniator under the terme ot any other agreemerrt benveen
<br />Borrower w Trustor and LerMer thet te not remedied withln airy 0race perwd provtded iherem, mctud(ng witlwut
<br />Iimrtelian any agreemant cor�arrung any mdebtednese or othar obligatlon ot Bonower or Trustor to Lender,
<br />whether ewsting now or Ieter.
<br />Eve� Affecttng Querantior. My ot the preoeding events occws wlth t�pact to airy guarentor, e�orser, suretq.
<br />or axommodetion party ot arry ot U�e Inde6tedneas or any guarantor, endoraer, surety, or accommodation perty
<br />dies or becomes uicompetem, or rewkes or dfsputes tlia validfty oi, or IiabiUty �aler, any OuareMy ot the
<br />Indebtedness.
<br />ddveree Change. A matenal adveree change 000ure u� Bortower•s or Trusmr's finer�l corM{Uon, or Lender
<br />believea.the prospect ot payma�t or perrorme�e of the Irtdebtedness Is impa�red.
<br />Inseouriiy. Landar m gnod taith b�ieves itself inseoure.
<br />Rfght to Cure. If any detaWt, other then a deteult m paymeirt b cureb�a a�d H Trustor t�as rrot been grven a nonae
<br />ot a breach ot the same prov�on ot thia Deed of Truat wkhin the aeceding tweNe (12) ��s, ce mey be cwed M
<br />Truetor, atter Lender aenda written �rorice to Bortower demending oure ot euch detault: f1) cures tlie datault
<br />within tweMy {20) days; or (7� H the cure raqwrea more than twainy i20) daye, immediataly mitlates eteps whkh
<br />Lendei deema in Lender's sole dlacreUon w be aufficlent to curs the deteult end thereafter corrtinues and
<br />cnmpletes aU reesonable and neaeseary atepa eutflcrent Yo {woduoe aompRance ee soon sa raeaonably practical.
<br />RIOHTS AND REMEDtFS ON DEFAULT. If en Event of Deteuk xcura under thie Deed of Tnmt, at arry Ume thereattaz,
<br />Truatee or Lander may exermea any orta or more ot the to(lowmg ngh� end rem�les:
<br />Accalerapon Upon DetaWt; Ad�tlonel Remediae. If any EveM of Detault oaeurs as per the terme ot tlre Note
<br />secwed hereby, Lender mey declare al� Indabtednesa seoured by tlils Deed of Trust m be due and payabla end
<br />U�e same shall th�eupon become due and peyebfe without eny preaemOr�eM, damend, prot�t or �mtiea ot erry
<br />klnd. Thareatter. Le�er may:
<br />la) Etther in person or by agerrt, with or without bnngmg arry ac4on or proceeding, or by a reoahrer
<br />aPPo�Med bY a caurt and vufthout regard W ttre edequecy of its eeourity, errtar upon ar�d teke po8session
<br />ot the Woperty, or any �rt thereot, In tm owm name or tn the neme of Tnistee, arcd do arry acte whtoh tt
<br />deeme necessery or deauable to praserve the vaiue, markatebiUty or rerrtsbUity ot tlre Property, or pert ot
<br />the Proparty or iMereat in tlre Property; v�orease tlm mcome hom the Progerty or protect Ma seouriSy ot
<br />the Piroperty: ar�d, vrith or wlthout teking posaeseaon ot the Property. aue tar m oriiertrofse collect the
<br />rarte, isaues end proflts ot tfia Property, uieluding those past due end unpe�, and aPPN �e seme, lese
<br />coats eml ax{renses m nperatlon end cullacUOn ettorneys' teea, to eny indabtadneas secured by thls Deerl
<br />of Trus4 all m auch order � Lender mey detemurm. The arrtenr� upon end ta&ing possesswn ot Uta
<br />Property, iha collecqon ot such rems. �seuea end praftts.-and the eppRcauon thereot ehall not cure a
<br />waive env datauh w rrouce ot detauft under thie Dsed of Trust or �rnalldete azry act dorre In reapa�se to
<br />such detauR w pursuant to suoh rrotica ot detaulC and, notwtthetanding the contmuance �n poasesewn ot
<br />tha Roperry w rtre colleatlon, rece�pt and eppUceaon ot renffi, �seues or profite, Trustes or Lender ehell
<br />be eMiUed w exerctae every ngM provMed tor m the Wota or tlre Related Documerrts or by law upon the
<br />occurrence ot any avam oi detauk, Including the r�gM to exerc�ae the powar oi sale;
<br />Ib► Commence an aatlon to toreclosa this Deed of Tn�st as a mortgega, appant e recerver or spacfflcaqy
<br />entorca any ot the aovenarts hereot; end
<br />Icl Deliver to Truatee a w�ttten dealersUOn ot deteWt and demami for sele mui a wrttten noUCe ot deteuh
<br />errcl elecnon to ceusa Truetor's iMeraet In tfie Properry to 6e sold, whioh rrotme Truat�e ahell oauae to be
<br />duly flied for recard In the appropnata oftic� ot the CouMy m evh�h tlre Property �s located; arui
<br />Id) Wfth respect to ep or any pett ot the Pereo�al Properiy, Leruler shall have aG the rlBhte aml re�dies
<br />ot a aeaured perty w�der the Nebraeka Unlform Commerolel Code.
<br />Fo�ecbsure by Power of 8ale, {f Lemler elects to torsolose by axerc�se ot tha Power ot Sele herein oo�ured,
<br />Lender aheU noUfy 7rustee and sha0 depoaft whh Tnmtee this Deed of T�uat end the Note and such reoetpta
<br />acW evldence ot expend(tures mada and aecwed by tMs Deed of Truet as Truatee may req�ure.
<br />