<br />(Contfnued) Page 4
<br />to pemdt such parUC�penon.
<br />CompRence Wkh laws. Tnwtor wartart[e thet the Property and Trustor's use of the Property compii� writh all
<br />exreUng eppUogbte lawe, ordinences. and regulatrore ot govarnrtrental author(tiea.
<br />S�uvh+� of Representattans m�d tlYer}aMlea. Ali represeMahons, wertentlea, a� agreemeras mada by Truetor m
<br />thls Desd M Truat shall surorve tha execv�bn and deGvery ot this Daed of Trust, shall be corrtrrnvng m neture, and
<br />ehell temem in tull Torce and eHeat untll euah tlma ae Borrower's I�abtedr�es ehell be paid in tull.
<br />CON4F.NNIATIOAJ. Tha tollowmg prov�slona �eFating to condemnatlon praceedinga are a part ot thta Daed ot Truat:
<br />Proceet�ngs. H arry proaeed'u�g In cnndemneUon la flled. Truator ehell pramptly rrotify Lertder m writi�, erul
<br />Truetcr shad prompUy ta�ce s�h stepa es mey be neceasery to detend the acnon snd obietn the award. Truetor
<br />may be the nomtnal parN rn such praceeding. 6ut Lender ahall be errtitled W partroipete In the prxeedMg and to �
<br />rapreseMed In the prxeeding by counael of (ta owm ohowe, and Trusmr will delMer or cause to 1� delivared to
<br />Lernler such inaVumerKa e� d�umeMetion ae may 6e raquasted by Lender hom vme to ome to permtt such
<br />partictpatlon. �
<br />�►PPpcadcn uf Net Proeesda. (f eq or arry pert ot tlie Property �a condemrred by em�ne�t domem proceadi�s or by
<br />any proceedirg or purcMase m Iieu or condemnatlon, Lender msy at Ks electton reqwre that ail or any portion ot the
<br />rret pro�eeds ot the awerd ba epplted to the I�ebtednesg or the repeir m reatorenon ot tlm Praperty. The net
<br />proaeade ot the award shell meen the award efter peymeM ot elI reasonebl� coste, exponnsae, ar� attomays' teas
<br />hxurred by 7r�tee or Lendet in conngotlon wrlth Ure condamnatlon.
<br />IMPOSIfIOPI OF TAXES, FEEB MlD CNAH�ES BY QOVERNMENTAL AU77i0RITIEB. The tollowtng provisiona ralebng
<br />W govemmantal taxes, teas arM charges are e pert ot thla Deed oi Trust:
<br />C�ant Te�ces, Fees aad Chergea, Upnn request by I.endar, Truetor shelt execute such dooumenca u� addkion to
<br />tMa Deed ot Truet arM teke whatever other aatlon �e req�eted by Lender to pertact and cor�tlnue Lamiar's lien on
<br />Ure Real Property. Tnistor ahell relmbwse Lender tar all te�cea, as descrlbed below, togetlmr with stl e�ansea
<br />ixurred m recording, partecUng or co�Inwng thls �ed ot Truat, Inclu8lr�g w�itFrou[ Iimf4atlon eU texes, tees,
<br />documentary atempa, erui otF�ar chargae tor recoMing or registenng thls De�l of Trust.
<br />Taxes. The tollowing ahall conetitute taxea to whlch tMa seadon eppliea: (7) a speclfic tex upon tlds typa ot
<br />Deed o4 Trust or upon aU or e�ry part ot tFre Indebtednass secured by thla Deed of Trusx (2) a apecHic tax on
<br />Borrowar wFdoh Borrower ia authonzed ar required to daduct iram peymerrts on tim Indebmdnesa secured by tlds
<br />type of Daed of Trust; (31 a tex on thia type of Qeed of Truet chargeable agelnet tfre LerMer or tlre holder ot tite
<br />Note; end (4► e apeclflc tax on all or arry porton ot the hrclebtedness or an peymente ot pnrtctpsl end unterest
<br />made by Bortower.
<br />Subseque�rt Ta�cea. If any tex to which tl�ie seauon epplies �a enaoted subsequent to the date ot thia Daed ot
<br />Tn�st, this evera shap have the same ettect es en Erent ot Deteuk, and Lender mey exerc�se arry ar ap ot its
<br />ava�eble remedlas tor an Everrt ot Detauft es provid�l bebw urdase Truatar either �1) peys the tsx betora k
<br />becomes daNm�ueM, or {2) aanteats the te�c as proWded above tn tha Taxes and Uens secuon a� depostta wlth
<br />Lemler cesh or e sufficleM corporate surety bond or mher sacumy satlataetory to'LarMer.
<br />SECURITY A(iRE6VIfM1': FINdNCINQ STATEM6YTS. Tha tollowing prows�orta relatlrq to ttris Deed ot Trust as a
<br />sec�ulb/ egreamaM ara a part of thte Deed ot Trust:
<br />Sae�aity AgreemeM. ThIs u�euumerrt ahall consnMa a Seciatty AgreemaM to �e extent arry ot tha Property
<br />aoretltules flxtiaes, arxl Lemier ahell have all ot Me nghts ot a secured perty under tlre UnHorm Commeraal Code
<br />as amended hom Ume w time.
<br />Security IMerest. Upon request hy Lender, TruaWr ahall teke whatevar acpon ie requeated by Lentler m perrect
<br />and camm�e Lender's sec�¢ity utterest m the Re� e� Poraonal Proparty. In sdditlan to recading thfs Deed ot
<br />Trust in the [ea� property recorda, Lander may, et arry Ume and wlthout turther euthonzeaon trom Trustor, flle
<br />executed courtterperts, copiea or repra�uctrone ot thta Deed ot Trust as a finenclrig stemment. Truator shen
<br />remiba��sa Le�Mer tor ell axper�ses uicurred in partectlng w coMlnumg thls aeourtty irrtereat. Upon detautt, Trustor
<br />ahetl not remove, aevar or detach the Peraonal Proparry trom the Property. Upon detauh, Trustor eha0 aeaemble
<br />any Peraonal Roperty not eHtxed to the Properri ui a menner and at a place reaeonably converuerrt w Truetor end
<br />Landrer end make tt evailable m Lender whMn threa (31 days ettar reoaipt ot wmtan demand trom Lsmier to Yhe
<br />eMerrt permiited by appUcable law.
<br />Addreaees. The maiitng addresaes ot Trustor (debtor) and Lender iaecur�l pertyt �m wrh(ch mtormaUan
<br />conceming ttre aecurtty rtKarest grerned by thls Desd of Truat mey ba obtetr�ed leach as requlr�i by Ure Uniform
<br />Commerc�al Code) ere as stated on ths flrat pege oi tlila Dead of Trust.
<br />RlRTHER ASSURANCE&; ATTONYEY-IN-FACT. The tollownng prov�erons reletlng to turthe� aseurences aM
<br />ettornev-ui-tact are a part ot thie Deed ot Truet•
<br />Further Aesuram:es. At eny nme, and trom time to rime, upon request ot Lender, Truetor wlll ma&e, execute arxi
<br />del(ver, or wlll ceuse to 6e mada, executad w delhrerad, m LerMer or to Landar's desigrree, and wtren requeated by
<br />Lender, aaime m be flfed, recwded, raflled, or rereaorded, ea tlfe case mey be, et euch tlmes and fn auch offlces
<br />and pleces as Lender may deem approprlete, eny and ell euch mortgagea, deeda oi vuat, security deetla, securlty
<br />agreemema, finencmg stetemertts, coMinuatlon atatementa, �natrumerrte ot turther a�urance, certiflcetes, and
<br />otfcer documenta as mey, tn the eole oP��1on of Lender, be rreceseary or deeitable In mder to ettectuate, complete,
<br />� pertect, contlnue, or preaerve ft) Bortower's and Trustor's obtlgatlore wMar the Note, ihts Dead of Trust, end
<br />tF� Relatsd Dacuments, atM f2} tFre lie� end securfry mtereate oreated bv tFds Deed of Tnest as firet and prwr
<br />lierrs on xha Property. wlrether �roar owned or hereatter acqu�red by Truator. Unlesa DrohiBfted by Iewr or Lendar
<br />e8�� ����erV �n wriHng, Trustor ahall reunburae Lander tor all eosts ar�d e�ensea mcu�ed In oonr�ectlon
<br />with the matters reterted to �n this paragreph.
<br />Attamay-In-FaeL If Truetor taila to do erry ot tlre thinga reterred to m the preceding paragreph, Leruler mey do ao
<br />ror am! M the name of-Trustor and at TrustoYS e�erree. For auch purposea, Trusmr hereW trtewcabty appo�nb
<br />Lerrcler as Trustor's ettomey-m-tact tor the pwpase ot making, execuring, delivering, f�ing, recording, arrd da�rtg all
<br />other things es mav ba neceaserv or desrcaWe, m LerMer's sole opmion, to accomptleh the mattera reterred to in
<br />the preceding paragraph.
<br />R1LL PERFORMANCE. If Borrowrer end Tnmtor pay all the Indebtedrmse, irtcludfng wkhoui IimrtaLOn atl tuwre
<br />advanoes, vuhen due, and Truator otherwise pertorma ell the obligetbns tmpoaed upon Truetor uridar this Deed ot Tn�et
<br />Lender sheU axecute and dallver to Tn�tee a requeat ror tull reoonvayanca arul ehell exeoute a�ed dalkar to Trusror
<br />suttable statemerm m terminaaon ot eny financl� stetement on flIe evldanang Lender's secuNty irrterest m the Re�
<br />end the Pareonal Propertv. My reconveyence tee required bv law shall be peid bv Tn�tor, if permttt� by apPlicable
<br />law.
<br />EVFNTS OF DEFAULT. Esch ot the tollovalrtg, et Lendar'a optron, eheU conaUtute an Event of Detault under thls Deed
<br />of Truat:
<br />PaYmertt DeTauk. Borrawer tails to meke anY PeYment when dua undar the Indebtedness.
<br />Other Detauhs. Bcrrowrer or Tn�etw tells m oomply whh or to penorm arry otFrer tertn, obDBeUon, coveneM or
<br />