2 0 1 204505
<br />(Continuedi Pa9e 3
<br />other Ilen could be aeserted o� accouM ot tl�e wak, aervicea, w metenals. Truator wfll upon request of Lemier
<br />turnieh to Lender edvanca esaurences satlatactory to Lender that Trusror cen artd wUl pey the coat oi aimh
<br />Impiovemertte.
<br />PROPEHTY DAMAQE WSUpANCE. 7►�e.+tollow�� prowa�orq relanng to ma�mng the Property are e pert ot this Deed ot
<br />Trust.
<br />Malr�eance oi Inaurence. Truator ehaN procure arW ma�nta�n polfc�es ot flre trmurance wNh startdard exte�ad
<br />coverege erMoreeme� on e replacemecLt basis tor U�e tult ir�uable value covermg all Improvemeirts on the Real
<br />Properry m an emount suftfcrerK to awid applicadon ot any oomaurartce clause, e�ul bvtth a sta�ard mortgagee
<br />clause m tavor ot Lender. TrueMr shaG also prooure and me�Mem compreherrerve generel OebGiry umurance �n a�oh
<br />coverege amounte as Lander may request widi Truatee arni Lender � named as eddidonal meurede in such
<br />BaWIHy msurence polbiea. AddftloneUy, Truator ehell meiMam auoh other Inswenca, Nwiudi� but rrot Ilm(ted to
<br />hazard; bue�nase Urterruption, end 6oller inauranoe, as Leritler may reaeonably req�ura. Policiea eheU ba written �n
<br />twm, amawrrts, covaregas end bes�s reaeonebly exeptebte to Lender and �seued by a company or compantas
<br />reesonebly accepteWe m Lender. Truator, upon reyusst of Lender, wUl deQvar m Leruler trom nma w tlme eAe
<br />pWiolea or oertificates of G�surm�e tn torm sanatactory to Lerrcler, uicludhig adpulatorm that coveragea wIA not tre
<br />cancelled or dimuushed wkhout at leeat thirty (301 deya prror writtan mtice to Lerrder. Eech ma�uarxe pollcy etso
<br />ehap include an er�dorsemaM providh�g that covergge in tawr W Lender wfil rot be unpa�red in eny way by a�ry aot,
<br />omtse�on or detauk of Trusta or any other pereon. Shouib the Reel Property be lacated in an erea deslgnemd by
<br />the Dhecto� ot the Federal Emergency Menagement Agenoy ae a epemal flood hazard area, Truata aflreea to obtam
<br />erW meiMein Federel Flood lireurance, if evaqebla, within 4b days atter noUCe w g�ven by Letular thet the Prnperty
<br />le located in a epec�al flood hezerd erea, ror the tup unpald prpx�pel batance ot the loan m�d anv prror IEans on tlre
<br />p�opertv secimng the ban, up W the mewmum pclicy Ihnits aet urMer the Netconal Flaod Insura�e Pragram, or ea
<br />otharwwe requtrad bv Lender, and to rna�r�n auch maura�e tor the term ot the.loen.
<br />Applioaden of Proceeda. Tnietor shap prpmptly notlty Lander ot eny loas or dsmape tu tlre Proparty. Lender mey
<br />meke proot oT loae Ii Trustor tails W do so wkhin fifteen (16) deys ot tha cesuehy. Whether or rrot Leralar's
<br />aecurM is �mpa�rad, Lender may, at Le�er•s elecdon, racelve and reteln the �oceeds ot erry �reurance arW appiy
<br />the Woeeada to the reductlon ot the Indebtedneas, paymeM ot erry lien eNectlng the Pro�rty, or the reatoraUOn
<br />and rapatr ot Ure Ptoperty. If Lender electa to appiy the proeeede to reatoretlan end repav, Trustor ahell repeir or
<br />replece tlre demaged or deatroyed ImprovemeMS in a manner satletactory to Lender. Lerttler ehell, upon
<br />eansteatory proot ot euch axpandkure, pey or reanburae 7rustor trom U�e �oceede tor tha reaeoieable cost ot
<br />repeu or rasioretion �t Truator �a rrot tn detauk under ti� Osed oi Trust. Arry proceeds wFilch have not been
<br />disbwged wfthin 180 deys atter thev receipt and whkh LerMer hes rrot camm�tted to the repefr or restoratlon ot
<br />the Property shatl be used flrst to pey any errmuM owmg m Lendar u�er tlile Dead of Truet, Uren m pay eccrued
<br />mtereat, ertd tha remainder, it enY, sheA be applied to the princ�pal balerxe ot Um Indebtedrreas. If Lender halde
<br />arry proceeda etter peyment m tull ot tlie IrMebtednass, a�h preceeds ahaU be pald ta Trustor es Tnretor's
<br />urteresp mey appear.
<br />Trustor's Heport an Insuranae. Upan requ�t of Lander, hcwever rrot more then once a year, TrueWr shall fiaNSli
<br />to Lentier a report on each ewanng pol�y ot insuranae showtng: (1► Ure nema ot the msurer, (2) tire r�ska
<br />msured; (3) the amouM ot tl� policy; (4) tha property msured, tlie then c�meM replecement vaiue ot suah
<br />property, artd tlie manrrer ot detem�inu�g that val�; md (61 the expuetion dete ot tFre polFay. Truetor ahall, upon
<br />request of Lender, have an uMependeM appra�sar satfstactory to Lander determirre Ne cash value replacemerrt aoat
<br />ot tlie Property.
<br />TAX AND HVSURANCE REBERVEB. Sublect to any Ilmttetlorre and correietent with arry raqwremams set by applica6fe
<br />law, Lender may requue Truetor to maintein with Lender resarves tor payme�rt ot ennuel taxes, essessmente, end
<br />maureiroe premtuma, which reservea eheil be creeted by en mitlel depoatt ami eubseq�rt monthly payme�, or
<br />peyme� at such o�er mterval es payme�rte under the f�tom mey be due, m e aum eatlmated by Lemier m be suHiUert
<br />to pay the total annual taxes, essesemeMS, atM irmutence premiums Landar reasonaWy atrtle�Pates to be Pe1d irom
<br />tlrese resarvea. The reserva tunda simll be ImW bq Leraler ae a gerreral deposit tram Trustar, whtch LeMm mey seUaty
<br />by parment ot the taxes, assessmsnta, and insurance premn�ms raq�ured w be peid by Truator ea thay b�ome due.
<br />Landar ahall have tFre nght to drew upon the reserve M�da to pay euch rteme, and Ler�der ahaU not be requued to
<br />datermtrre the valldity or acowecy ot arry ttem l�tore peying tt. Nothing in tha Deed of Trust ahep be correVUad ea
<br />requiring Lander w advanoe other mon� tor'awh purposes, end Landar ehall not umur mrv IlsMlity tor arrything tt may
<br />dn or amtt to do with respeot to tf� reserve eccourrt. Subiect W eny Wnttepone set by appltcaWe law, H tlre reserva
<br />turnfa disolosa a shortega or defldenoy, Tn�stur ehall pey such ahortege o� deflcie�y ea requl�ed by Lentler. All
<br />amouma �n the reserve accouM are hereby pledged to turtF�r seoure the lndebtedrrese, and Lender �e hereby authoraed
<br />to w(tt�raw and apply auch emourrts on the Indebtedrresa upon tlre occurrence ot sn Event of Detauit Lende� ehali �mt
<br />ba requued W pay anv mtereet o1 earrunga on tha res�rva M�de unlese reqwed by law a egreed to by Le�uler In
<br />writing. Le�er does rrot hold the reserve tumla m trust tor Trustor, and le�m is not Truator's agerrt tor gayment ot
<br />the taxes aM assessments requtred to 6a peid by TnreWt.
<br />LF�IIDEA'S EXPENDRUpES. If erry acuon ar proceedi� � commeneed thet would matenaUy attect Lender's mterest In
<br />the Property or ff Tr,ustor tails m comWy with arry �aowsron oi thf�p Deed ot Trust w ecry Related Dociaimnta, mcl�ding
<br />trut rrot IimRed to Tn�stor's tailure w diechargs or pey when due arry amounts Truato� re requuad to disaherge or pay
<br />under thie Daed oi Truet or any Related DocumeMS, Le�xlar on Trustor's beheli mey (but ahali rrot be obligeted to) taka
<br />enY acUOn thet Lender deama eppropnate, uFCiuding but rwt Iimtted to dieohergl� or payu�8 ell texes. Ile�, seounty
<br />mterests, ertcumbrences arni other cleuns, et eny tlme lev�� or pleced on 1he Woperty and paymg aIl ooets tor msum�g,
<br />maiMalning eM preseMng the prcperry. p,tl auah mqiend(turea mourred or paid by Lender for suoh purposea wip tlien
<br />6ear imerest at the rete cherged under the IVota hom Ure date irtcurced or pald by Lar�der to the date ot repayme�rt bq
<br />Trustor. All s�h expe�reea wfil become a part ot the I�ebted�ss and, et Lender's optlon, w01 IA) 6e payable on
<br />demand: (BI be added to the balence ot tha Note ar� be apporooned amang ar� be peyebie w}th em� tnateliment
<br />peymer� to become due durmg aithet (11 tlre term ot arry eppticeble vmurance policy; or (2) the remeining term ot
<br />the Note; or (Cl be treatad � a balloon payment which wlll be due and peyeble at Um Plote's meturtty. The Deed ot
<br />Truat elso wpi secure peymeM ot these amounb. Such rt0ht shaU be m addit3on to ail other rights and remedias m
<br />which La�er mey be entttlad upon Deiauli.
<br />WAHHANTY; DEFENSE OF TITLE. The tolbwing prov�slorm relatmg m owrrerehip ot the Proparty are e pan at thta Dead
<br />of Truat:
<br />Tftte. Trustor wercerrte thet: Ia) Tr�tor holde good and marketetrle Utie ot recud M tha Property �n tee armple,
<br />Trea arnl clear ot all Uetre and ertoinnbrancea other then those aet twtl� m tFFce Real Property desartption or m erry
<br />tida �rowatme poi�y, Ntle report, or flnel UUe opinton �esuad in tevor at, am! accepied by, Lendaz m t�nrrecUOn
<br />with thia Deed of Tniet. and (b) Tn�tor hes the tuq rlgM, pawer, mid authonry w execute and daUve� this Deed ot
<br />Trust W Lender.
<br />Detense of Tide. Sublect to the exceptron in the peraAraph ahove, Truator werrents a� wiU tarever detend the
<br />tlUe to the Propertv ega�net the laartul cleims ot all pereona. In the eveM any aorion or prxeedlrtg �e commenced
<br />that queanone Trustora UUe or ttre Icnerest of Truetee or Lendm widar thfa Deed of Truet, Truator ehetl deterui the
<br />action at Trustor•s expense. Truetor mev be the tromuial party in suoh pra�eding, but Lander ahatl b� enNt�ed to
<br />pertrcipete 1n the proceeddlr�g ar�d to be represented tn tF� proaeedt� by courmel ot Lender's own chok:e, and
<br />Tnretor wtll deUver, or cause to be delivered, to Lendar auch inedumeme as lerMer msy request trom Ume W Ume
<br />