<br />(Continued) paee 2
<br />coMrA) of the Property: (2! use, oparate or manage tha Pruperty: arul (3) colleot tha ReMa hom the Proparty.
<br />Duty m Meb�mm. Truetor ahe8 manteln ttre Propertq In tenarRabte oonEitlon a� prompUy pertorm all repefrs.
<br />replacemerrts, and matntenerroe rre¢essery to preserve ite va�us.
<br />Complierrce Wlth EnvlronmeMal Lewe. Truatar ►epresetrts and warrerrts to Lender thet: 11) Dunng the perlod ot
<br />7ruator's owrrership m the Proparty, there�"ies been no usa, gertaratlon, manutacture, siore�, treapnent, diepoael,
<br />release or threatened retaeae ot erry Haaardp�a Subetence by any pereon on, undar, about or trom the Proparty,
<br />121 Tniator has no krrowledga ot, or taagon to baliave tl�at thare hae been, except es pre�uusty dieclosed M and
<br />acknowledged by t,erulm m writlng, (a1 mry bre�h or violetlon ot erry Envuonmerrtai Lews, (b) any uae,
<br />generavan. manuracture, etorage, treaLnerrt, dieposal, release or tiveaterred relseae ot any Hezardous Substenca
<br />on, uruler, about or nom tlia Pro�rry by erry phw ow�rere or owupante ot tl�e Property, or �c) any ectuel or
<br />threaterted I(tigetlon or olaune ot any kirui by any peraon relating to s�h mettere: end (3) Except ea Pravwusiy
<br />dlectosed to m�d acknowledged by Lender In writlrtg, le) naither Truator rror erry tenent, corroreotar, agent or otfre�
<br />authonzed user ot the Property ahall use, perrerate, manutacture, etore, treet, dlapoea or cr releese arry Hazardous
<br />Subatance on, wdar, ehout or hom the Properry; and fb! erry such activity ahall be eonducted in compHe�e wiith
<br />all eppAcable taderel, ateta, arW local laws, regulahoro a�M ordirtences, mcludh�g whhout Iimitenon atl
<br />EnWron�rrtal Lawa. Truator autFror¢es Le�ar and tts ageMS to emoer upon ffia Propertv to maka such
<br />mapectlor� and team, at Truswr's e�cpense, as Lender may deam appropriate to daterm� comptlance ot the
<br />Property with this sectWn ot tlie peed of Truat. Mv ms�ecUare or tests made by Lender aheU be ror Lender'a
<br />purpoaea only and ehall not be conatrued to create atry responeibNty pr Uebillty on the pert of Lemler to Trustor or
<br />to eny other pereon. The representstlone aiM werraM�s contetned harein are based on Truator's dua diligence in
<br />imrestl8eting Ure Properry tm Hazardous Subatencea. Trustor hareby (11 releases and we�vas eny tuwre clatms
<br />e9� Lender wr mdemroty or contrtbutlon m tl�e avem Truator trecomea Ilable tor cleanup or otlmr oasta wider
<br />eny such lewa; and �21 agrees to indemnliy, deter�, aiM Frold hermless Lender aganmt arn end ell cla�ma, loeses,
<br />Ra6iUHea, damages, peneldea, e� e�enses whtch Lender may directiy or Indlrectly eustem ar auNer resultlrtg trom
<br />a laeach ot thla aecUOn ot the Deed of Trust or ea a consequenca ot any use, ganewtion, menutecture, stwege,
<br />dieposel, release or Uveaten�! release occunmg prtcr to Trustor'e ownarehip or �Merest In the Property, whether or
<br />not the aema wres or ahould have been krrown m Trustor. The provisions ot this seaaon ot the Deed of Trust.
<br />irroludi� tlre obllgetlon tp IndemnHy and dete�, ehaU s�uvNa the paymeM ot Ute UMebtedrreae aM the set�atectipn
<br />ared reoonveyants. ct Uie Ilen ot tlda Deed of Tn�t a� shaU rrot be affectad by Lemler's aoqu�sitlon of any hrcereat
<br />in tlie PrupeRY, whethar by roreclosure or othervvise.
<br />Nuisenee. Weste. Trustor ehe�l rrot ceuae, conduct or permtt eny nuisarxe rror oommtt, permit, or auHer any
<br />smPP�K9 ot or waeta on m to U�e ProPerH or env Poruon m tl�e Propeny. Wtthout Umtting tl�a germratity ot Um
<br />mrego�ng, Truator will rrot remove, or greM to arry other party tha nght to remove, any thnber, muierats (hwludhig
<br />ail mul gas1, coat, clay, scona, sotl, gravel or tock prad� wkFrout LertdePs prior written conseM.
<br />Removal of lmprovemettla. Trustor she0 not demolteh or remove arry Improvemar�ts hom the Real Property without
<br />Lenders prlor wrRten oanaem. As a comtfdon to U�e removel ot any Improvemsrrte, Lender may requrce Tr�tor to
<br />make anangemeMS seuat�tory to Lerrcler to raplaae auch improvements w7th ImprovemaMS ot at leest equal
<br />value.
<br />�@"der's R18ht to F�tar. Lender end Lm�der's egerrta ar� repreaeMetives may eMer upon the.Real Property et all
<br />reasnnable times to attend to Le�er•a iMerests end to �rrepeot the Raet Ptoperty tor piaposea ot TruaWr's
<br />compliance witli the terms and cornlitio� ot thia Dead of Tnwt.
<br />Compde�roe wNh OovamrtmMel RequUemema. Truator ehall promptly comply wlth all lewe, ordtnancee, er�
<br />reguletlo�, mw or hareat[er in ettect ot aIt govermnentel auUmrktes applEcabla to tha use or xouperroy ot Ure
<br />Property, t�luding wkhout Iimttauon, the A�ricane Wkh Dlaebflkiss Act. Tntstor mey contest m gaod fePtl� errv
<br />such Iaw, ordinence. or regutadon and wfthhoW compl(mica dun� nny Prooeeding, irroluding appro0nete appeals.
<br />so long as Truetor hea notitied LeiMer m wrtUng pnm to dotng ao and so long as, In Lender's eole op�nion, LendePs
<br />mtarests m tha Property are not teoperdized. LerMer mey requfre Trustor m poat adequate securtly ar e eurety
<br />bond, reasonably setletectory to Le�er, to prMeot Le�er's mterest.
<br />Dutv to Proteet Trustor agrees rreitl�er to ebaiMon or ieava u�nette�ed the Woperry. Truetor shell do ell other
<br />aota, tn eddWon to those acta set torth ebove In thla secttan, whlch trom the charecter end use ot the Propmty ere
<br />reasonably �recessery to proteot a�ul pre�rve Ure Property.
<br />WE ON SALE - CONS611T BY L9YDER, Lender may, at LeMar's opUOn, declare immedletely due arM payehle all suma
<br />aecured by this Dead of Trust upon the sele or traneter, w(tF�out L-e�er•e prwr written oonsent, ot ell or eny part ot Ure
<br />Real Property, or any u�terest'In tlre Real Property. A or trazretar° means tfre comreym�ce of Real Propert�r or any
<br />nght, tiUe or interest m tha Rael Property; whether legal, berreftarel or equtteble; whether wlurtary or mvolwtery;
<br />whathet by outrFgM sele, dead, InstellmeM sals corMract, land co�Rract, cortVact ta deed, leasehold mterest wIth a
<br />tarm greater then Uuae {3) yeara, teese-ppqon contreat, ar by sale, aesignme�rt, or tra�teT ot mry betreflc�al iMerest m
<br />w to eiry land trust hoWtng tltle m tFm Real Proparty, or by arry otlier method ot conveyance ot an unereat In the Reel
<br />Property. If any T►usMr ia a corporation, pertrierahip or limtted IiebUity compeny; tranater also tr�ciudea arrv chenge in
<br />ownerahip ot more then twenty-ftve peroarrt (26%) ot the vonng stack, pamtersldp mterests or Ifmlted itebil�ity company
<br />�ntereats, ee the oase mey 6e, ot such Trustor. Howaver, Mia optron ehell not tre exerolsed by Lender If such exerc�ea
<br />� prohibited by tederal law m by Nebraske law.
<br />TAXES AND LIEN8. Tbe toAoaru�g proviatorre ralatlng to the texee a� Itena on iFa Property are part ot thia Deed oi
<br />TruaT.
<br />PaymeM. Tnistor ahall pav rrohen d� (a�M in all ever� pnw to deprpuency) ell texes, spemal taxes, assesame�.
<br />cherges lincludl� water e� sewer), flrres arid (mpoekbns lewed egelrret ur on aoeount ot tha Proparty, e�M aha�l
<br />pay when due ail clelma tor work dorre on a mr aervicea rendered or meterlal tum�shed to the Property. Trustor
<br />sheU me�Ma�n Um property hee m a0liens havmg prioNty over or equal to the irnerest of Lender uMer thla Deed ot
<br />Ttuat, excapt tor the Iten ot taxes and aesessmeMis not due and except es otherwlea provided qi thls Deed ot
<br />Tn�st.
<br />RIgM to CoMeat. Trustor may withhold payment ot emr tau, assesament, or clenn in conneatlon w(th e good ta(th
<br />dispute over tha obUgeUOn W paY, so long es Lendar's mtereat m the Property ra not Jeopardized. If a lien ansea or
<br />ts flied ae a result ot nonpeymarrt, Tnistor almll wkhin fltt�n �16► deys etter the Ilen ehsea or, it a Ilen is filed,
<br />whhin flfteen (161 deys atter Truator h� nouca or tFre 1�(ng, secure tlre dtacharge ot the Oen, m H requaeted by
<br />Lender, deposit with Lender aash or a eufflc�ent oorporete surety bond or other secunty satlefactory u Lerrcler in an
<br />emouM autflcterrt m diecherge the Nen pl� e�ry coate ertd attorneys' tees, or other ohergea that couid aacrue ae a
<br />result at a mrecloe�ue or aela under the Ifen. In erry eonteat, Trusto� ehall derend i�elf and Le�dar arM ahell setlsty
<br />enY aEverse I�dBmerrt batore emoicement ega�ret the Property. Truswr ehall nama tarnier ea an additlorrel o6tlgae
<br />under arry aurety homl tumuahed in Ure contest proceedinga.
<br />EaNlence of PaymeM. Tnremr shell upon demartd fumish Lo LerMer satlateawry evlderroa ot peymertt ot tfie taxes
<br />or aseeasme�s and shetl euthorae the eppropnate govemmartal official w deliver to t.arMsr at any nme a wrttten
<br />atetement ot ihe texes end asaesemer� apeinet the Property.
<br />Notice ot Coretu¢tlon. Trustnr ehe0 nadfy Lender at least fliteen i1B) deye hetore erry work Is oommeru:ed, a�ry
<br />servmes are turnisl�ed, or eny mater�als ere aupppad to the Property, N a�ry meohamo's Iien, matenalmen's Ilen, or
<br />