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NE 88840 FOR HECORpER'S U8� ONl.Y j ° <br />DEED QF TRUST <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is dated June 1, 2012, among BrevuCrew Propertlea, L.L.C. aka <br />BrewCrew Properties L.LC; a Nebreska Umftad LlabUity Compeny ("Truetor"); F�cchange Benk, <br />whose addresa la affibon Branch, 14 LaBarre Street, PO Box 750, (�tbbon, NE 68840 (referred <br />to betow �sameUmea as "Lander" end aomeUmea es °Benefidery"); and Exchange Benk, whoae <br />address ts ROB 760, pibbon, R1E 68840 (referrerl to below as °Trustee"1. <br />CONVEYAPICE AND QRANT. For valuable oo�reldaratlon. Trustor conveye to T�uatea In truat. WITH POWER OF SALE, <br />for Ure Banaftt of Lemler ea Be�re9cffiry, all of Truetor's �gM, tltle, artd itrtereat m erM to the tolbwtng deac�tbed real <br />proparty, togethar w1th atl ewsn� or subaequeMly erectad ur aifixed bulldings, �mprovemerne and fizt�ses; aIF <br />easements, nghts ot way, ami eppurtenancea; aU water, evatar nghis arul di[ch nghte Mc�udi� ewok in uNlitl� writh <br />ditch or Irrigatlon rtghtel: end ail other r18hts. royalUes, and proflte rateUr�g W the real ptoperty. vicludfnQ witl�out <br />Iimttetlon a[I mtnerale, oN. 9as, peothermel and euntlar mettere. (th9 ° RNl PfOpBtty IOCBted ht H61) County, <br />SY8t9 O'f N8�i188k8: <br />The NortF� 60 feet of Lot 8, Block 92 in the Originel Tovm, now Chy of Qrand lalend, Hail <br />Coumy, Nebraska. <br />The Real Property or its addrese is commonly known ea 670 - 872 N Elm Strest, arand Islsnd, <br />NE 68801. The Real Property tax Identiflcation number Is 400000911. <br />CRQSS-COLLATBiALI%ATION. In addidan W the Note, thie peed oi Truet secures ali oWigaLnrm, debts and fiebilitlea, <br />P�ue irttarest thereon, ot ekhar Trustor or Bonower ta lm�der, or a�ry o� w more ot tl�em, ss arell ea all cls�mv by <br />Lender agafnat Borrower a� Trustor or airy orre m more ot them, whetfier rrow existlng or heraef0er ans�ng, whed�er <br />rafeted m �mrelated m Ure purpose ot the Note, whatlisr voturrtery or othern+lsa, whather dus or not due, direct w <br />md"vect, datermined or undetermtrred, abaolute or coMinpent, Uqu[dated or unliquideted, whatlrer 8orrowar or Truator <br />may be IiaMa mdividually m iointiy wrtth othera, whether obligeted es guatantor, surety, accomrtrodeUOn perty m <br />otharwise, end whether recovery upon auoh amowte may be or hereattar may h�ome bartad by eny statute ot <br />Iknitetiona, arM wrhether the obllgaUOn to repay such amo�Ynm may be or hareatter mey become otherw�se <br />ur�ntorceeble. <br />FUNRE ADVANCES. In eddhbn to the Idote, tida Deed ot Trust secures afl tut�rte advarxes made by Lemler to <br />Borrowrer or Trusoor wF�Uiar w rmt tFre advences ere mada pureuerrt to a comrcutrnent. Spec►fiaally, without limitetton, <br />thle Deed ot Truat securea, �n addKton to the amourrie speai8ed in ths Note, all tuture emoums Lendsr m rts discrerion <br />mey loan m Borrower w Truswr, togettrer with all lrterest thereon. <br />Trustor preaerrtly assl8ns to Lender �also known as 8erreficiery m this Deed of Trust► all of Truetor's rtght, Utle, and <br />urcerest m end to all preaerrc end hrture �easea ot tlre Properry arM ell RaMS nom U�e Property. In addFtlan, Trusmr <br />grems to Lander a Uniforrn Commerc�al Code aecwtty u�terest �n tlre Personel Proparty end Renp. <br />THIS DEEQ OF TRUST, WCLUDINO THE ASSIONMENT OF RENTB AMD THE SECURI'IY INTERE6T IN THE RBYTS AND <br />PQiSOAWL FROPER7Y, 1$ �IVEN TO SECURE (A) PAYpAENT OF THE INDEBTEDPIEBS AWQ �61 PEHFOHMANCE OF <br />ANY dND ALL OBLIQATIOIdS UNDER THE NOTE, THE RdATm DOWMENTS, AdD THtS DEED OF TRUBT. THIB <br />DEED OF THUST I5 �IVQ11 AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOU.OWlIVO TERINS: <br />TRUSTOR'S REPRE8ENTATION8 AND WARRANTtEB. TrusMr warraMS thet: ia1 thta Oeed of Truat is a�cenuted at <br />Borcower's request erx! not at the requeat ot Lerxler; (bl Trustor hes the tull powar, nght, and autlwHty to enter �Mo <br />thie Deed o! Trust and to hypotheoate tl�e Properry; Ic) the provtatona ot thie �ed of Tnret do rrot confltct wtth, w <br />reaNt in a detautt under any agreement or other �nsvumeM binding upon Truator and do rrot reeuk in a v�olaUon ot any <br />law, regulanon, court decree or order epplicabla to Trustor; (d) Truator hea eata6lf�hed adequata meane ot obteming <br />trom 6orrower on a conUnumg baais �ntormatlon about Borrowsr's flnarrciel oondition; ar� (e► Lender has mada no <br />repreaentaaan to Truetor about Borrower pncluding without Ifmttatlon the creditworthirrese of Borrowerl. <br />TRUSTQR'S WAIVERS: Truator waives all ydghta or datenaea arreu�g by reaeon ot any °orre acdnn" or °antl-defioiency° <br />law, or anV other law which mey prevent Lender trom Bnngmg em/ eatlon agamst TrueLOr, Including a cla�m ior <br />deflciency to the sxtert Lender �e otherw�se entlUed to a ola�m tor daflctancy, betore or etter Lendar's commertcemerK <br />or completlon ot a�ry torecloswe actlan, aither �udtcielry a by exarciea ot a powar ot sate. <br />PAYMENT AND PERFORRIlANCE, Eucapt as otherw�se provided in thla Daed of Truet Barower and Trustor aFiaG pay to <br />LerWer aIl lndabtedneas securced by thfa Deed ot 7rust as tt beeomea due, and Borrower and Trustor shep stnctly <br />pertorm el! their respecnve oblfgeUOns under the Note, th[s Dead of Trust end tha Relemd Documerrts. <br />POSSESSIORI AND INAIAt1FNANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Bortower and Trustor agree thet Borrower's and Trustor's <br />posseea�on ern! use ot the Property aF�a�l be gavamed by the tollowu�g prowsions: <br />Poasessron end Uae. Undl Ute cccurre�e ot en Event ot Datault, Trustor may i11 remem m poasesa�nn and <br />N <br />0 <br />H <br />N <br />O <br />� <br />cri <br />0 <br />� <br />