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<br /> ; � BoROwer may cure such � def�uh �nd reinntete, as provlded In p�r�greph 1B, by couafng tha �ctlon a proceedlnp to b�
<br /> �" diamisaed wlth a miing thet,In Lmder'a pood tnfth determinatlon,pmcludes fodelturo a}the Bortower'� tntere�t in the Property or __
<br /> other materiel Impdrment o}the 8en croeted by this Sacurity Instrumen4 or Lender'e securlly Interest Bortowor ehali also be In _
<br /> � defauR N BoROwer,duriny the lotn Applicatlon process, pwe materlslly idse or Inaccurate Infomutlon or statanenta to Lender (or -
<br /> �' faued to provide lender whh any meterial Infortnation) In connectlon wkh the loan evidenced by the Nota Includlnp, but not , _
<br /> , � Ilmfted to, reprasent�tlone conceming Borrower's oceupmcy ot the Property se s pdnclptl residence. If this 3acuriry _
<br /> " Inatn�ment Is on� Ia��ehoid, Qorrower ahtll compry wfth all the provlslona ot the lease. If Borrower 4cqulrea fee tltie to the y _-
<br /> Property,the leaethold�nd lhe tee titb sh�N not merye unleae Lender agrees to the merger In writing. d
<br /> 7.Prot�ctlor� oi L.�nd��'�Right� (n th� Prop�rty. If Borrower tal�a to pertorm the cavenmts and agreanents � --
<br /> �' contc�ined in thl;,Sacudry Instrumcnt, or thcro Is n Icpnl proceeding that mny slgnHlr.�ntiy�Bect l.ender'a dghts In the Prop�ty� �
<br /> t
<br /> �� (such�s a proceiding In bmkruptoy,probats, tor condemnotlon or foAelture w to sntorae i�wa or repuktlona), thsn Lender m�y �
<br /> ����•��'��, do and pay tor whstever is noce�aary to protect the value o1 the Property and Lender'e �Iphts In the Propary. Lender'a actian _
<br /> may Include paying any aums secured by s Ilen whlch has prlortty over this Secudty Inatrument, appeeiNg In court, payin =
<br /> reasan�ble attorneys'iees nnd ente►ing on the Prope►ty to make repalrs.Although Lendx m+�y tnke aotion under thls psragrep =—
<br /> '�_, 7,Lender does not hnve to do so. _.
<br /> . ., My nmounte disbursed by lenda under pnragrnph 7 shalt become addklonal debt ot Bortower secured by thla 3ecurll�
<br /> + Inslrument. Unless Bartower and Lendcr agrao to other terms of pnymoat, these amounts shatl bear interest hom the date of .-
<br /> 8� disbu�sernant at ihe Note rate and ahall be payable,with Interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower re uestin
<br /> � Q A Payment.
<br /> ,� 8. MOrtg�ga Insuranc�. If Lender required mortgago Insurance ae a candiUon of making the loan secured by thls
<br /> Securiry Instrument, Barrower shall pay the premlums required ta maintain the mortgege insurance in eftect. If,for any reason, the
<br /> � mortgage inaurance coverage requlred by Lender lapses or ceases to be in ottec�Borrower shell pay the prefriluma requMed to
<br /> � obtaln coverage substentklly equlvelent to the mortgage insurance prevlousy In etteat, at a cost eubstmtidy equivalent to the
<br /> coat to Bortower of the moRgtpe inautance previouay In effeet, from an dtemate mortgege Insurer approved by Lendar. If
<br /> � • ' substantlRlly equlv�lant mortgnge Insunnce coverage Is nat av�f4�ble, Borrower shaA pey ta Lender eaah manth a sum equal to
<br /> ° one-tweNth of the yeary mortgege inaurance premlum being pald by Borrower when the inaurance coverage Wpsad or ce�sed to °
<br /> • be (n ei(ect, Lender will �ccept,use and retsin these payments as a losa reaerve In Aeu oi mortgage insunnce. Loss reserve —
<br /> payments may no longer be requlred,at the opUon of Lender,(f mortgage Insurance coverage pn the amount and for the period _
<br /> that Lender requYes) provlded 6y an Insurer approved by Lender again becomes available and is obtalned. Barcower shnH pay =
<br /> + ihe premiuma required ta meinteln moKgage Inaurnnce In eftect, or to provide a lose reserve, undl the requ�ement for nortgage
<br /> .y Insurance ends In accordance wfth any written agraement between 8ortower end Lender or appticable law. _
<br />_ 9. Insp�CtlO��t.Lender or fts agent may make rcusonable enides upon and inspectlons of the Properry, Lender shel! gNe
<br /> Borrower noUce�t the time of or prior to an inspection specHyfng reasoneble ceuse for the InspecUon. __.
<br /> • ' 10. Cond�mn�t[on. The proceeds of any award or clakn for damegea, dlrect or consequential, In conneaUon wfth any
<br />•_,,,�. .�;,,:..:' condemnaUon or other takinfl of any part of the Property, or tor conveyance In Ileu ot condemmtlon, are hareby assigned and
<br />-��^;: , y ._; � shall be pald to lender.
<br /> .,; In the eveM ot a total t�king of the Property, the proceeds ahell be applied to the euma secured by this Secudly
<br /> � �:.:���=;,_ . Instrumen�whether ar not then due,wkh any excess paid to Bartowec In ihe event of s pertial taking ot ihe Property in whkh -
<br /> ^���%'�+'•"•' the tak market vdue of the Property knmedtatety betore the teking is equal to or greRter than ths amount d the sums secured
<br />=-�;� . •�,'�s.
<br />-• -"„_«.x,,, by thls Securtty InaVUment Immediatey betoro the tnking, unlesa Bonower and Lender othervvlse agree h writing, the sums
<br /> -,:;!+�^..�f�, secured by this Security Inatrument shaU be reduced by the amount ot the proceeds muftlpNed by the tollowhg fraetbn: (a) the
<br />--=.�.<_�a,,_��.,;,�•; total emount ot the sums securcd immediatelyr betoro the teking, divided by(b) the falr market value of the Property immedlately
<br /> '-""' betore the taking.My baiance shell be paid t�Borcower. In the event of a pcKlal tak(ng of the Property In which the fair market
<br /> ;:'��,:.
<br />=,m,,�o,,,�,.,;�,,� vAlue of the Property knmedlately betora the taking is less then the amount of the sums secured Immedtaidy before the tekinp,
<br /> '"��,a,� unleas BoROwer ind Lender otherwise agree In writing or uniess applicable Iaw otherwlse providea, the proceeda ah�ll be
<br /> Y_��,;',.� �ppNed to the aums aecurcd by this Security ineWment whether or not the aums are then due.
<br /> ry-�t_4,•�,� I}the Properry Is abandoned by Borrower,or H, aRer no8ce by Lender to Borcower that tho condannor ottero to rtrke an
<br />__,_,.�,�:� award or aettle� c{�Im tor damagea. Boaower tails to reapond to Lender wfthin 30 daye efter the date the noUcs is g(ven,
<br /> -_x:�y;� Lender la authodzed to eoNect end eppy the proceeds, at fts oQtfon, eRher to rostoraUon o► rep�ir of the Property or to the
<br /> �==�s,�� suma eecured by this Sawdry Inatrument, whether or not then due.
<br /> . Unbae Lender md Borrowa otherwlse apree in writing, any applicatlon of proceeda to prfndpal ahan not eMend or
<br /> „.„,�„ postpons the due date of the monthly payments reterred to In paragrapha 1 md 2 or change ths emount of auch paymente.
<br /> -v 11. Borrowsr Not R�I�asad; Forboarancs By Lsndrr Not� W�iv�r.Extenslon af the ttme tor psyment or
<br /> �__�_�:=,^.t;� modMcnUon of unort@aUon of the suma secured by thls Securiry Instrument grnnted by Lander to any succeaaor In tnterest of
<br /> • Borrower shaH not operete to relesye the IkbNfry oi the original Bonower or Borrower's auccesaors in Interat. Lendct shnll not
<br /> be required to commence proceedings agdnat any succesaor In (nterest w reluee to extend tkne tor ayment or olherwlae
<br /> =�:�?f�i9� modity amortizatbn oi the suma secured by thla Securky Instrummt hy reason oi nny demtnd mtde by the o�ipinal Borrower or
<br /> - BoROwer's auccessora fn Interest. My torbeerance by Lender In oxerdaing any dght or remedyr ahnN not be a welver of or
<br /> �'�'� preclude the exerdae of any�ight or remedy.
<br /> —=_°.a;�.,"� 12. Sucenson �nd Asslgn� Bound; Jotnt and Sevonl Usbitiiy; Co-sign�rs.rhe covenants and
<br /> ngreement�of tMs Security InsUument ehall bind end bene�fit the eucceaaora nnd aeatgna ot Lenda and Barower, aubJect to the
<br /> _�� � provirbns ot panpraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be Joint and several. Any Borrower who co-siqna thls
<br /> -°°°"
<br />