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: - •..;,. <br /> � <br /> -z , .M-�,.. <br /> ��• ' - --- — <br /> „�} �t?'` _�_.._ ...:'..� ��'�s.�'�vn,P+4.- -•.'.,. ,. , ,� .;`�,�,rss�^� _ ... :-.-- <br /> :� .d...r.+.......---._..�_._....�_._ �_.::._....� <br /> ... . <br /> . — ---- — - <br /> � <br /> - .. ' .. :: ..u�t�ana�r�c=��- --- .. -- . . _ <br /> � ; ; � � 17. Tnndu nt ths Prop�rty or a 8�n�fialal Int�r�tt In Borrow�r. If eN or my p�rt o1 the P►opeity or <br /> i �ny Interest in Il le aold or lnnsterted (or N �beneflcld Intareat In Borrower le sold or tnnaterred and Bunowar Is not a natunl <br /> person) vrithout Lender'a prlor wrtttm conaent.Lende+may,et Its option,requke Immedlate pryment in lull ot aN auma secured by _ <br /> , 'I thls Securiry lnstrumem. Mowever, thla optlon ehail not be exerclsed by Ler►der If exacise Is prohlbited by tederel bw ae of the - <br /> � data ol thle Securtly Inetrument. <br /> � Ii Lender exaclaea thla optlon, Lenda ohall pNe Bortawe► notice of acceleretlon. 7he notice ehall provlde a period o} not ' <br /> lese th�n 90 daye hom the d�te the notice Is delivorad or m�Hed wilhin whlch Borrowa muet pay �H suma secured by thls(� _ <br /> 9ecuriry Instrument. I( Borrowa fdla to pay thesa auma prlor to the expiratlon of thls pariod, Lender may Invoke eny remedloa y <br /> • permMted by this Security Instrument wlthout further notlae or denund on Borrower. � r <br /> �" 18. Borrowsr'r RIgh2 to Reinst�t�. H Borrowor meeta certaln conditlons, Bortower shnll have the right to hsve � F <br /> eniorcement of thls 3ecurity Instrument dlscontlnued et any time prlor to the oarller o1: (�) S daye (or euch othe► paiod �e v�. t <br /> �� appilc�bla law mey apecfly tor relnetetement)betore este o1 the Properry purouant to any power of nale contained in this 9ecuriry �� <br /> Inatrument; or (b)entry of a Judgment enforclnp this Securlry Instrument. Thoee condidons are that Bonowor: (e) pays Lender all <br /> � suma whlch then wouid be due under thla 3ecu�iry Inatrument and the Note as If no acceleration had occurted; (b) cures any w <br /> """"`° delauR of�ny other covenent or egreements: (o) pays all expenaes Incurted In enfordng thls 3ecu►1ty Instrummt, Ineluding, but�l� <br /> not Ilmited to, reneonnble attomeye'faes;end(d)takes auofi acUon aa Lender may reasonably requlre to assuro that the ilen o1 = <br /> � thls 8ucu�ity Instrument, Lender's dghts In the Property end Bortower's obligation to pay the sums secured by thla Security <br /> ,t Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Bonower, thia Securiry Instrument and the ohligatlons secured <br /> � hereby shall remaln fu�y ettectNe es if no acceloretion had occurred. However,this righi to rdnslate shall not eppry In the case <br /> � of ecceleration under ptregraph 17. <br /> y� 19. Sil� Of Not�; Chinp� of Loan Ssrvla�r. The Note or a n partial Interest In the Note (topether wfth thia <br /> S Security Inatrument) may be aold one or more times wKhout prior notice to Borrower.A sale may resuft In a change in the entity <br /> . � (known es the 'Loan Servicer')thtt coAects manthy p�yments due under the Nota and this Securily Instrument. There�IsA may <br /> be one or more oh�nngea ot the Loan 3ervicer unrelated to a sale o1 the Note. If thero is a ahenge o1 the Loan Servica, <br /> - i�� Borrower wHl be piven wtitten notice of the change In accordance wfth paragreph 14 above and applicable law. The noUce wW _ <br /> _ � state the nama end addresa ot the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments ahould be made. The notice wIN also =� <br /> contaln any other IniormaUon requlred by appWcable law. _ <br /> . 20. H�¢ardou� Substane�s. Borrower shall not cause or permft the presence, use, disposd. stnrage,or relea°o at � <br /> any Hezardous Subatences on or in the Property. Borrower sheil not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything attecting the = <br /> Property that la In vloaUon ot any Environmental Law. The precedfng two sentences shall not appty to the presence, use, or ° <br /> storage on the Property ot small quanUtles of Hazardous Substances that are generaAy recognlzed to be approprlate to nortnal � <br /> residential uaes and to malntenance of the Propetty. _. <br /> '� Bortower shdl prompty gNe Lender wdtten notice of any InvesUgaUon, clalm, demand, lawsuft or other actlon by any � <br />-. govemmental or reguiatory agency or prlvate party invobinp the Property nnd any Hazardaue Subatance or Ernironmentul Lew oi <br /> 'f whlch Borrower has ectual knowledge. If Bortower leams, or Is notifled by any govemmental or regulatory authority, that any <br />��-__________� f�,nyn1 nr nthar rwmed�ation ot any Hazerdous Substance attectln� Property Is nocessary. BoROwer shali promptly teke all <br /> • necessary remedlal actions ln accordance wflh Environmental Law. <br />- . , As used in this paragraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances' are those subslances deflned as toxia or hazardous substnnees by <br /> , a� Envlronmental Lew and the tollowing suhstances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammabie or toxic peholeum products, toxia <br />'!��,4,;, :r.+; pesUcldes and herblcldas, volatlle solventa, materlals conteining asbestos or tortnaldehyde.and rndioactive matertala. As ueed In <br /> ��-•�. paragreph 20. 'Envlronmentai Law' means tederal laws and lawe oi tha Jurisdictlon where the Property la located that relata to <br />�?^.'r^_:: S heakh, safety or mvtronmental protectlon. <br /> s..:`4;':�' `" <br /> '�"=��;' NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3.Bortower and Lender further covenant and ngree as foNows: <br />_:'"�1"'''�Y ' 21. Acc�l�ratlo�; Rom�di�s. Lender shall glve na41c� to �orrow�r prior to �cc�laratlon <br />="=��,:;r��� fallowtnp Borrow�r's broach of any oovenant o► �grs�msnt in this Socurity In�trument (but not <br />;��'i,%`'"' � prlor tn accNeration und�r paragraph 17 unlos� �ppllcablo la�r provid�s oth�rwis��. Th� notic� <br />;;; � shall sp�cify: (a)th� dofaulh, (b) th� �ction r�quired to cur� th� d�fault; (c) � dtto, naR lees than <br /> �� 30 days from th� date th� notico Is glven to Borrowor, by whtch th� dotautt must b� cured; and <br /> _�1s• • � <br />_:���w.y�:�:� (d) that failure to cur� th� defauk on or befors ths dato sp�ctfied in th� notta� may r�sult in <br /> -_m.,,��.,�s, � �ccd�ratlon of th� sums a�curer! by thts Security I�strum�nt �nd sd� of th�Prop�rty.Th� notics <br /> -_�:=-� � ' shall furth�r infarm 6o�rowor of tho rlght to reinst�t� aftor Acael�ratton �nd th� right to bring e <br /> _���� couK action to �sssrt the non-�xtstonce of a detauR or �ny oth�r dN�ns� of Borrow�r to <br />""'"�W�`�'� accd�ntio� and ssb. If the dofault Is not cund on or t»for� th� dat� sp�clfi�d In th� notic�, <br /> ��; I.�nder �t its optlon may require Immoditts p�yment tn full of all aums a�cur�d by th(s S�curity <br />=-'���. Indrum�nt wtthout furthar demand and may tnvok� tho pow�r of ral� and any oth�r nm�dt�s <br />="''�"�°� permitt�d by appllaabls law. Lender shall be entitled to coll�ct all �xpsns�� incur�ed in pursuiny <br />::',�''�"'• th� r�m�di�s provld�d in thl� paragraph 21, inoluding, but not iimR�d to, roasonaW� attorn�ys' <br /> �-��� fess �nd costs of titls evidsnce. <br />-���_�--�-r If tha powor of s�le le invobced, Trustee shall record a notice of detauk tn aaah county in <br /> m �`��..���''";, which an peKy is located end ahall maii co tes of such nottc� tn the mannor <br />;.;':�_f y Part of th� Pro p <br />_;�;�_� -'�; ••�. proscrib�d by appiic�ble law to 8orrower and to tho other persons proscribed by applicablo law. <br /> y,1i ..� � Ait�r th�ttm� nquired by applix�blo Isw. Trustee shall give public nottc� of salo to the porsons <br />-;,�'• , And in ths manner proscribed by applicuble law.Truetee, without demend on Borrower, shall sell <br />'���'• th� Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the timn and plece and under the terms <br /> 1....A <br />-�� ' de�lgnaiad in the notice of sals in one or mors parcele end In arey ord�r T►ust�e dotormines. <br />�;�� � � Trustee may poatpone eals oi all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at the <br />- tlm� and pl�c� of any proviously sch�duled sale. Lend�r or its dealgnoo may purchas� th� <br />�'�, Propsrty at any 9als. <br />`ti �r:,�;��� Upon r�c�tpt of payment of the prica bid, Trustes shall dsliver ta tho purchaser T�uatoo's <br />- deed convevina the Propertv.The racltals in the Trustee's deed shalt be prima facfo evidoncp of <br /> �� „ - the truth ot th� stat�monts mad� thsroU. Truatss ahall apply ths procssde of ths sals tn the <br /> . foilowing ordsr: (a) to a�l costs and expenaes of exerctsing the power of s�te, a�nd the eale, <br /> Including the payment of the Truatse's fees actually incurred. not to exceed three <br /> -„ 9'0 of the princtpal amount of the <br /> nots eit the time of the dectaration af daTault, and reasonable attorney's fees as permftted by law; <br /> (b) to all sums� eecured by this Security Instrument; and (c) anY excess to the pe►son or persons <br /> logalty �ntitl�d to Ht. <br /> ' F131G.LM0(1/y� Pnqr 4 c}5 �/� •/ <br /> � 9�tJY <br /> - . �.-...- _ .__ ..._.. .... . . ... .. . . ,. . . _. .-._ _� .. . .,_.. . . ...__--°---- •---' -.. _. <br /> -. -. .. __ . .-- - .i .. _ _ - �� - <br />