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<br /> � � TOQETHEH WITH �Y th�Improvemente now or here�Re► enated on the property. +�nd ell e�aements, appurten�ncsa, �nd
<br /> �� � S�nure� now or hxsaftar a p�rt ol the property.All ropl�umenla�nd Rdditlons eh�ll�Iso be coverod by thla 8ecudiy Instrument. —
<br /> A!of Iha lorepaing I�rol�ed to 1n thia Secudty Instrument ne tha "Property' �.,..�_
<br /> 80RROWER COYENANT9 th�l Bortow la lunencumb ed, excapl to►tencumb�ncss ot recotdtl Bortower�wartant�and wW �;_,`_
<br /> • convey th� Prap�rty and th�l the Property
<br /> ddend penent�iy lhe tltle to the Property ay�lnat�W cleima�nd danands, aubJect to eny encumbr�nces oi record. �`��-�-
<br /> THIS 3ECURITY IN9TRUMENT combines unHortn covenants lor netion�l uee snd non-unMorm covensnte wlth Iimited�
<br /> vulwtbns by JuMadictlon to constllute �unliortn necudty instrument covering real property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. BorrowK�nd Lende►covennnt�nd �qree sa tallowa:
<br /> Prinal �I and Intsrest; Prepaym�nt �nd L.�t� Chsrg�a. BaR�W�ghdue ndar�he Noto�~ �-
<br /> 1.P�ym�nt o? p
<br /> ' due the ptlnGpal ot�nd Interest on tho dobt ovidtnctd by the Note end any prepayma�t and Iste chnrge .
<br /> �� 2, Fund�for T�x�� wnd Insuo�ne�. 8ub)ed to �ppllGble luw or to a wrftten wah/er by Lendar.Botrower shall C ...�,
<br /> � • � to Lender on the day monthy p�yments are due under Ihe NWe, until the Note is pald In (uq, a eum ('Fund�s')�� len e o -
<br /> tae��nd aasesamenta which mry att�in pdorfly over thls 9ewrity Instrument as�ti i�le+ie pTt�h�e ma P(�Yy���ood Insunn
<br /> � p�yrnents or ground rerita on the Property,ff mY: (e) yea►tY Mtard or property
<br /> `','�' premluma,it any; (e) yenrtY mortp�ye inaurance premlur�s,If eny;and (Q eny sums peynble by Bortower to Lender In nccorden
<br /> � wlth the provislona of p�ragnph B. In Ileu of the paymmt ol morlgnge InsurRnce premiuma. These itema are called 'Escro _
<br /> � � Iiems.' Lender may, nt any tMne, collect and hoid Funds In an nmount not to exceed the maxlmum amount a lender for a
<br /> : �.; �ed�ry related moAqaye lan maY rcQulro tor Bortower'e esaow nccount under ihe tederal Real EEtate Settlement Proaeduros _ __
<br /> �; Act o11874 as amended trom tGne to time,12 U.S.C.g 2801 et seq. ('RESPA'). uniess another lew that applles to the Funds
<br /> , sets�lesser umount. tl so. Lende►rtwY.at any time,collect nnd hold Funds In an amount nm to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> Lencfer may o�fimate the amount of Funds due on the besis ol eurrent data and reasonable estlmates oi expanditures of tuture
<br /> ' Escro�N Itans or otherwise In accorduice wi�h�Pp�uble law• cludkt
<br /> •�. � The Fund�ehRN be held in ui Inatitutfon whase deposita ue Insured by a iedenl +9eneY, innt�e Funds torpaynthe Eacmw
<br /> •� ,!";.' �endx, B Lenda is auch �n tns�:ution) a�M �ny Feder�l Home loan Btnk. ��� °h�W�Pp Ae escrow account,or verifyki9 -
<br /> . 4e+-.is,Lender may no!chr..�ge Bor►ower tor hoidinq and�pplyh9 the Funda, �nnu�My anal�ing -_
<br /> � tha Eec:row Items, unkss le�der PaYa Borrower hterest on the Funds °tor an Independentprerl esta e tex repo+Unp Saerv�e �__
<br /> ' � eharge. Hovreve�, Lender rneY r�Wke Bortower to pay n onttin�e cherge
<br /> used by Lender in connectlon with thls loan, uniess appiiceble Iaw provldes otherwlae. Unkss an apreemmt Is made or
<br />- �ppYcable law requiros Interest to be paid, Lende►shah nut be requlred to pay Bortower any interest o► eamings an the Funds. �.,_
<br /> " Bortower and Lender maY a9►'ce In wrking, however. ihat interost ah�H be ptid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Borto�ve►, �.�
<br /> • °•� w;thout eharge, an annual accountinp of the Funda, showing credRs and debfta to the Funds md the purpoae tor wh{ch eaah �
<br />� . � • deba to the Funds wae made. The Funda are pledged�a addllonal socurt4y 1or ell suma secured by the 3ecuriry Instrument.
<br /> :...
<br />� q the Funda held by Lenda exceed lhe amounts Permitted t N�ble lawb It theN mouM of t e Funda•`held by Lender�art eny N
<br />- lor the excess Funds In eccordmce with tha requkements oi app
<br /> Ume Is not sulflGent to pey the Escrow Items when due, Lender tnaY so notity Borrower in wrilki9, and, in such caae Borrower _
<br />=� • shal pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the defleleney Borrower shall make up the defldency In no more th�n -
<br /> _ry�:,..�.
<br /> tweNe monthly payments, at l.ender's so�e disuetlon. retund to Borrower anY Funda
<br /> Upon paymmt in full oi al sums secured by this Securiry Instrument, Lender shell prompty
<br />�'.Y' '��� ' held by Lmdcr. It, under peun9rsPh zi.L6rIGer shaii��YUs��_ "� ��pf��"'�'Lender,arlor to the acqulsftion or sale ot the
<br />�;: , propeiiy,ahaA eppy any Funds held by LenQer at the time d acqutsition or sale as a credit apaMst the suma aecure<f Dy tnia
<br />_�•�o�,�� Searity Instrument. �b1e�W provides otheiwiae, all payments re�elved by Lender under
<br />�.'����
<br /> :3-;�'• :. 3. Appltcatlon of Pryn�sMs. uNeas aPp�
<br />��'��"''•�Y'`��1"�'�� pesnyraphs 1 and 2 shall be appped: firet, to any prepayment aherges due under the Note; aecond,to amounta payable under
<br /> '?Tti t'����''S�.`= pangraph 2;thhd,ta Interost due; fourth.to principal due; and last,to nny late charges due unda the Note.
<br /> '.n`."f`>`'�'i;,L'; 4. Chlfgee; Ue11s. Borrower ahatl pay all texes, assessments, charges, flnea and impoaftions atGibutable to the
<br />����-� Property which msY attai�PNo�►Y over thls Senutfly InsVUmeN, nnd leasehold payments or ground rents,B any. Bhan n thme
<br />—==��:-='F�P" pay these obNgstions In the menner provided In pangraPh 2, ar H not peid in that manner. BoROwer shaN pay
<br /> -= ��'•`��'� directy to the person owed payment. Bortower shaG promptly (umish to Lender al��i8lhe L�o1`��wnb�to�pts P�i���� th,e
<br />�"'•'�`'�'M''�' panpraph. It Borrowe� rt�kes these paymenta direcly. Bwrawer ahall promPUy
<br /> .�....
<br /> - -'`:�:!'�'tc payments.
<br />�-��� gortoYder shaq promptty discharge eny Ilm whioh has qloriry over tfils Security Instrumant unless Borrower: (e) agrees
<br /> •-���5— wrNhg to the payrnent o1 the obpgatlon aecured by i�e ����o�edings whla�h�in'the�Lender'e opinlon operae 90 preve��i ine
<br /> --`-= Itan by, or detends against enlorcanent of the ilen In, le9e�P
<br /> �=.`!'?'�� enbrcement of the Nen: or (o)eecuros from the holder of the Iien an agreement seUsfactory to Lender aubordinating the Aen to
<br />---�" thls Securtty InaWment It Lender dMemdnea thet any part of the Properly is subJect to a Ilen which may attsin pdorlly over this
<br /> '�'"� • Security Inatrument, Lender mnY 9ive Borrower a noUce idenlNying the Ilen.Borrower aha�l saUsy the Ilen or take one or moro ot
<br /> =°��-� t6e aeUona aet foKh above wllhin 10 daye ot the yivinp of notice.
<br />��,"�_���: 5. Hszard ar Prop�rty Insurane�.Bortower ehnll keep the improvementa now exlsUng or herodter erected on tho
<br />__�;,;,;,�y� Property innured againet losa by 1ke, tivards Included withln the term 'extended coverage'�nd any other huards, Induding
<br /> �-4='��y� floods or 1looding,for wfiiah lender requUes Insuranu, TNs insuranee sh:ll be mahtained in the amounts and tor the perlods
<br /> - - -�V� �h�t Lender requlres. The I�aumnce cartier providinp the Insurance shall be cMoset�by Borto�ver aubject to Lender's approval
<br /> -�""�" wh�h sh�ll not be unrcaaoneby wkhheld. It Bortower hAs to melnUtin covenge described above, lender maY� at Lendx'a
<br />� 1 ' opUon,obtsin coverage to prolect Lender's dghts In ihe Property In accordance wRh pern9raPh�•
<br /> "�'���'��� Aq Insu►anco poHclea and renewala shdl be accoptable to Lender and shell includa a atandnrd martyege dnuse. Lender
<br /> ,,„,�,4.� ive to Lender aB recdpta of
<br /> --_-,�;:�;-�3 shdl have the dght to hold the pollolea and renewab. It Lender�equlres. Bortower ohall prompty g
<br /> --�_�� .. ptld premfums and renewal noUces. tn ihe event of bas. Borrower shail give prompt notice to the hsunnce csnier nnd Lender.
<br /> ='�`��itf� �ender may make proot ot loea H not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> -='� ';•' �� �'' Unless Lender and Bortower otheiwiae agree In writtng,i�surance proceeds sheM be app4ed to restonUon or repair of the
<br /> -`�j�i� �. '��r� ' properry damnged, H the reataatton or repek is economiceYy feesible and Lender's securNy is not lessened. I}the reatore�don or
<br /> ';i' repair Is not economlcaNy feaslb�e or Lender's securNy would be lessened,tha Insuranae proceeds shall be epplled to tho sums
<br /> � - � secured by thb 3ecurity InsWment, whether or not then due,with any excess pald to BoROwer. If Borrower nbnndonn the
<br /> -`�""� Roperty, or does not enswer within 30 days e notbe trom Lender that the Inaurance carrier has oHered to settle a clafm, then
<br /> _ ,: , . _
<br /> � Lmder may collect the Inaurence prooeeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repak or restore the Property or to pay sums _
<br /> secured by thls Seadty In�immenL whether or not then due. The 30�day perlod wiA begk► when the notice Is gWen _
<br /> -�� Unless Lender and 8arower otherwise agree tn wd�n9, n�Y eAP��cati°n of proceeds to ptlncipal ahall not extond or
<br /> '�� postpone t�e due date of the monthiy payrtie�ts relerred to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or chenge the smount oi the payma►ta. It
<br /> " I under para9rap� 21 the Piroperty is acqubed by Lende�. Borrower'e right to any insurance poNclea snd proceeds resultlng from
<br /> �'� demage to the Prope�lf� P�lor to the acqu(sition shall pass to l.ender to the extent oi the suma by thla Security Inetrurtent
<br /> . ,-�,� _ immedlateN nrtor to the acqulskion. _ _ . .,__ �, �_ eM„�„ti,, p,,..,,�,ar'n L.nan
<br /> - � -- r� - ------ - - -
<br /> ; 8. Occupancy, Pnsorvation� Maintmance ana r�o�cnv�� �� •••o .--r-..,• -
<br /> ���Y'��' � � Appiteation; l.�as�holds. Borrower shall ocapy, eslabllsh, end uae the Property as Borrowet's principal residence wfthin
<br /> sbdy days after the execuUon of thia Security Inswment and shali continue to occupy the PropeAy as Borrower's princlPa�
<br /> residence tor et leaet ono year etter the date ot occupancy, unless Lender oiherwlae agrees In w�iting,whlch consent shail not
<br /> be unreasonebly wHhhdd, or unless extenuating clrcumstences exfst which are beyond Bortower's control. Bortower shall not
<br /> ' destroy, demage or Impair the PropcKty, allow the Property to deterlorata,or commit waste on the Property Bortowc�shall be in
<br /> NeforidWre oftthe Ropaerty or othrerni edmateria9y timpair t erlien ct ealt d byghlstSecurity/nswment orf Lenders securlty Ilnteresttt
<br /> \��� � �
<br /> F1�16.1M0 11l9� P:igr� ol 5
<br /> 97U1
<br />