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<br /> �i.t�.� . "__
<br /> '^f" t'
<br /> r.�k._ � •
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<br /> ry•' or intcrest or�y other1��1�9 [ �.
<br /> .i� (a) Failurc W pny any instaW�ent of princiPal �"._
<br /> � �� �� hcrcby whca duc: �� _.
<br /> � (b) A ixeach of, or dafault uncier,any pr�nvlsicn conte�ned in tbe Note, �his Dood of
<br /> �:�
<br /> �� Tn�.st,nny of the Loan Instcuments.or any olher lien or encumbranoo uptm thc Property:
<br /> � .
<br /> ,�s'�'p� (c) A writ of execudoa or attaGWnent,or any similur proass,slall bc entcrod agsinst _.
<br /> � Tnistor which shall b000mc a Uen on thc Property or any po�lon or interest therela: �:.
<br />- � (d) Thcre shaU be 61od by or again.st Trostor ar Borrower an action wti8er any prcsent F
<br /> or future federal.su►te or othcr statute,law or regulation nlat�ng to bnnlauptcY. insalvency or
<br /> � ottter reiief for ddxors.or t�ere stial!be appointa1 anY t�usta,roccf�er or Uquidator otTnutar or
<br /> • � Borrower or of all or any p�ut of tlie ProperiY. ceats, issues or profiu therco� or Trustor or _
<br /> . Borrower shaU malo�any general assi8naient for the ben�fit of crod3tors: -
<br />;� � ,�..' � (c) The sale.uansfer.assignmcnt,ooaveyanoe or fnrtber encumlxana of all or anY P�
<br />- � of or aay iaunst in tUe Pmport3+,dther volnntarily ar involuntarily.wlthout the exhcGSS wdtten
<br /> . . oonscnt of L.ender or as otheiwise herein permittod:or _-
<br /> '>�•=.
<br /> • (� Abandonment of the Propeitiy
<br /> . `". "� t 12. Remedies• Acoeleradon Upon DefaulG In thc event of and Event of Default,Lender may,w�thout
<br /> ��� law,declare all indebtedness secured hereby w be due and payable.and the sdme st►aU
<br /> noticc except as raluirad by or notice of any ldnd. Thereafler.
<br /> - . :"� thenvpon beoome due and payable without am prasenUnent,demand,lxouu
<br /> . Lender may:
<br /> .. ._r.
<br /> -",::.�;.�,. (a) Demand that Tn�stoe exercise the YOWER OF SALE grantod herein,and Tnutee
<br /> shall them,after cause Trustor's inurest in the Pcoperty ta be sold and the proceods W be
<br />=`'•��;,'-�r. :�..��.�ai at�in the manner provlded in the Nebrdsks TNSt Deods ACt;
<br />=_�=:-��w�.
<br />—;.�`":�," (b) Exercise any and all ri8lus provlded for in t�e Note.this Deed of Tn�st or by laa�
<br />��::=„`�;.; upon oa,�urrenoe of any Bvent of Default;and
<br />-*�,'��--_ — (c) Comnunoe an action w foroclose this Dad of Trust as a aaR�aBF aPPoint a
<br /> rooeiver or specitically cnforoe any of the covenants ixreof.
<br /> � No nn�ady hereln oonferred Ww�.or resecvodto.Tnuue or Lender is intendod w be exclusive of a�other remedy
<br /> --��� henia,in the Note or by law provided or pemutted,but exh shall be cumulativa shall be in eddition W every
<br /> ,,� other nmedy given hereunder,in tl�e Nou or now or hereaftcr exisdn&at law or in equity or by stawte,and may be
<br /> -=----- exercised ooncurcently.independently or a�o�ively.
<br /> 13. TNSICC. The Trustc�e maY res�lBa at anY tjme without cause.and I.cnder may at aqy dme and wlthout
<br /> - cause appoint a suoassor or su6stitut,e Trustae. Truseee stiall not be liable w any P�ry'. including, without
<br /> __.;� ' (imiutiop, L,e�►d�r, Borcower.Tcustor or any purchaser of the PropeKy. for ac�y loss or daanage unloss due W
<br /> —� reckless or willfW misoonduct,and shall noi be nquirod to take any action in connoction wIth the enforoement of
<br /> �-=_.=;:::�. this Dood of Trust unless inde�nnifiod.in wriqng,for uU oo5ts.oomponsAdon or expeases which may be assoc�ated
<br />--- therawith. In addition,Tnistee may beoome a�urchaser at any sale of the PropeitY(judicial or under the power nf
<br />_._. _��__ sale gcanted 6erein):postpone the sale of all or at►y poMon of the Propeity.as pmvidod by law:or sell the PraQerty
<br /> as a whole.or in aeparate parceis or lots at Tn�stee's discretioa.
<br /> --°-�-- 14. Fees and Exnensc�. In th�e event Trustee sells the PropertY b5'exenise of power of sale,'Cnutee shall
<br /> ��'- be entlded w appiy any sale pr000eds firrst to payment of ull oosts and expenses of exercising power of sale,
<br />--=-v;;.���;� including all Tnutee's foes.and I.ende�'s and Tnutee's auorncy's fees actually incumad to the extent pernnitted by
<br /> �__�;��
<br /> _ -=r t��:� apQlicable law. In tt►e event Borrower or Tnator exercises any right providad by law to cure un Event of Default,
<br /> �`_��; Lender shall be entiUed to r000ver ftom Trustor sU oosts and expensa ach�allY incurrod�s a result of Tn�stofs
<br /> _;';'`;�. default,including�vithout limitation,all Trustee's and attomey's fces,to the extent permitud by applicable law.
<br />.:�:.•.��•,�rr:
<br /> �_:'.��•�-wW�.
<br /> - " 1 S. Futurc Advanoes. Upon roqaest of Borrower,I.ender may,at its option,make addidonal ture
<br /> advanxs and readvstnoes to Borrorr�er. Such aei�ances aed readvanves,a+itls iatetest thereon. shall be socured bY
<br />-: ':.° :. this Deod of Tnut. At no time shall ti►e principol amoant of the indebtedness soc�ued by lhis Dood of Tn�st, not
<br /> _'_'�,•. � including sums advanoed to protect the secwity of this Deod of Tmst,exoeed the aiginul principal amount stssted
<br /> ' hemin,or S 50.000.00 ,whichever is gteater.
<br /> ��_� -- 16. Misoellanoous Provisions.
<br />_ �• • ' ;� (a) Bonower Na Rel�as�ed, Extension of the qme for payment or modification of amortization
<br /> - • of the sums sexured by this Deed of Tmst granted by Lender to any sucaessor in interest of Borrower shall not
<br /> ' • operate to relqse, in any manner,thc liability of the original Borto�ver and Borrow'cr's n�ssors in interat.
<br /> � Lendcr stwll not be rcquircd to oommence procee�ngs ag,ainst such sucoessor or refusc to ext�nd time for payment
<br /> � or ott►envise modify amortizadon of the sunu s,ecurod by this Deed of Trast by reason of any demands made by the
<br /> , . ori�inal Borro�ver and Borrou�er's suxessors in intcrest.
<br /> 3
<br />