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<br /> � or t satisfictay to Lcnder witho+it uffocfing thc licn of thie Deod of Tnist for tho full omount aocurod
<br /> � �� °� to lndebtod�scss stwll not extend or
<br /> hereby bcfore such pwymcnt e�Yr tonlc plooe• MY App�icuuon of proc.�
<br /> � postpanc thc duc datc of any ps�ymcnts undcr thc Notc,or�re any default thcreundcr ot hcrcunder.
<br /> . . -I
<br /> �� S. E�ccrow. Uponwritun demand by I.t:ttder,Trustor shall pay to Lender,in 6ueh manner as Lender may
<br /> ,.,.a� designau.su�icknt aim�to e�uble Lendor to pay as th�y beoome duC o�or t»ora of�I�c follow�iag: (i)�Il taxcs. �
<br /> assessmcnta ond other charga against ttic Property: (ii1 thc premiums on the propanY inaurancc roquirod
<br /> � hereunder.and liii)the premiums on ony mortgage insurancc roquirod by Lender.
<br /> � ' R�*+•�ts and Com�li@nce wt l.aws. Trusror slwll kap thc J�'o�c�7Y in Sood oonditlon _
<br /> : 6. MaintenAnoc,� �
<br /> '� and repeir,st�all pcomptly rep4ir, or repl�oe.any improvemcnt which msy be duma8od or deuroyed;shAll not .;-
<br /> oommit or permit any waae or deterioradon of the Property:sha11 not remove•dem°�ish or substanti�lly nitcr any ,
<br /> of the improvemcnts on ibe PrapertY:shall not oommit,wS'ar or pc r m it any act to be done in or upon ihe P[oper►Y �,
<br /> in violation of aay Iaw, ardinance or regulation; and shall promptly dischar8e at Tnisto�s c�ost and expense all �.
<br /> liens,e���r8a levlod,imposai or assessed against the PropertY or any pnrt thcreof. ��_:=-
<br /> �`
<br /> � 7. Emineat Tbmain. Lender �S hereby assfgned all oompensadon.awards.�iamuBcs u�ul otber payments E:
<br /> or rclicf(hcceiaaRer"P�aYeds")in oonnecti°a with ooMemaadon or Mher ta�ing of the AropenY or put tNeroof. -
<br /> . or for conveyance in Ilsu of condcnu�anan• Lender shall be enHtlod ac its option to oonunenoe, apQeae 'u0'� �:
<br /> - pros�xuu in its mvn auue anY action or p000xdinBs,a�d st�U also be enddod to make anY oonip�om�se
<br /> � dement in oonaoction �vilh such taldng or damaSe. In the event any portion of the �h is��en�or� �:
<br />- '� damagal, Lcnder shall have the option,it its sole and absolute discndon, to appty —
<br /> `r' deductMg therefrom all oos� and expenses incurred by it in connoction with cuch Proceeds,upon�ury ind�bt�ness _
<br /> •.. sec:urod hereby and in such order as L.ender may determine.or W apply aU such Frn000d�,after such doducdons.W —
<br /> . tt�e restoration of ttie PropertY�Pon such oonditions sis I.ender may cletermim. Any applicatIon of Prooeeds to
<br /> indebcatness shaU not extead or postpone tl�ee due dau of anY PsY�'t+ts under the Note. ar cure any ckfault =
<br />_�. � ��.!c�;` • thercunder on c�reunder.Aay unapplied funds shall be paid to Tnistor.
<br />-�.,._�•, .�•'`I��, g. FP�'�rmanoebv Lender. Utpa the ooaurence of an Event of Default hereunda.or if ac►y act is taken �
<br /> '.f':'>.`•ti.�,�. I.e.ndcr may in iu uwa
<br />`�`:_�, ' .. or teFi�1�n8 commeneed,which materially affects Lender's inurest in tbe t�mper�'.
<br />�.;s::�r�;�,:;� discsetion,but whtaut d�lig�tion w do so. and witt►ont notioe to or demand uPoa Tnutor and without relqsing
<br /> < • ... but fads to do a�xi may also do any other act it
<br /> •,'r,� Tn�stor from aay oblig�uon. do auy act which Trnstor has agroed
<br />=,-• •. -,�...,�, to
<br />— ��s�.:`:,:, dxms�ssary to Sxote�the socuritY hereof. Trustor sUall,im�iately upon demand therefor by Lender.P�Y
<br /> �"`•'`�� incumd and svms expet�ded by Lender in oonnection wIW the exercise by Lender of
<br />�.��.:.':r'J r I.CIIdCr 311005tS�CK�R�S� _
<br />�,
<br />_;,;���.�" the foregoing rights,tugdher wtth lntereuu theroon at the default rate provided in the Note.wluch sh�ll be w
<br /> �",�:ix;pg_ the indebtedness secur e d her d y y. Lender shall not inc�u any U�Uility bocau..�of anything it may do or omit to do _
<br /> -°�--_�. heneun�der.
<br />�' - ���'
<br />��;.::;r� 9. Hazar�daLS Materials. Tcuttor shaU keep tt�ee ProPertY in oomplianoe wlth aU appllcsble laws,
<br /> ._=— ordinanoes and re$uladoas mlating to industrial hy�ene or environmeatal procec�ion (oolloctively referrod W
<br /> J � herein as"Emironmeatal Laws"). Tcvsior shall keep tUe PropertY free from aU substanoes doemod to be hazardoas
<br />=v�.�.�,s+�n�•
<br /> _-�� or toxlc ander any Environinental Laws(colloctivcly referrod to herein as"Ha�ardous Maierisils"). Trustor he
<br /> _— warrants and npresents W L.eo3er ttiaat tt►ere are no Haze:dous Matedals on or�u�der the Prope►tY. TnuWr hereby
<br /> —==—° ' ogrees to indemnifY and lald harmless�all iclaims.da�►�a8 o�s sud liabilities acisjng in wnnection with
<br /> -v 3.;�� L.et�et's intetest, fran and against ai►Y
<br /> the p�sen�e,use disposal oi transpori of any H,azardous Mutedals oc►,under,from or about the Property. Tf�
<br /> -=�:�� t0. Assianm�nt of Rents. Trustor hereby assi�ns to Lender the rents.issues and profits of the Property.
<br /> —.y�� provided that Trustor shali. until the occurrenqe of an Event of Default hereunder,have the right to colloct and
<br /> =-•.'-'�'?''� mtain such rents,issues and profits as they baoome due and Payable. Upon the oocumnoe of an Event of Default,
<br /> ���=�w:� Leader may.either in person or by agent,with or withoul bringin&anY act�on or pcoceeding, or hy a raceivor
<br />�:.::�...�..,��
<br /> '--�£,, appolnted by a oourt and wit6out regard to the ade�cY of its sccurity. enter upon and take possession of t6e
<br />-- . ;:':;= Pro�Ky,or any pazc thereo�ix►its own name or in the name of the'I'rustee. and do any acts which it deems
<br /> = . . '�..' neoassary or desirabte to pzeserve the value. muketabilfty or rentability of the Prope►tY.or any part theroof, or
<br /> r;: : •-•``", � interest therein. inecease the income therefrom. or protcxt the security thereof, and, wiW or without taldng
<br /> -� ' possession of the Prope�y'. s�e for.or othenvise collect, tbe rents,issues and p+bfits there°f.inciuding those past -
<br />- �e��p��,�,d�pp�y �same, less oosts and expenses of operation and oollectian includ[ng uttomey's fees,
<br />- •, upon a�►3';nd�todn�s soc�ared hereby.ail in such order as Lender may determine. The entering upon and tnldng _
<br /> possession of the PcopeAy. the voUection of such-�nt�,issues and profits s►nd the aPPlic�tion theraof as aforesai4
<br /> - s}�all not cure or waive any default or rwtice of d�etavlt hereunder or invalldate arry act done in re�onse to such
<br />��.a.i_� �•�n�e or�s,,a*+1 w such noace of default and natvrithstanding tt►e continuance in p�ion of the Property or _
<br /> � - _- the oopection. roaipt anci applicntion of reats. issues or pro�its. and Tcustee and i.ender snaii oa enuiiai ii, -
<br /> exercise every right provlded for herein or by law upon axvrrenoe of any Event of Default,including�vithout limi-
<br /> tation the right to exercise the Power of sale. Furthcr.Lender's right�and remedics under this par�graph shall be
<br /> cumulative with. and in no way a limitarion on,Leceder's rights and remedies under any assignn�ent of leases and
<br /> rents mmrcied ag�inst the PropertY• Lender,Tn�stce and the reoeiver shall be liable to account only for those c�ents
<br /> acttaally reoeivod.
<br /> 11. Events of Dcfaui. The foUowing shall constitute an Event of Uefault under this Dcod of Tcust:
<br /> 2
<br /> i
<br />