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<br /> � ,� ro� t r„de�e Poe�tir�. Without afCccting thc liabilitv of any ott�tr person liablc for thc payment of _
<br /> ° uny oblig,�tion herein mendonod,and without atfoctin8�ha licn or chargc of this Uood otTruat upon aay ponion of =
<br /> . thc proporty not then or thcrccoforc rcleasal as a s�u�iry for the full a�mount of�II unp�id obligatlons.Lcnder may. ...:r.
<br /> .. �' fmm timc to timo and wlthout nMia.(i)nleasc any per�on so Uablc:(ii)cxtcnd the t►�Writy or ali�r any of thc
<br /> , . tcrms of any such oblipptions:�51��n an�r irn�dul�nocs.o�u,ll nf t�F�o�,rty:�tnlc ors etc��any otlxr or �� _-
<br /> �, .aaqj�'� r�coonvey�d�t NnY timc at Lentle q�11 Y W � ..
<br /> x:v•�• . ��o� �curity for any oblig�ation hcnin m�ntionod:or{vi)makc composidons or ott�cr arrangemcnts �v1th .
<br /> � deblon in rclaUon thercto• '
<br /> __ ; (�) �^�re�+�bv L,ender Not a W vo[. Any forbaranoe 61'Lender in cxcrcising any dght or �
<br /> . .� ��ty hereunder or otherwlse affordod b9�PP�icable law shall not be a waiver of,or prxlutSe the exercise of,any c
<br /> suc'h dght or ccmedY• 'I'he Proc��nt of insuranoa or the PaYment of taxes or otticr liens or charBes by l.endzr
<br /> s��be g waiver of Lenck�s rlght ta aooelerats the maturlry c+f the indc6�°dness securo�d!'��of Tnut.
<br /> . s (d) c�,00esmrs and Assia���oun�;��i.n_t n�f�1 Liabitfa:Cautions. '['t�e oovenants and
<br /> •� �.;:Y:�-°,' agraments herein contained shall bind. and We dghts hereunder shall inure to. ehe cespxuve suooessors and
<br />`�.a_.... .:-
<br />"': �.,.., assigas of Lender and Trustor. cAU ioov�ofTiust8 are fo con eniciwc�o�and jare not tn be used to interpret or
<br /> and b�eadluBs af tha pamgraPhs - - -
<br /> '',�•, define the pcwisions hereof.
<br /> � ..`.,y,,, ea�,�se for Notices. The parties hereby :oq�t that a oopy of any notfa of default -
<br /> � � �e� � —
<br /> �•,��� � henunder and a ooP1'of any notice of sale hereunder be mailed to each party w this Deed of Tn�st at the addcess
<br /> . set forth abave in the manner P�escrlbed b!'aPMicable law. Exoept for any otder notice roquired under applicabie
<br /> _ .. `�'' . law W be given in another man�er.any notia pravidai for in this Doed of T�usK shall be�ven by mailing such
<br /> =:=��:F' naice bY aRifiod mail addressed to the other parties,at the address set forth above. Any notioe provided for in
<br /> �"-"�,,�„�, this Doed of Trust st�sttll be effectivc upon a�ailing in the manner designatod hetein. If Trustor is more than one
<br /> - �'':,-. person,notioe sent to the address set forih above sdall bc aod�oe W all such persons.
<br /> _'�';�,t�'���,.., . f� incnection. I.ender maY�e.or cause to be made,reasonaWe entrles upoa and inspocdons
<br /> •„�� 'u`1ri �i�:t
<br />`';�';'-�?i��! of the propectY,P���t�0�r shall give Tcustor nodce prior to any such inspa.�iion�pa: y n8
<br /> .��. .--�q,� cause thenfor nlatod to Lender's intcrest fn the Property
<br />--:�`: i�
<br /> _.:� � (F,� I��omevanoe. Upon payment of all sums securod bY this Dced of Tn�st, I.ender shall
<br />- --..�?`'� requx�t Trustee to reconvey the Propei'h' and shall surrender this Doed of Tn�st and aU notes evtciencing
<br />_- �;=� indebtedness socurod bY t�s Dood of Tiust to Trustee. TrusLee shall reow►vry ttie Property wlthout wananty and
<br /> :xv=� without ciwrge ta the g..^rsan ar g�'..�as legally endtled therao. Tnutor sUall paY all costs of reoordation.if any.
<br /> _�___��� (h) P�Kaoal Prooeitw Secudri Astreement. As addidonal security for thC payment of We Note.
<br /> ----:�,� Tn�swr hereby Bran�s knder.uader the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code, a socurity inurest in all fixtur�es.
<br /> �--= equiP�ent and otlxr personai propertY usod in wnnatiion with tbe real estate or impravements locatod thereon
<br /> --- and not otherwlse doclared or damod to be a pert of the real c�ate secured hereby. This insttument shall be oon-
<br /> --__-- stn�ed us a Security ASrcement uader said Code,and the Lender sl�aU haYe all We rights and remodies of a secured
<br /> -------- , p�uty under snid Code in addidon to the dghts and remedies creatod w►det and�be cum�ve�witl►,and
<br /> - — this Dood of Trust,Prav�dod that I.ende�s rlghta and nmodies under this peraBTePh Borrower or
<br /> -__ — in no waY a limitation on,Lende�s rights and remedies under any dher aecurity agrament siSned bY
<br /> --'-^� Ttustor.
<br /> _.__.� (i) Liens�+��ncumbranc�s. Tcustor herd�y wacrants and represents that there is ao default
<br /> .__ ...;;.:� under the lxovisions of any mortgage>deed of trust, lease or p�uchase oontract descrlbing ali or any part of the
<br /> - prope�ty,or other contract.insmunent or agreement oonslitu�ng a lien or encumbrance a�inst a110r any Part of
<br /> ���� t�►e property(oollectively,"Liens")exjsting as of the date of this Deod of Trust,and that any:md a11 extstin8 Lien$
<br />==—�=== remain unmodified exoept as disclosed to Lender in Tnistor's written disclosure of llens and e ,ncvmobranas
<br />-- -N'`—""'�'° pmvided for 6erein. TnuWr shall timely pedorm all of Tniswc's oblig�tions. covenants. n:prese
<br /> --'�;;. ;,„ warcandes under any and all existin8 and future Liens.and s�ail not wIthoat I.ender's pttor wdtten oonsent in atry
<br />-- �.i�_;�_'s�'�.. �nner modify ihe provisions of or allow airy fi�tune advanocs under any existing or future Liens.
<br /> ';�t.�'�;�� c�to Lender henunder,
<br /> '.•,.„ (�) A,�plicatian of Pam�ts_. Unless othenvise roquirai by law.sums Pai
<br /> .._�x�: :.
<br /> �:N,.z__.,....
<br /> including,widiout limitation,payments of pdncipal and interest.insucanoe Proceecis.aondemnauan pr an
<br /> � rents and proSts,shall be applied by Lender to the am°unts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower in such
<br /> - �� ' .� order as Lender in its sole discreaton doems desirable.
<br /> (k) �er rabil;tv. If any proviston of this Dced of Trust oontlicts with applicable law or is _
<br /> .�_?�- �n_ .L..�e.,,�:...�La or othenvlse unenfom,eable,such oonflid or invalidity shaU not affect the other provisions of this _
<br /> .tt_ _..J �1u
<br /> '�'.;�.�'� Deed of Tnut or the Note which cun be given effect without the confiicung provisivn. and io uu� �«••. � -
<br /> •.� ;.: . , provisions of this Decd of Trust and thc Notc are declanad to bc severable.
<br /> ' � (1) Terms. The terms"Tn�stor" and"Borro�rror" shall include both singulaz and plival. and
<br /> - whcn the Trustor and Borrow�cr arc the same person(s), those ccrms as used in this Dced of Tnut sha11 be
<br /> ' .' intercl�an8eable.
<br /> � �, (m) Govcrnin L.aw. This Doed of Trust slall be gm�crnai by the la�vs of the Stute of Nebraska. _.
<br /> � ` q
<br /> '4t• ,� '
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