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<br />; � S.Haawrd or Property Insurance. Borrower shaU koep the Improvcmcnts now oaisting or hereatter crocted an tho Property
<br /> insurod against loss by fve. ha�rds includod wlthin tho tcrm "cxtended covuago" and any othcr hazards�including floods or
<br />..__ floading,for which Lenda rcquires insurance.'ll�is insurnnce shnll he maintninul in tho emounrs and far thc periods that Lendcr
<br /> req�ires.'I]�e insurance caniu providing the Insuranco shaU bo chosen by Borrower subjoct to Lender's approval wMch shall not
<br /> " �� be unrea4onably withhold. If Borrowu fails w rnafnteIn coverage descdbed above, I.ender may, at Lender's opdon. obtain
<br /> oovaage W proGxt Lcndu's rights in the Property in accordancc with paragreph 7.
<br />,,� All insurance polkies and renewels shell bo acceptable w Luider and shell includa a staztdard mortgage clausc. I.ender shall
<br /> A'� have tho r�ght w hold the polictes and tanawals.If Lendet roquir�es,Iiorrower shall pmmptly give to Le.ndu all rocelpts of paid
<br /> prr.miums and nnewal nodces.In the ovent of loss.Ba�a�wea shell give pmmpt nodce to the insura�ce carrFer and Ler�der.Lender
<br /> _�� may make proof af loss if not made pcomptly by Borrowr�r.
<br />`3� Unkss Lender and Borrowcr o�hawiso s�e in wridng,insuranco pteccetls shall be appUed to reswratlace�c aegeia of thc
<br /> = Properry dams�;od,if the nstoration or repauc is ecmnomicaUy feasible and L.ender's securlty is rtot lesscne�.IE thc cesoorat[on a
<br />--' npair is not eomnvanically feas�bk or I.�nde�'s security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shat�be appF�ecD w the su�ns
<br /> secired by this 5ecurity Inswmer�t, wheitKr ot not then due. with any excess paid to BoROwa. If Bormwer abandoas the
<br />-�-= Pu+�Qar4Y.a doac not answer w�thin 30 days a noda from I.ender that the lnsurance carrier hes oPfered to sente�ctaiun,then
<br />��o L,csidrr may oalkct the insnranoe prooeeds.Lendcr may use ttic procecds to repair or restore the Fropealy or w pay sums securad
<br /> � by this Socurit�r Ina.�ment,whetl�er or not thB»dae.The 30i1ay period wlll bcgtn whea the aotice is gGVaxt.
<br /> �� Unkss Lar�er�n�Borrower otherwi.se agren in wrltinB�anY applicadon of piroceeds ta princIpal sftai�not exte.nd or postpone
<br /> �tr�x dwe date of the moathly paym�nts nfcxrcd W in pazagraphs 1 end 2 or chpnge tha amount of the paymcnts.l�u�or paragraph -
<br /> 21 the Propeny is acquirod by T.ender�Bo�rawsr's right w eny Insurance polleks and�ocacis result�g fr+onn t�mege to the
<br /> °� Propaty prioc to tho ecquisitIon sball pass 3o x.endu to ihe extent of the sums sccur��y ttuis Securit�r rnsuumoat immedieiely
<br /> prior w tl�acquisItion.
<br /> 6.Occupanc',Preserratbn,Maintenanse�ad Protection ot t6e Property; B�rrower's Lan ApplicAtbn;LeAae6oWs.
<br /> Barower shtll oocuPY.establish,and ose the Roperty a4 Borrowu's principal mstdeax within s'vcry days aftu the execudon of
<br /> thi�Sacurlty Instrument end shall coadnuo to oaupy the Property a4 Borrowu's pr�+c�ptil residenca for at least one yeu after tha
<br /> _ dau of occupency. unless Lender otbuwise agrees in writing. which consent shal�nnt be unteasonably wlthheld or unl�as
<br /> wti�m�ating c�Cwnsiancw wcisi w}�ic;it i�c uisyuin�$i�i�vYa's Zi'ii�L�'ii I.^na�ivi�%.?"i Sfi312 ii0i�'S�By.i�inS$C Bt 3tti�ii:�iC P�'i,
<br /> allow the Pmpaty to detaiorau. or comrait wesu on the Propeny. Borrower shall be in default if eny forfeIwre acdon or
<br /> — proceoding,whet�a civll or cdminal,ls begun that in Lendtr's good faith Judgment could result in fodeivue of the Propaty or
<br /> wbawLse materielly impair the ll�n created by this Socuriry Instrument a Lendu's security inter�esG Borrowu may cure such a
<br /> defeule md ninante�as pcovlde�In parAgreph 18�by cau..Qing the acdon or pmceeding a be dismissod wlth a ruWg that, in
<br /> Lender's good faith detaminadon.procl�des fafeiwce of the Bornnwu's iatenst in d�e Property a other mguxial unpeinnent of
<br /> -- the Uen creatod bY thls Security Inst�uument or Lenda's se�urIty interesG Borrowu shall also be in default if Bomowu.during the
<br /> loaa applkation proce,ss,gave mata3ally felse a jnaxurate inforn�atlon a steuinents tn Lendu(or failed w prnvide Lenda w►ith
<br /> auy matertal infannatbn) in connecaon wtth the lou� evidenced by the Note,inclucliag, but not limitod w. reixesentadons
<br /> - oonoaning Bonowar's oxupancy of the Propaty ag t piincipal xestd�nca.If this Securiry Inatrument is oa a kaselwld�Barower
<br /> shall comply with all tbe provisions of the lease.If Bornower acquires foe dtk to the Propsrty,the leasehold and the fee dtk stuil
<br /> not mage unless Laida�groes to the maga in wridng.
<br /> 7.Prohctiou of I.ender'a Ri�hb in the Property. If Borrower fails to perfam the covenants end agroements contained in
<br /> . this Ser,urity Tnstrument,a there La a kS�P��B �may signif'icantly sffxt Lec�clu's rlghts ia the Property(snch as a
<br /> pmop�c�ing in bankruptcy,pinbate,for condanaation or forfeiture or to enforca laws or regulations),then I.ender may do and pay
<br /> for�hxeva is noce.rsary w prntoct the valne of tt�e Proputy and L,euder's rlghts in the Proputy.I.ender's acdons may L►clude
<br /> P�Y�S ony sums secunod by a lien which ha4 piiority ova this Socurity Inshuu�en� appearin8 in co�rt,PaYinB reasonable
<br /> � �uocneys' fas and entering on the Pnnperty to maka repairs.Although Lender may talce acdon�under this paragraph 7,Lenda
<br /> doq not hava W do so.
<br /> My artwunts disbursed by L,ender nnder ihis puagrrph 7�hall becoma add.itiatal debt of Borrower sec�rcd by this Securlty
<br /> __ Inswment Unkss Bormwer and Lender egree to aher tem�s of payraen�these amounts st�all boar intenst from the date of
<br /> , disbursar�et►t at the Not�e rate and shall ba payabb,wl�h intuest,upon notice fmm Lendcr to Bonowa requestinB PaY��-
<br /> -- B.Morttaae Inaurance. If Lender roquired rnatgage insurance ac a coudition of making the ban securod by this Sxurity
<br />_= Insuumen� Borrowa shall pay the pnmiums required to maintain the mortgage instuance in effec� If, for any reason� the
<br /> — mostgage insurance covuage rec�uired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrowa shall pay the premiums requind to
<br />-_— obtafn c�vuage substandally e��ivalent to the mo:tgage a�swana prevIously in effect,at a cost substant�ally equivalent w tt�o
<br /> w:� oost w Bamwu of ihe mortg�ge i�tsutanoe prcviously ia effect,from an altemate mortgage Insurer epproved by I.ender. If
<br /> s'�- subuartdally equivaknt mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to Lendu each month a snm equal to
<br />:��. one-twelfth of the yearly mrxtgage insurance premium being paid by Borrowu when the insurance covuage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> - be in offect Lender will accept, ase and retaiu thae payments as a bss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Lass mserve
<br /> �-•�,
<br /> ,��
<br />�. ,.
<br /> Form�028 9lYO
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