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<br /> p,ymenta may no kmgcr bc roquired.u the optlon of l.cnder.if martgago insurrnca cuvuage(in thc arr�ount and for iho perlod =�
<br /> thu Lender roquices)pcovlded by�n Insuru approvod by l.eeder��in becomes availAbk end is obtained.Barrowu a1saU pay the —
<br /> �r�a�iums rquircd co m�intt�in mort�c insivaacc in etfect, oi to p�mvide A lass reservc, u�til ttie r�c{uiremcnt for mortg�ge �
<br /> lnsur�nce en�s in accad�with�ny wrivai�roement betwoen Barowu And Lender or�pplicabb i�w. --
<br /> 9.Intpection. Lender or it+oget�t may m�icc rcawnabb entdes upon�nd inspections of tha Proputy.Lender ahall give _
<br /> Bormwu ndka at the timo of or prbr w m inspocdon specitying reatanabb caose for the lnspocUon. _
<br /> 10.Coademnatbn. Thn pmceods of�ny award or claim for demages. dlroct or consoquendal, in connoctlon with eny
<br /> condemnauion or other taking of any part oi tho Proputy. or[ar conveyance in Ileu of condemnation. aro haeby assigneJd and _
<br /> shall bo paid to I.,cndac.
<br /> In tho event of a wt�i taking of tho Pmperty,t1�a proceods sh�U t�e�PPlied to the sums socund 6y this SxurIty Instrument,
<br /> whether or not thai due.with my eacess p�id to Borrowu.In the everit of a putial taking of tha Propaty In which tho fair markct
<br /> � v�lue of the Propaty immediately before tho taking is equal Lo or greuv than Ihe wrwunt of tha sums socured by thiia Security
<br /> Iastiument immodlately befixe the taking� unkss Bocrowu and Lendu otheiwise agree in writing�thc sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument shsll bo codoad by the�rnount of the proceed�muldplled by the following fracrion:(a)the total amouat of
<br /> � the sums sxured immodWely befa�+e the Wdng� dlvided by (b) Ihe f�ir market value of the Pmpaty immediately befon the
<br /> tpking,Any bal�nee slwU be paid w Bomower.In the evont of a patllal taicbig of the Property in which tha fair marlcet v�lue of tho �
<br /> Prnperty immodiuely befom the W�ng is less than iho ertwunt of the sums socured immediAtely beforc the taking� ualess
<br /> Borrower and I.ender oth�xwlso agree in wridng or unless applicabb law otherwise provldes.the proce�ods st�all bo�rplkd a the
<br /> s�uns sec�ued by ti►is Security Inswmeat whethu or not the sums sro then duo. =
<br /> . If the Proputy is si�an�oned by Borrnwu,or if,after notice by Lendu to Bamwer that the caidanna�offas to make au
<br /> awar�or seale a claim for damagos,Borrowa fsils w respond to Ltndu withii►30 days eftex the date the notic�is given,L�der
<br /> is nuthaized to collect ead apply the procaeds.at its opdon,either w reswradon or rtpair of the Propaty or oo the sums sec�ru!
<br /> ' by thi�Securlty Inswma►t,whetha or not thcn due.
<br /> Unks,v Lender and Bocrowu wh�rvvise ngrx in wrfdag�any applicadon of procads W prix�cipal shall aot extend or postpone
<br /> the due dw�e of tha monthlY payma�ts nfarai to in paragraphs 1 ead 2 a change tho amount of such peyma�ts.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Rekased;Forbeara�ce By Lender Not A Waiver. Batension of the tLne for paymeau a modificadon
<br /> ; of amosiutiott oi ioc stuus aa:u�ai oy u`�Su.�ri+ty I�'+t:s�:i gr.ss�3��LCSitta Su«ss;sssxr�z iD sss�'�of B�**�w�+shail ,
<br /> not opesale to nka.va ihn liability of the oclginal Bamwu or Barowa's successors in intarest L.caidea shall not be roquired tn
<br /> ` cornn�oe�xoceedic�gs against any succes.sa in lnura�t or nfuse to extand dme for psymeat or cNhenrise modify amoid�don of
<br /> } the s�uns secumd by this Security Ynstrumeat by reason of sny d�anand made by tlx origLml Bamower or Barowa's euoasssors
<br /> � in intues4 My forbem�xnce by Lendu In axucisIng eAy rigdt or remedy shall not be a w�ivor of c�r proclucle tlte exercix of any
<br /> • dght or remody.
<br /> 12.Suoceaeore and Msi�[as Bound;Joiat and Sereral LiAbi�ty;Co-atgnere. 'Ihe covenants and agcoanents of this
<br /> _f Socuriry Instrument sl�all bind and benefit the auccessors and assigms ot LuWer and Borrnwer.aubjoct to tho provisia�as of -
<br />_ s� prragraph 17. Barowa's covenauts �nd aginecnents shall be Joint ead several. Any Borrower whu co-slgns thls Satvity
<br /> � Inst�ument but does not exceute the Note: (a)is oasI8nin8 this Sociuity Iasuument only to mo�e,Srant and convey tHat
<br /> � Bonower'a intaest in die Property undu the tums of this Securiry Instrumenx(b)ia not personally obllB��PaY the sums
<br /> sec�red by this Security lnstruma�t;and(c)agroes tbu Lende�r and any other Borrowu may agree b eatend,modifY,fofitar a
<br /> .,� malce any accommadadons with ngard to the tams of this SecurIty lnsaument or the Note without ttut Barowa's consenG
<br /> 1 - 13.I.t►an Cbarsea If the loui secund by this Sxnrity Iasuumeat is subject w a law which sets mauimum ban chuges.
<br /> md that law is Gna1�y intcrpretod eo that tho interest ar atha lwu�charges colk�tod or co be collecud in connocdon with the ban
<br /> exceed the pamitrod timIts.then:(a)any such loan cbargt shall bo cnduced by the unount neces,tary to reduce the atwge w the
<br /> permittod Wai�end(b)Nay sums altr,ady collectod fiom Borrowet which eaceeded pemutted Wnits will be tefnnded Lo Borrower.
<br /> � ' Lender may choose to make this refund by nducing the pr�r►cipal owed nndu the Note or by �alcing a diroct payaaenl w
<br /> Borrowrr. It a rafnnd raluces principal�tNe roductlon will be treated as a P��P�Y�t witlaut aaY P�MY�*�t charge
<br /> • unda the Note.
<br /> �, 14.NotkYS. Any notice tn Borrowu provlded fa in this Sea�rity Inslrument shall be given by delivaing it a by mailing it
<br /> by first class mail e�nless appikabk law requires use of another method.The nodce shall be directod to d►e Propeity Addre,�s or
<br /> any odKr�ddre.�s Bormwa designaus by notice to L,u�da.Any nodce w Lendu shall bo given by first cla4s mail to LendEr's
<br /> �ddcesa smtod hatin ot any othu sddress L.ender designate.9 by notice to Boirowa. Any notke provided for in tl�is Securtty
<br /> Instiuma�t shaU be damod to have been givea w Borrower or Lender when given as provided in lhis paragraph.
<br /> 15.Goverain=Iaw;Seven6Wty. 'It�Ls Sec�uity Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of thc
<br /> _ jurisdict�a in wtict�the Property is locaud. In ttie event that any provision or clause of this Security Insnument a the Note
<br /> - cpnflicts xdth applicabk law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument a the Note which can be
<br />— ' given eFEoct without tha conflicting provision.To this end the prorisions of this Security Instrumentend ihe Nota are doclerod W
<br />� , be se�wable.
<br />